39 Reviews:
This games production value is great, it's probably the most well-made fangame I have ever played. The games have restarting music and generic spike traps. Other than that the game is awesome, especially the bosses.
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Rating: 8.0 80
Difficulty: 35 35
May 22, 2015
This is one of the best-looking fangames there are, it's also one of the least enjoyable ones. Riddled with so many problems that it became extremely tedious to play, it was one of the most annoying things I've ever completed.
Rukimin7 at its core is a visually polished game with borderline terrible gameplay. There are traps that are decent but others that are random flying spikes. There are cannons that feel like the coding took just a few seconds and then wasn't playtested at all. There are mechanics that make absolutely no sense because they aren't explained at all, such as a flying gimmick in which it never tells you Shift makes you go slow. There's easily the worst Schmup stage I've ever played due to atrocious difficulty balancing and enemy attacks that play like garbage. There are bosses that have a high amount of HP and rely on you being able to mash them. Honestly, visuals are literally the only thing this game has that I'd consider any sort of redeeming quality, anything that tries to be unique in terms of gameplay just completely fails to accomplish what it seemed set to do.
For whatever reason, and I'm not sure if this applies to other bosses, the final one seems to have a rank system in which it will lose ranks the more you die to it, making the fight easier. While I was able to reach the ending and die at the last second on Rank 1, it decreased to -1 which made it a lot more reasonable. However, there is still a completely fucked attack that you'll need to use an item for by pressing X to destroy all bullets on screen, which of course is never explained to you because why would it, that would make too much sense.
Overall, I've beaten the game and plan to never return to it for extra. I would probably never recommend it unless you need an example of why Production Value can be meaningless if your gameplay is trash. I'll at least give it credit though for convincing me it was a very modern release due to its looks.
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Rukimin7 at its core is a visually polished game with borderline terrible gameplay. There are traps that are decent but others that are random flying spikes. There are cannons that feel like the coding took just a few seconds and then wasn't playtested at all. There are mechanics that make absolutely no sense because they aren't explained at all, such as a flying gimmick in which it never tells you Shift makes you go slow. There's easily the worst Schmup stage I've ever played due to atrocious difficulty balancing and enemy attacks that play like garbage. There are bosses that have a high amount of HP and rely on you being able to mash them. Honestly, visuals are literally the only thing this game has that I'd consider any sort of redeeming quality, anything that tries to be unique in terms of gameplay just completely fails to accomplish what it seemed set to do.
For whatever reason, and I'm not sure if this applies to other bosses, the final one seems to have a rank system in which it will lose ranks the more you die to it, making the fight easier. While I was able to reach the ending and die at the last second on Rank 1, it decreased to -1 which made it a lot more reasonable. However, there is still a completely fucked attack that you'll need to use an item for by pressing X to destroy all bullets on screen, which of course is never explained to you because why would it, that would make too much sense.
Overall, I've beaten the game and plan to never return to it for extra. I would probably never recommend it unless you need an example of why Production Value can be meaningless if your gameplay is trash. I'll at least give it credit though for convincing me it was a very modern release due to its looks.
Rating: 3.5 35
Difficulty: 55 55
Sep 9, 2022
Rating doesn't include true end.
A game which has very split opinions among its players; some people enjoy it, and others absolutely hate it. And honestly, I can definitely see where both sides of the argument are coming from. On one hand, some of the bosses require a lot of mashing to beat, and there are some things like the cannons/clouds that really shouldn't exist. On the other hand, the game has a lot of variety and creative ideas, and also some inspiration from Project Touhou, which I like. While the game had some bad parts in it, it was still enjoyable for the most part, I guess I'd recommend if the flaws aren't enough to put you off from this, as others would lead you to believe they are.
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A game which has very split opinions among its players; some people enjoy it, and others absolutely hate it. And honestly, I can definitely see where both sides of the argument are coming from. On one hand, some of the bosses require a lot of mashing to beat, and there are some things like the cannons/clouds that really shouldn't exist. On the other hand, the game has a lot of variety and creative ideas, and also some inspiration from Project Touhou, which I like. While the game had some bad parts in it, it was still enjoyable for the most part, I guess I'd recommend if the flaws aren't enough to put you off from this, as others would lead you to believe they are.
Rating: 6.0 60
Difficulty: 50 50
Oct 12, 2020
Don't let the good visuals fool you, as this game is on par on being one of the worst fangames I have played yet. Obnoxious traps, hideous gimmicks and annoying bosses. The danmaku stage was somewhat okay but good luck beating the boss with low power. It's also pretty unstable, and you've gotta use CFF Explorer on newer OS'es in order to make certain objects show up properly.
Not recommended as expected, only if you're really going for the K2 Mountain Challenge.
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Not recommended as expected, only if you're really going for the K2 Mountain Challenge.
Rating: 2.0 20
Difficulty: 53 53
Jan 28, 2019
Clearly a lot of effort went into the production value and numerous gimmicks of this game. It's just a shame that so little of it is actually fun to play. From being forced to use your mouse during platforming, to whatever the hell is going on with those cloud bounces, to a particulary headscratching moment before the final bosses where you're expected to use a hard to control hover mechanic to fly through an incredibly tiny gap between bullets...twice.
There are certainly bright spots, such as most of the Touhou section and the second to last boss, which actually makes great use of the hover mechanic, but the bad really outweighs the good for me here.
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There are certainly bright spots, such as most of the Touhou section and the second to last boss, which actually makes great use of the hover mechanic, but the bad really outweighs the good for me here.
Rating: 3.8 38
Difficulty: 51 51
Oct 30, 2018