I wanna be the Revolt+

Creator: Kamilia

Average Rating
6.3 / 10
Average Difficulty
74.5 / 100
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Needle (1) Avoidance (2) + (1)


  • by GaspacoZanis
  • by GaspacoZanis

3 Reviews:

This game is only worth playing for the avoidace, but sadly you need to play some mediocre needle before it. Save 1 and 2 are horrendous, as it requires some very awkward inputs like the last jump of the first save and three mandatory 2f's on the second save. Save 3 and 4 are way better though. The last save is actually pretty fun if you get the right align, as the sphincter becomes the least of your worries.
Rating: 3/10

The avoidance itself is VERY good, and never did it feel unfair to me. For the first few attacks you need to stand as close to the wall as possible since the RNG orbs from the sides never spawn right on top of you but rather slightly up, so you need to strategize hugging the wall or walking towards the middle if you feel like it gets unsafe. The hardest attack for me is 30 seconds into the avoidance where you need to deal with fast bullets and the curving orb circles. For the latter you have a lot of ways to dodge it but for me I tend to dodge it on the left corner. The only questionable attack in my opinion is the ceiling corner RNG stuff around 2/3rds in, but even then it still felt readable to me.

It ends off with a pattern where a bunch of a shapes show up out of nowhere and you need to jump through it. Since everyone does it on the left side I quickly found a cue in the pattern when you need to jump first. Simply jump when the orb to the right of you is about to go inside the floor.
Rating: 8.5/10

The needle is not very good, so I just suggest you to savehack to the avoidance if you decide on playing this game just for that.

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Tagged as: Needle Avoidance
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Feb 13, 2023
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Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 76 76
Feb 8, 2023
Tagged as: Avoidance +
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Jun 26, 2020