I Wanna Ice 9

Creator: TimArcHik

Average Rating
5.3 / 10
Average Difficulty
49.8 / 100
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Needle (5) рационале (1) domu_ice_like (1)


  • by Cthaere
  • by Taprus
  • by Cthaere
  • by TimArcHik
  • by TimArcHik

Creator's Comments:

TimArcHik [Creator]
My second standalone game. Please read "README" file before playing. Enjoy :)

UPD: the file size is result of me keeping some engine assets in the game, nothing dangerous here. Sorry about that.
UPD2: The update which reduces size of the file is out, for detailed patchnotes check .txt file.
v.1.1.0 DL: mega.nz/file/YMNHnYQD#ZchFErNqNHvU6xux26BYEdZ_xMKsPVoCZluSLOwYhvQ

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[2] Likes
Rating: N/A       Difficulty: 50 50
Jul 18, 2020

14 Reviews:

Нет глитча с лианой
когда стоишь на ней
красивый тайлсет
ни один пункт бинго не заполнен
лучше чем первый фангейм тимарчика

Снег не персистент
Плохое положение
Но есть сука глитч
когда ты стоишь под
Второй экран сложнее
первого в 3 раза
Третий экран легче
второго в 1.5 раза
Концовка второго сейва
третьего экрана
Третий сейв второго экрана:
умираешь 20 раз на предпоследнем
прыжке и проходишь и абсолютно
бесполезная лиана
Третий трек громче остальных в 2 раза
Третий сейв 8 экрана:потрать 10 секунд,
Тру 9 экран.первый сейв,лиана бесполезна
Тру 9 экран.второй сейв,лиана бесполезна
Эстетика присутствует только на первух двух экранах,
дальше просто рандомно расставлены шипы
Можно умереть при переходе с экрана на экран
и автосейва нет
Баланс все еще страдает

Это намного лучше чем то что было сделано ранее.
Было бы лучше если бы весь фангейм был сделан в стиле первых двух экранов,а так мешанина.

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Tagged as: рационале
[4] Likes
Rating: 5.2 52       Difficulty: 46 46
Jul 18, 2020
It really is needle.

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[1] Like
Rating: 4.5 45       Difficulty: 50 50
Jul 20, 2020
Short needle game on the easier side, with 9 screens of jtool needle. Gameplay is mostly basic for the most part even if there are some cool saves. It however suffers from problems concerning vines, there are too many vines that are tight to grab and too many vines where you have to do a full jump before grabbing them although they are close to you. Take last save of screen 6 as an exemple since it has both problems. It's not especially always bad but too much feel tedious. More minor but a few save blockers are placed in a way where you have to walk before doing the first jump like for the first save of screen 2. A few more details but snow reset when restart and the option screen still has default visuals and no music.

A bit better than your first game but be really careful with vines, especially since it can be really controller unfriendly. Also, maybe try to make more diverse use of vines since they are all kinda use for similar uses. Still not bad but too much rough spots for me to give an higher note.

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[1] Like
Rating: 5.9 59       Difficulty: 50 50
Jul 18, 2020
ok , I like the visuals and music in this game
but idea are not really good
snow effect are little bit strange

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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 50 50
Jul 18, 2020
9 screens of mostly 32 pixel vine needle. Vine usage is not to my liking in most places, with very little interesting stuff in regards to pathing, multiple redundant vines, some really awkward vine grabs, and a good amount of unintentional skips since the kid can grab vines 5 blocks above him, a fact which was overlooked. Still, the needle is mostly non-generic and has quite a bit of effort put into it, and there are a lot of enjoyable saves, so I will say this is worth playing if you're looking to chill and kill a bunch of time, but there are ultimately better games out there.

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Tagged as: Needle
[1] Like
Rating: 6.5 65       Difficulty: 55 55
Jul 18, 2020