History Of Meme Essence

Creator: Made_By_HandsomeSerj

Average Rating
5.0 / 10
Average Difficulty
45.0 / 100
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Adventure (1) Avoidance (1) Trap (1) Boss (1) Different_Engine (1)


  • by HandsomeSerj
  • by HandsomeSerj

2 Reviews:

Rating based on easy mode and getting through 3 stages and most of the 4th stage.

While I can appreciate the effort put into making (what I assume is) your own engine to make a game, this game has too many fundamental design flaws to work well.

The main issue with this game is that the physics give the player character momentum while the level design is done is such a way that is antithetical to this kind of movement. A simple flying spike trap, which would be no problem in a normal fangame, requires a concentrated effort to dodge due to the time it takes just to get the character to turn around. Even ignoring the issues with the character movement, the level design itself is very poor. Many of it is low effort repeated jumps, slow platform rides, and lame traps. It's what you'd expect from amateur IWM level. Admittedly the fourth stage starts adding in some degree of gimmicks and level design, but not much to raise the already low bar.

The bosses are a mess. The first one involves a pattern that is not easy at all to discern since the boss frequently glitches out and falls of the platform which messes up his jump heights and also features an RNG spike fall attack where the spikes fall so fast that there's no way for your slow ass character to dodge them in time if you're unlucky. The second is essentially an avoidance where you simply memorize very basic attacks to avoid, despite its simplicity the pattern still repeats halfway through. The third is a dance off where you repeat actions back at the dancer, or you can alternatively shoot him to kill him instantly. I imagine this will lead towards a good/bad ending but I can't be arsed to finish this game to find out (for now).

I have a hard time believing that this game was properly tested from start to finish as it is incredibly obvious that the loose and slow movement of the character does not match at all with the tight claustrophobic platforming and fast paced traps and bosses. I have no difficulty rating to give since most of the difficulty comes from struggling with the game's movement than any of the actual obstacles themselves. Would not recommend.

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Tagged as: Adventure Avoidance Trap Boss Different_Engine
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Rating: 2.5 25       Difficulty: N/A
Jan 8, 2024
As the author of the game, this is my first time doing such a large-scale act of self-promotion. But if you put it down and be objective, I liked it. But the last boss is much more difficult compared to the others

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Rating: 7.5 75       Difficulty: 45 45
Jan 7, 2024