The Chronicles Of Jericho

Creator: Yoni_Arousement

Average Rating
4.6 / 10
Average Difficulty
21.0 / 100
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Adventure (1) Boss (1) Different_Engine (1) Boshy_clone (1) Multiple_Characters (1)


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1 Review:

When I first made this review, I didn't know this was a 3-in-1 pack of games, I was just going off the video I found of the creator's playthrough of the second game.

There are three games in total: I wanna be the bear, The Return of Jericho, and Candra's Ending

I didn't play the third one but I did play the others

First off: I wanna be the bear

Screams "Boshy ripoff". I got further in this game than the other one but that's because this game is the easiest fangame I've ever played. The first boss is for some reason, a knock-off of kraid-geif but waaay easier. I got bored a quarter into 2nd level and quit. and also there are like 10 characters that you can choose from but when you choose them they get gender-bent for some reason. Odd game.

I'd give it a 3.5 rating and a difficulty of 15.

Secondly and lastly: The Return of Jericho

Better than the first game but still easy and not that good. Now there are fewer characters and you can pick between different levels (kinda like Mega Man). Other than that, it's the same as the last one.

I'd give it a 4.0 rating and a difficulty of 20.

Both these games have the same problem of awful physics, bad controls (jump and shoot are swapped, what the fuck?), and a core misunderstanding of what makes an IWBTG fangame good. The awful physics made no sense being here because I'm pretty sure the game was made in GM and the creator could've used a pre-made engine. What makes an IWBTG fangame good (in my opinion) is that the game's challenging and seems unfair but it isn't (most of the time, I'm looking at you happil) and leaves you feeling good after beating it. These games take out the unfairness and challenge and leave you with a boring platformer with bad physics.

If you don't like IWBTG fangames, then don't make one.


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Tagged as: Adventure Boss Different_Engine Boshy_clone Multiple_Characters
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Rating: 4.6 46       Difficulty: 21 21
Sep 17, 2022