I wanna go to flip

Creator: yangshuoen

Average Rating
5.7 / 10
Average Difficulty
49.0 / 100
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Needle (2) Gimmick (1) Short (1)


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Creator's Comments:

yangshuoen [Creator]
It's a short game and it's basically a bit like VVVVVV. Let me tell the players that Blood's settings recommend turning it off. Then I'll say a few things first.

Is this game harder than my previous games? Yes.
Are squares sprites? Previous games were but this game is not.

One more thing I don't know why some of the levels are slightly stuck, it may affect the game experience and increase the difficulty of the game.

That's about it. Hope you guys have fun.
這是一個短流程遊戲 而且基本上跟VVVVVV有幾分像似 先告知一下玩家們 Blood的設定建議將其設置為關閉 然後我要先講幾件事。

這個遊戲比我之前的遊戲還要難嗎? 是的。
方塊是精靈圖嗎? 之前的遊戲是 但這個遊戲不是。

再告知一件事 我不知道為什麼有一些關卡會稍微的卡一下 這可能會影響遊戲體驗 也會增加遊戲難度。

大概就這樣子了 希望你們玩得開心。

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Tagged as: Needle Short
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Sep 17, 2022

3 Reviews:

It would be easy if you've played VKid in other games.
Level design is not bad, but nothing deserves attention.

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Tagged as: Gimmick
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Rating: 5.9 59       Difficulty: 49 49
Sep 18, 2023
"It's a short game and it's basically a bit like VVVVVV." This much is definitely true. The game is around 10 screens (I wasn't counting, admittedly) and you are VKid by default. Not like most VVVVVV-themed stages where you switch between regular Kid and VKid throughout, here you are VKid for the entire thing.

There's honestly not much to say about the game. There's little that's notable in either direction here. The first screen has a particularly awkward manoeuvre near the end that could put you off, and there's a good amount of tight weave timing to contend with, but it's mostly plain sailing.

Partially because you've probably played a bunch of the screens in the game before.

I don't know if I'd call it a bad thing as such, but in a game this short, taking screens from the VVVVVV stage of Diverse and then moving a few spikes around seems like a strange decision. There's also another screen which feels eerily similar to the Boshy screen used in Cultured 1. I could perhaps be trying to seek patterns where there aren't any, though.

The block graphics also leave things to be desired, but that's only down to a couple of unfortunate colour choices. The blocks are the kind that rotate between several colours over time, and one of them is black, rendering the terrain (near-)invisible for a short period each cycle.

It's a passable time-killer despite all this, provided you can get past the first couple of screens.

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 5.5 55       Difficulty: 49 49
Sep 20, 2022