I wanna be the Siesta

Creator: しえすた

Average Rating
6.4 / 10
Average Difficulty
60.0 / 100
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Needle (1) Short (1)


  • by MikuStar263
  • by MikuStar263
  • by MikuStar263

1 Review:

First a word or two about his other games: siesta made some very good games like get the delicious orange and dominate a blue tower, also a series called "The Gatherer" which i haven't played yet.
The first two have some serious platforming and so does this one.

Although it feels much shorter, like 5 or 6 screens, this game is full of jumps that are not hard for veterans, but still super nice to play.
If you happen to hate inverts, on one screen you can choose between the invert route or a water section. there are a bunch of long distance jumps you probably need a good align for, but: there's AD enabled.
Half of the game is corridor needle, oh, and there's no save blockers.
I recommend playing this game if you can find it

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Tagged as: Needle Short
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Rating: 6.4 64       Difficulty: 60 60
Aug 29, 2019