I wanna drink the TEA

Creator: さはんま

Average Rating
4.4 / 10
Average Difficulty
50.0 / 100
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Adventure (2) Needle (2) Avoidance (3) Trap (1) Boss (1) Gumi (2) Secret (1) Bosses (1)


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8 Reviews:

gumi avoidance is middle left btw

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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Jul 17, 2020
Rating based on getting all secrets.

Most of the stages feel basically the same. A lot of simple needle with triggers and some traps throughout. Every stage has a secret, and finding them involves face-checking walls everywhere. I had a decent enough time playing this game, but I initially quit on it months ago due to a horrible avoidance in stage 2. It is really uninspired and has a few instagibs, but the end is ridiculously stupid and basically a luck grind. I was able to beat it by getting the freest RNG imaginable, but it still took quite a lot longer than anything else in the game. Side note: the secrets do not unlock anything extra.

Would maybe recommend, but the Gumi avoidance is horrible and not worth playing.

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Tagged as: Adventure Needle Avoidance Trap Gumi Bosses
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Rating: 4.1 41       Difficulty: 57 57
Oct 11, 2018
There's a show MOE game

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Tagged as: Adventure Gumi
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Rating: 5.6 56       Difficulty: 48 48
Jan 12, 2018
The platforming was meh, its not all standard needle but nothing to exciting. He throws in traps and corner jumps here and there just for fun i guess. One area had a really difficult segment mostly cause the water in this game is SHIT. Bosses were all meh.. one area has an avoidance fight that is about 3 mins I believe but it is easy enough. Would only play if you roll it wiki streaking Kappa

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Rating: 4.0 40       Difficulty: 45 45
Aug 30, 2016
pretty mediocre, you start in a hub with a couple of freely accessible areas all featuring different graphics but the same type of gameplay; needle with a few traps scattered around. each area ends with a boss. once you complete every area you can access a final boss/area (I didn't reach it because it was too tedious). it's an ok game I guess :)

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Rating: 4.7 47       Difficulty: 50 50
Jul 18, 2016