I wanna get back the Rainbow

Creator: みゅう

Average Rating
7.0 / 10
Average Difficulty
45.0 / 100
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Adventure (1) Needle (1) Trap (1)


  • by Anonymous

1 Review:

For 2012, this is a great adventure game. It features four stages: red, green, blue, and black, each with a boss. You must clear them in that order.

Red stage begins with a needle screen containing a few traps. The next screen is more creative, however, with a couple segments where the player is chased by bats and you need to move in such a way that you can touch the triggers to proceed.

Green stage is short, featuring a few screens where the player must ride three platforms and navigate pattern cycles. I liked this one, much to my surprise.

Blue stage has a screen that struck me as really creative; the whole room is filled with spikes that move as a rectangle, which created some interesting movement for the player.

The bosses for these three stages are simple cherries, though each with different attacks and mechanics. Though they were pretty easy, I thought they felt distinct from each other.

Black stage is needle with a few traps sprinkled in. The boss, however, was harder than the preceding stages' bosses; big kid and two little kids fire at you as platforms rain from the sky, and you must climb up these in order to damage the boss. The concept is strikingly simple, but it made for some fairly intense gameplay all things considered. It felt like if a Rukito boss were actually fair.

All in all, if you're looking for a game on the easier side with some charm to it, consider checking this out.

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Tagged as: Adventure Needle Trap
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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 45 45
Dec 4, 2022