Full Fangame List

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GameDifficulty   Rating   # of Ratings
6.exe 40.7 5.0 3
I wanna be the Adequacy 58.7 4.6 3
I wanna Avoid and Boss N/A 6.0 3
I wanna be the Avoider 22.2 5.3 61
I wanna be act Tanabata N/A N/A 2
I wanna break the silence 50.0 6.0 2
I wanna break the silence 2 50.1 7.4 16
I Wanna Break The Title Card 52.1 6.3 32
I wanna be the C/O/S/M/O 87.3 8.8 18
I wanna clear 50 neon floors 57.3 7.6 72
I wanna be the Corner cliper 4.1 0.8 12
Crimson Needle 2 87.3 8.2 85
I wanna be the Denparadox 85.3 9.2 15
I wanna be the Dot 41.0 5.4 7
I wanna be the Dotneedle 55.9 7.1 15
I Wanna Get The Baile del Troleo 56.8 8.0 9
I Wanna Get Through Hyades 47.4 9.1 7
I Wanna Go Back To Basics 73.4 8.0 21
I wanna go the 1pixel Kid 43.8 2.5 4
I Wanna Go The DotIris 65.3 5.4 5
I wanna go the DotKid! 78.8 6.1 21
I wanna go the DotKid! Easymode 75.1 6.4 9
I wanna go the Floatkid 31.9 1.9 21
I wanna go through the labyrinth 2.0 1.5 4
I wanna go to Outer Space N/A N/A 1
Hardest Needle N/A 2.6 3
I Wanna Hold and Relieve 68.0 5.4 2
I Wanna Hold and Relieve + 63.0 5.9 2
Holocene Juveniliax 71.0 9.3 6
indigo needle 36.2 7.0 87
I wanna be the Infection 66.5 5.2 6
intelligent 60.6 6.0 5
I Wanna Kill Pure Evil 60.3 6.4 10
I wanna kill the Colonel 35.8 6.5 8
I wanna Kill the D9P 80.0 5.7 2
I Wanna Kill The Happil 2 99.0 6.0 79
I wanna kill Thenader2 99.6 0.1 7
I wanna be the Krypton 52.9 8.6 76
I Wanna Kyoto 63.8 5.9 6
Might my Mighty Mite, Wanna Be The Guy 74.5 6.4 3
I wanna be the Neon 46.5 7.4 95
I wanna be the Neon 2 47.1 7.5 65
I wanna be the Neon 3 65.7 9.1 73
I wanna Neonize the Needle 53.4 7.9 41
I wanna O Fish Heaven 50.0 4.8 4
I wanna be the Ocean Princess 69.0 9.3 49
I Wanna Pass The Color World 68.0 6.6 2
I Wanna Pass the Hell 41.7 5.7 5
I wanna Play the DotKid Needle Game 32.6 5.2 8
I wanna Play the DotKid Needle Game 2 26.1 5.0 7
I wanna Play the DotKid Needle Game 3 30.7 5.6 7
I wanna Play the DotKid Needle Game 4 39.8 5.8 6
I Wanna Pointillism 73.1 9.2 33
I wanna reach the Signal 49.8 7.7 15
I wanna sing the Eternity 28.0 6.8 7
Snoel Birthday Spike 30.6 4.2 10
I wanna try a Collab 2 70.6 8.5 56
I wanna Try the Cyber 75.0 3.7 20
I Wanna Vibe With The Gods 71.1 8.9 39
weezer avoidance N/A N/A 2
I wanna be the White Dot 38.0 7.2 60
I Wanna ‽ 91.0 5.0 6