
Creator: なつたゆ

Average Rating
8.0 / 10
Average Difficulty
62.5 / 100
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Boss (1) Puzzle (3) Yakisoban (2)


  • by CanusAntonius
  • by CanusAntonius
  • by CanusAntonius
  • by NightShark115

4 Reviews:


The first two puzzles end in mean needle jumps, and I found skips in the remainder of the rooms. The boss was a fun surprise & the titlescreen is really pretty. I'm left wondering if the author had more planned for this game, but for one reason or another those plans fell through.

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Tagged as: Boss Puzzle
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Rating: 6.5 65       Difficulty: 65 65
Sep 18, 2022
I don't think my mind has the level of comprehension needed to clear this, even by the second save I was completely stumped, however, I did just want to write a tiny bit about the game since it's been 2 years and nobody has written even a description for the game. I hope it convinces someone else into seeing what all this game is truly hiding.

The game seems visually beautiful, both the title screen and the save select menu are inspired directly by Nier:Automata, and look great (I provided a screenshot of the save select because it's definitely the best in fangames that I've seen). The first stage is themed after Castlevania, and you can tell the maker put in a good amount of effort to make it worth looking at for a long time while you solve the puzzles. With inspirations like this, you can obviously expect the music to sound good. There also seems to be a bit of dialogue as well in Japanese, so there could be a hint of a storyline here as well.

So far from the first stage, this seems like an extremely interesting yet hard Puzzle game. From what I've done in just 2 rooms, I've encountered push blocks, conveyor toggles, and spike activators. The one puzzle I did manage to solve was pretty satisfying to complete because it had me stumped for just a bit over 20 minutes. There does seem to be a bit of difficulty on the fangame skill requirement, especially since that first save ended with a hard gate jump, so be warned.

I couldn't find a single thing about this game anywhere, I've never even heard it mentioned before, and it's pretty hard to find any videos on it due to the single-word title. I hope eventually this will find the light one day, as so far it seems worth it. (I'll try to give a proper review if I can beat this one day, but it seems far beyond what I can accomplish).

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Tagged as: Puzzle
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Sep 5, 2022
Tagged as: Puzzle Yakisoban
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Rating: 9.4 94       Difficulty: 60 60
Aug 28, 2022
Tagged as: Yakisoban
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Jul 18, 2020