I wanna get back my lost assets

Creator: yangshuoen

Average Rating
3.6 / 10
Average Difficulty
57.0 / 100
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Adventure (4) Needle (4) Avoidance (5) Trap (2) Gimmick (3) Mouse (2) Shortventure2023 (2)


  • by bantsmen
  • by bantsmen
  • by bantsmen
  • by bantsmen

Creator's Comments:

yangshuoen [Creator]
Here are some things I wanted to say and some words of encouragement to myself (albeit a bit long): Comments are up to you guys, I don't really care much now, I used to have confidence in this game but now it's almost gone because I It seems to be inferior to other people (for now), I have to say that when I saw the disqualification, I felt a little disappointed, but now I have adjusted it, which shows one thing, you must be yourself Also, although I was a little bit disappointed at the time, and I was also a little bit disappointed when I saw some people's ratings, but I will not leave this community, because there will be some ups and downs on the road, although sometimes the ups and downs are quite big Yes, but it's going to help me grow and I'll try to do it as much as I can.

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[5] Likes
Rating: N/A       Difficulty: 55 55
Apr 25, 2023

9 Reviews:

This is a disqualified entry from the third Shortventure Contest, my rating reflects my score given during the judging phase, and the fact the issue still hasn't been fixed.

There are some alright screens to start with, though I really hate the alternating spike gimmick due to how it's placed on the S-key as well as has no visual indicator for what spikes do such. The Kanji area is where the game loses any sense of identity and instead copies "I Wanna be the Japanese Sword" in its stage idea. The biggest offender here, and why we ultimately decided to disqualify it from the contest, is that it blatantly steals the entire avoidance from the same game. This was a chance for makers to show their own creativity, give forth their own ideas and executions, and to see someone submit another person's work and not even credit them is saddening. Even now, the game still does not credit Japanese Sword for the avoidance and instead credits someone else for giving them the idea (which I guess means the idea to steal it??) I'll also mention that I found the avoidance very unenjoyable anyways, it's got a few rough segments that even with 30 HP can just kill you at once since you don't get any iframes or whatever so even without the disqualification my score would have been like a 4 or 5.

Overall, not something I'd recommend honestly. We really need to move past the point of stealing entire segments without crediting the original maker, I can never rate such anything above a 0.

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Tagged as: Adventure Needle Avoidance Gimmick
[14] Likes
Rating: 0.0 0       Difficulty: 58 58
Apr 26, 2023
"you must be yourself" not only on game making, but also on delfruit rating you know.

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[9] Likes
Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Apr 26, 2023
I really like your fangames and I want to build needles like you!
And you're also great that despite the criticism, you remain in the fangame community. Keep it up!
Btw the coincidence is that this fangame 70% is similar to my project xd

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Tagged as: Adventure Needle Avoidance Trap Gimmick Mouse Shortventure2023
[3] Likes
Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 60 60
Apr 26, 2023
Stay true to yourself. I've played many fangames and can't create my own. That's real talent. Each failure is a stepping stone to success. Your better now then when you first started. Appreciate yourself and your own growth and know that your progress is not in vain.

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Tagged as: Adventure Needle Avoidance
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Rating: 4.6 46       Difficulty: 58 58
Apr 26, 2023
An entry to the shortventure 2023 contest that was sadly disqualified due to copying an avoidance from I wanna be the Japanese Sword. The game starts with normal platforming in the first half, with basic gimmicks of swapping active/inactive spikes, shooting blocks and spikes that are invisible until you get close to them. Halfway through, the game's "assets" get lost, replacing all the sprites with character representations, reminiscent of a stage from Japanese Sword. You then go into a hub area where you must collect all the assets back. The first two gimmicks return, with long frustrating saves, as well as a Kill The Guy style bullet bill bouncing section and a section where you move the mouse cursor through a maze. The game then leads down one final path to the Japanese Sword avoidance, which is thankfully both nerfed and gives you 30 frames of HP.

This is very much a big improvement over Yang's previous works, both in the visual and level design departments, but there is still much work to be done. Some of the saves can be quite lengthy and frustrating. I found myself annoyed at many points during this game but I am nonetheless happy to see rapid improvement in this maker and I genuinely hope to see them go on to make great things in the future.

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Tagged as: Adventure Needle Avoidance Trap Gimmick Mouse Shortventure2023
[1] Like
Rating: 4.2 42       Difficulty: 55 55
Apr 25, 2023