SnakeNeedleDefeater's Profile

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Joined on: Aug 22, 2023


Hi! I'm Zac, known here as SnakeNeedleDefeater. I have been playing needle games for more than 7 years, and I consider myself a legend, the best needle player in history. With achievements such as Anticlimax, LCIS, Not another impossible game, cancerous heart, one toilet four ddongs and a chain cancel of 50 spikes, 30 spikes and finally 15 spikes without rest (these last ones uneven), among many others that I will upload to my channel inside of very little.
This is what is harvested after spending so many years, approximately 9 hours a day playing non-stop every day. I feel sick, but I can't stop playing, I have to end my legacy.

I am currently trying to complete my latest challenge: not another impossible game in IMPOSSIBLE MODE, without any saves. My longest achievement has been reaching the end of the first half, I know I'll end up doing it, and then I can leave fangames forever. I do live broadcasts every day on twitch, I have the proof of all my achievements, as well as a folder with all the full videos without cuts

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