I wanna ボスラッシュ3

Creator: ケィ

Average Rating
8.5 / 10
Average Difficulty
54.0 / 100
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Needle (1) Avoidance (2) Gimmick (1) Boss (1) Visual_Challenge (1) Barrage (1)


  • by Pyure
  • by Pigeon
  • by Pyure
  • by Pyure
  • by Pigeon
  • by Pyure
  • by Pyure

2 Reviews:

Final evolution of boss rush series, I am pleasantly surprised on how that trip turned out to be.

Although it is now 109MB big, there are actually songs used with the avoidances involved (and are pretty nice to listen to).

Unlike the first two episodes of Boss Rush, 3 does not start with default empty screens and boss, but with a custom needle before moving into the main part of the game.

Starts off with multiple bosses screen, which seems to not have correctly been implemented HP-wise.
Intermission with a slightly visually challenging boss but not too hard to pass through.

It then switches to gimmick involved bosses, but you have pretty much have to guess what to do.
A few of them can be intuitive, not all.

Ends with a sequence of short avoidances, there may be 2 gibs but not insta. You don't have to learn much overall.
Only complaint would be that a few of them have slightly too much downtime.

Finally you get to a buffed needle screen from the first part before reaching the final boss, which is a 3-4 minute avoidance.
As usual it does a throwback on various attacks seen in previous boss / avoidances, combined, and slightly buffed.

Again, that journey was great to pass some time.
Even though the first and second game aren't that great compared to the final entry.
I would recommend to check them out to see how a maker was able to propser in his gamemaking experience.

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Tagged as: Needle Avoidance Gimmick Boss Visual_Challenge Barrage
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Rating: 8.5 85       Difficulty: 54 54
Oct 2, 2021
Tagged as: Avoidance
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
May 17, 2021