I wanna be the Fire crest inside person

Creator: レシギア

Average Rating
4.5 / 10
Average Difficulty
27.0 / 100
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Trap (3) Boss (1) StageRush (3) :tf: (1) RFR4 (1)


  • by GaspacoZanis
  • by GaspacoZanis
  • by GaspacoZanis
  • by GaspacoZanis
  • by GaspacoZanis
  • by GaspacoZanis
  • by GaspacoZanis

5 Reviews:

Gaspaco gave a good review for this.

I appreciated the reverse trap in one stage.

The game does not give too much of a challenge except the timer one with its legnth compared to the rest.

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Tagged as: Trap Boss StageRush
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Rating: 4.5 45       Difficulty: 28 28
Jul 1, 2021
Game, which looks like is dedicated to 炎の紋章, since in the intro there are introduced many games made by this creator. I am not sure how many references to these games are in this game, since I haven't played any of that creator's games, however I can try to talk about the main game. Firstly, this game has 10 stages instead of 2 like it was in I wanna be the Water crest inside person (mini), however here most if stages are a lot easier. Also important notice: this game has restarting music (and sadly restarting of really good music) and not usual Reshigia's death screen.

Stage 1 is joke stage, which as the tile says is stage, which has needle with traps. Traps in this stage and in the whole game are pretty standart: falling or trolling spikes, trollsprites, fake blocks and hidden paths and springtraps. Music is nice, however gameplay is pretty boring in the most time.

Stage 2 is a guy stage, like in I wanna be the Water crest inside person (mini), however here is differently made. Has some interesting ideas, but nothing too significant to say that it is original or something. I guess I liked I wanna be the Water crest inside person (mini) one more, since there music didn't restart and there were more original traps, however even that stage wasn't the best one.

Stage 3 is troll stage, where you see 4 floors of ledges, which you have to trigger to get up, so none of ledges are need to be done. Nothing special.

Stage 4 looks like is some weird mix of original I wanna be the Guy and I guess I wanna go to NI☆JI☆GE☆N, since it is written in the title of the stage. This stage first save is almost the same as in original I wanna be the Guy, except that instead of Ryu there is Trollface, and also there is one more trap. Second save I guess is from I wanna go to NI☆JI☆GE☆N, but I am not sure. Second save has some precise traps, but that is about it. Also music and visuals are the same as in I wanna be the Lizardmanmaster3 vs Love Dragons Remake , which is fun fact. A little bit better stage, however could be better and more original.

Stage 5 is troll boss, which is Stickman. Nothing too hard or too special.

Stage 6 is troll stage, where you see 3 gates and have to clear avoiding different traps. I like this soundtrack, which was used also in I wanna be the Lizardmanmaster3!! vs Love Dragons!!, and kind of reminds quality of it, since stage looks just like low quality trap stage (even though you can say that about the whole game). Mostly traps are generic, however you can probably find some better ones.

Stage 7 should be some kind of maze in the darkness, however it isn't, since gameplay mostly is straightforward. I kind of disliked traps in this stage, since in my opinion those were surplus and made stage just worse. Pretty meh.

Stage 8 is similar like in I wanna be the Water crest inside person (mini), since here is another time attack stage. It isn't as precise in timing as it was I wanna be the Water crest inside person (mini), and I liked it a lot more, since you could just play ad freely as you want, which resulted that I managed to first try this stage lol. Here is also some fruit boss in the middle of this stage, but I think it was more nerfed than in I wanna be the Water crest inside person (mini). Also I liked soundtrack for this stage as well as background, which fits well together. Nice stage.

Stage 9 is weird mix of stage 1 and stage 7: you have more traps in the darkness. I liked this stage more than stage 1 and stage 7, since it felt more fun, even though I can't say that this was much better in quality. Here you even have to do backtrack to the beginning, but it isn't a big problem. OK stage I guess?

Stage 10 is meme final boss, which sprite now has some sort of fire. If you shoot once boss is dead and stage cleared. Awesome...

I like music, visuals and the whole concept, however game has bad gameplay in the most cases, which is pretty boring and could be done a lot better. Some stages are maybe OK (like stage 8), but most of them have lack of production, and the game looks really a rushed project. Traps mostly generic, music restarts, boring gameplay and a lot of stage, which are firsttryable, as well as trolls and memes which aren't funny. Title screen may give you a hope that this is one of Reshigia's better games, but you are wrong, this is as bad game as Reshigia's older games. I even doubt that there were a lot of references to 炎の紋章 games, so game isn't even informative, and the only thing, which you can see is title screens of 炎の紋章 games, and that's all. In my opinion, as bad as I wanna be the Water crest inside person (mini), but easier. Wouldn't recommnd.

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Tagged as: Trap StageRush
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Rating: 4.5 45       Difficulty: 26 26
Oct 23, 2018
Tagged as: RFR4
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Jan 15, 2024
Tagged as: :tf:
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Jun 10, 2023
Tagged as: Trap StageRush
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Rating: 4.5 45       Difficulty: 27 27
May 17, 2022