I Wanna Blink

Creator: deathray50

Average Rating
8.0 / 10
Average Difficulty
55.5 / 100
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Needle (1) Gimmick (1) Boss (1) Short (1)


  • by deathray50
  • by deathray50

2 Reviews:

Pretty solid game built almost entirely around a single gimmick.

The production is simple but competent.

The platforming is pretty well balanced. The gimmick itself is neat, based around the traditional gaming definition of a blink (short-range teleport) and the platforming does a good job of exploring its possibilities with a few mechanics built around it. Overall it is kinda learny at times, but the saves are short and generally the design is fairly intuitive, though it makes the flow a little uneven as a save is mostly about how quickly you can figure out what is wanted from you rather than executing it.

It ends it up with a little intro of another gimmick and a boss which combines the two. The boss is fairly straightforward too, and is built heavily around the gimmick - which is great. The attacks are simplistic, but the interaction of manipulating the mechanics with the simple attacks makes it fun and interesting, and you can distinctly feel the improvement as you figure out what to do.

Overall, its a fun short game. There's a pretty heavy lean on being able to hit two buttons at the same time (on one hand, so tends to be reliable) or with fairly exact timing after a pause, which can be a little frustrating. Something like being able to buffer jump inputs during the blink could be a good improvement. Its definitely recommended for a straightforward gimmick game built around extending player mechanics and exploring them with some depth.

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Tagged as: Needle Gimmick
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Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 55 55
Mar 13, 2022
Maybe tag Short

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Tagged as: Boss Short
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Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 56 56
Mar 17, 2022