I Wanna Pamper that Amber Glamour

Creator: anxKha

Average Rating
8.0 / 10
Average Difficulty
44.6 / 100
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Adventure (1) Needle (12) Boss (8) Short (3) Trigger (6) Beginner (2)


  • by anxKha
  • by anxKha

29 Reviews:

This is a short but really fun needle, it's doesn't do anything amazing per say but hear me out... not every game needs to do anything revolutionary, sometimes a chill and fun experience is all you need

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Tagged as: Needle
[7] Likes
Rating: 7.5 75       Difficulty: 45 45
Dec 6, 2023
I think anxkha is one of the best beginner needle makers out there but this is probably the release i enjoyed the least. It's impressive how interesting a lot of their needle is considering its difficutly, however I feel like this game didn't really do that and it felt a bit too reminiscent of wolfie's needle for my taste. Granted, this seems to just be a fun little side project game and i appreciate it's simplicity. So, nothing exceptional but hard to dislike.

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[5] Likes
Rating: 6.5 65       Difficulty: 45 45
Dec 4, 2023
This game has motivate myself to play a fangame after months, love the game!

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Tagged as: Needle Boss
[4] Likes
Rating: 8.5 85       Difficulty: 44 44
Dec 6, 2023
Short and sweet needle game to give us a taste of what King anxKha has been cooking, featuring a few cute nods to his peers throughout. As expected from anx, the movement is as smooth and fluid as you remember it, even with the length in mind you're bound to have fun and appreciate what's there. Great aesthetics and music picks if you're a Wolfi-head like me, and a good challenge for beginners who want some nice and easy trigger needle. Even for more experienced players this is a great way to kill the time.

Regardless, it gets a huge recommend from me and try to keep an eye out for this maker's incredible works!

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[3] Likes
Rating: 8.6 86       Difficulty: 48 48
Dec 4, 2023
While Fine-House felt like a shining example of how to make incredible, interesting needle at a beginner's difficulty level, this game feels like it's lacking a lot of the core components of what made Fine-House so wonderful. All of the gimmicks are gone- there's a handful of moving objects and the last stage has some triggers but its all stock engine stuff. Which is fine, the needle design here is generally pretty good (there are a handful of jumps I think are way too awkward for a game of this difficulty caliber, but otherwise nothing to complain about), but the needle is definitely lacking in identity. Obviously the game is a tribute to Wolfie's style (and Vandal especially), but I think what made Fine-House so great were the use of set-pieces and memorable gameplay ideas, rather than just a straight shot of over-smoothed needle jumps; it's the vodka of needle games.
My favorite save by no coincidence is the one with a big wheel of cherries inside of cube of water that you have to navigate around, and I wished there were more saves like that one. There's 4 stages in the game, but really only one of them makes use of it's theme. The first stage is vanilla needle, so sure, we'll give that one a pass. The second stage seems to be themed around water, although as I write this I struggle to remember any water jumps, just a couple places that had water for pathing. The third stage was themed around... cluttered spike formations? Most of this stage plays the same as stage 1 but with outline spikes forming fancy shapes and some circle killers to make the layouts of the screens look very hectic, but there's no real gameplay theme here. Funnily enough, this is the stage that actually has the water/wheel save mentioned earlier. The final stage is a trigger needle, and is probably the best overall stage. The boss at the end is fun, not really much to say about it.
I know it probably sounds like I'm complaining a lot in this review, but its a short <10 minute game without a ton to talk about, and I'm just going off the things that stuck out to me; it's still a very good game and one of the elusive few truly good beginner needle games.

TL;DR the game is great, but doesn't live up to the expectations set by Fine-House and Heavenly Host

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Tagged as: Needle Boss Trigger Beginner
[2] Likes
Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 40 40
Dec 5, 2023