I wanna be the 3200min

Creator: ちゃーりー

Average Rating
6.7 / 10
Average Difficulty
42.9 / 100
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Needle (24) NoBoss (1)


  • by Emmanating
  • by Emmanating
  • by zebbe94
  • by Emmanating
  • by Emmanating
  • by FKite294
  • by ElCochran90
  • by zebbe94
  • by ElCochran90
  • by Emmanating

114 Reviews:

If someone asks for a beginner-friendly needle game 3200min will always be one of the first that comes to mind. The game is decently long, is fairly varied and has a difficulty curve that will likely match your skill development pretty well if you have the experience of a few fangames prior to this one.
3200 min consists of 5 or so stages. They all look quite different but with an overaching theme of colorful spikes and a sort of children's drawing aestethetics. The design is generally quite unconventional and each stage has it's own style of needle that differs from the other ones. You will face both shorter precision jump saves and longer more lenient ones.

Now I am not one to normally complain about difficulty spikes and the curve as previously noted is quite linear. However, when you have a game that is obviously targeted at beginner players it's unfortunate to put a save with a drop gate and a plane at the end of it so near the start of the game. The plane also looks in a way that makes the ideal way to get past it completely unintuitive. This save alone is probably enough to turn a lot of inexperienced people off the game early.

The game also starts losing steam near the middle when too many precision jump saves are stacked next to each other. On top of that he final stage is a quite annoying maze which might confuse new players as there aren't any good clues to what to do or where to go.

In the end the game is unique and charming enough to warrant a recommendation from me

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[7] Likes
Rating: 6.5 65       Difficulty: 35 35
Oct 24, 2015
This is a really nice borderline needle game that has a very unique visual style. It's not particularly hard and doesn't contain a lot of the classic needle jumps so I hesitate to call it needle, but its most a spike game. At the end of the game there is a platforming maze the player has to find a way through.

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[3] Likes
Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 50 50
Feb 14, 2015
This is a very interesting needle game that's very experimental. You can tell it's old by its lack of modern needle tropes, but that doesn't make it bad. The first two stages play around with atypical block placements, creating rooms that look like scribbles. This makes some weird cramped jumps, it could be considered awkward but it also plays like nothing else. The 3rd and 4th stages are weaker, the game is taken over by some pretty plain corridor precision needle. The fifth area is a return to form, with some really bizarre feeling rooms, ending with a maze that's really fun to explore, trying to find every little nook and cranny. Overall, I recommend this if you're looking for something different from your average needle game, and aren't afraid the "rough" part of "diamond in the rough".

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[2] Likes
Rating: 8.1 81       Difficulty: 45 45
Jul 11, 2022
Not particularly difficult but beginners will find it challenging. I played through it several times and feel that it greatly improved my ability to handle intermediate platforming. The difficulty fluctuates throughout, with some of the hardest saves placed early on. The last area has some issues, but overall it's a great entry level needle game. Highly recommended for players who are looking to improve basic skills.

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[2] Likes
Rating: 7.4 74       Difficulty: 40 40
Mar 10, 2015

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Rating: 0.0 0       Difficulty: 0 0
Jul 17, 2024