I wanna be the Unskilled

Creator: きむち

Average Rating
2.8 / 10
Average Difficulty
44.0 / 100
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Adventure (1) Needle (1) Trap (1) Gimmick (1) Boss (1)


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2 Reviews:

Rating does not include extra.

Four-stage adventure game with a final stage available if you collect each stage's secret. There are plenty of traps to be found throughout; most of them are terribly uncreative, consisting of flying spikes, fake blocks, and screen transition deaths. I found the bosses to be the most engaging part, with the third and fourth stages actually using their respective gimmick to deal damage.

Production-value is low. As is pretty standard for Japanese makers, an ancient GM8 engine is used, complete with restarting music and default/low-effort visuals. I don't really mind such things (okay, I could have done with regular music), but be aware that the effort put into the title screen is not representative of the game's content.

My only gripe with the bosses would be with the fourth-stage one, as it's pretty easy to get instagibbed when upside down. That, and attack variety for each was a bit lacking.

Overall, it's not too terrible for a first game, even if it feels straight out of 2012. Still, I wouldn't recommend it unless you don't mind dealing with all the traps, and potentially unlocking the final stage to see what mysteries lie within.

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Tagged as: Adventure Needle Trap Gimmick Boss
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Rating: 3.0 30       Difficulty: 45 45
Dec 26, 2023
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Rating: 2.5 25       Difficulty: 43 43
Dec 26, 2023