GaspacoZanis's Profile
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I am just a random guy who like to play IWBTG fangames ! If you want, you can read my reviews and ratings for every game, which I have cleared! If you want, you can ask my some questions too, and I will be happy to answer to them! Have a nice day! ^-^
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Most of fangames which I have cleared are on delicious-fruit, however, 2 are non delicious-fruit fangames.
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P.S. I don't count mod clears to my main game clear list.
I've submitted:
311 Ratings!
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311 Games
311 Reviews
For: A Cherry Present
As you can probably guess - this is a birthday gift by Neos. It was made in 4 days and is dedicated to Mauricio_Juega_IWBT.
Game itself is a reimagination of Lovegood's avoidance from 'I wanna kill the Mauri' (which is more known being used in 'I wanna kill the Lovegood'), which in itself was a game for Mauricio, from what I can tell.
Neos version is easier and has completely different look on the 'Spectrum' song as well reimagining visuals and attacks. At some points it manages to do it really well, and on the others you kind of question the choices. The platforming section is way harder than everything before, and some patterns might be tricky. Intro in itself is quite slow, but it fits kinda with the song itself.
In the very end you will see title screen of Mauricio's games and 'Happy Birthday'. After that there is a small Bonus in Spanish, which has some joke, but I am not sure what is the joke exactly.
Anyway, the game is unreleased, and is not very hard. It is not outstanding but as a gift I do appreciate it.
I would not necessarily recommend it, since the balance and overall aesthetic balance could be done better, but it is still a unique experience for 10-20 minutes. For 4 day project, it is understandable that it is not excellent. For what it is I would definitely appreciate this kind of present, honestly. Also I liked the title, since 'Cherry' is literally part of Mauricio's avatar. Really smart.
For: I wanna snow shadow
Simply amazing avoidance made by Xingjin for Fangame Singing Festival. This avoidance feels aesthetically like a sequel for 'I wanna Hazy moon', which in itself feels like a reimagination of such ouka's avoidances like 'I wanna QueSeraSera', but in Xingjin's style.
This review will delve into both the overall aspects and a simple guide on attacks of this avoidance. So, yeah, this review is gonna have in-details spoilers for this avoidance.
Simply put, this avoidance heavily leans into the pattern avoidance area, where your gameplay is based on indicators. Those who have played some other Xingjin avoidances know that Xingjin loves referring to NN style, and you can feel that in the indicators. Of course, most of them are not as crazy as in 'I wanna Kardia', but you still have to learn a lot in this game.
To help you with that, author has provided several practice portals that open as you proceed, and some of them do not provide you the whole segment to practice. Along with that, you have option to play with bow or without. Bow gives you 3 extra lives, while without bow means beating avoidance deathless.
As BloggerOP said, the idea of limiting practice is kind of odd, since some of the segments do have very tricky attacks that are hard to learn or figure out without practice. And, maybe, I would be fine with this kind of idea if not for the issues of this game, that I have to mention at the very beginning of this review.
This game has several bugs that were not test-played correctly. If not these technical issues, I would probably give this game a bit higher rating.
To mention few that me and other people have stumbled upon:
1) Game's practice can break and you will be able to practice the whole game and even get until the credits. I have no clues what triggers that. Initially it started after I unlocked few new portals and tried to practice previous segments. But then I also managed to break it by just playing a lot of 5204 segment. I did not mind it, because I could practice the confusing segments, but it was unfortunate that you have to break the game to play in more fun way.
2) If you get outside of the screen you will be teleported back to the middle of the screen without losing HP. This way you can find some funny ways of clearing this avoidance, that I will mention later on.
3) Laggs. This game does not have the best optimization. While I did not have a lot of laggs, I know other people struggled more, so be aware of that.
4) - this can happen. No clues how.
Now for the detailed analysis (and my thoughts about gameplay and aesthetics), I am gonna use my clear video as a reference:
1. Until 00:14:
Stay between white fruits and try to not get in the range of colourful rings or burst of RNG coming right after. Slow beginning, but it really fits to the vibe of the song.
2. Until 00:21:
Your goal is to stay within the ring. Usually I am jumping there, but you can stay on the ground as well if RNG allows you and if you prefer so.
3. 00:21-00:26
First verse attack. You are immediately gonna notice that you are in the water slowly going down. Be as low as possible, and while fruits do not kill you in the beginning, they will kill you later on, and the splash effect does kill you as well.
4. Until 00:37
The strat is as following: stay down at the beginning. When line goes up, then you also go up and you have to aim correctly the third line, while reading RNG that comes after. You have to finish the section in the middle. This section is not very hard, just need to understand how to read pattern and RNG and you will be fine.
5. 00:37-00:45
This is where the first practice portal opens up. For the starting attacks you just have to read RNG. Do not jump too high since the camera is zoomed into the kid. RNG will fade out (which is nice balancing touch), but you can still accidentally take a hit if you are not careful enough.
6. 00:45-00:48
When you see that infinite jump section starts, jump on the spot and then time the jump up with the music. It might be tricky at first, but it is doable.
7. 00:48-00:53
After jumping out you will see the white circle forming out and 1 bigger white fruit shooting in some random direction. This attack might remind you of NN avoidances like 'I wanna Odoryanse' or 'I wanna Prima'. This is one of the harder attacks, since it has a lot of possible outcomes. The idea is that you have to notice the shooting fruit. Then the rings are gonna start to form out in the counter-clockwise direction. And while you read, you have to get down in the center. It is very tricky and you will have to practice it a bit, but luckily this attack is not excluded so that is fine. This is also one of the laggy moments, so you might be blessed by laggs making experience easier. I personally did not find this attack that hard, but I have also played NN avoidances, so there is that. But I did enjoy this addition, it is fun to figure out how it works exactly.
8. 00:54-00:58
This is where the next Practice portal opens up. Before the chorus carefully look on the cutscene. You will see the fruit formation and kid. If you are inside the fruit, move out otherwise you are gonna be killed. When chorus starts try to use one full jump to jump over the first ring, then move to the left and do another full jump. It might be tricky, but it is doable when you know what to do. The beginning position is the hardest part, basically.
9. 00:58-00:59
For the white pattern just jump once.
10. 00:59-01:02
This is where you have infinite jump. Do as in video since this is pure pattern. The hardest part is to not get accidentally hit by the first few fruits. In the end you need to jump out with the music beat (or at least helped me to time the last jump before the next pattern)
11. 01:02-01:04
This is indicator part. If the white fruit is on the right side of the screen (like in video), then you have to stay on the left side of the nearest laser. For the left side you have to stay on the right. You might wanna move a bit to adjust your position, but try to be careful to not get accidental hit. I love this pattern, it is really fun to execute it every time.
12. 01:02-01:08
Continue going to the side where you are (if you are on the left, go to the left). You can jump but try to jump as little as possible due to the aiming. You have to jump in the end because otherwise white fruits on the ground are gonna kill you. However, also take a look for the white fruits up, since those are RNG and in the end they fall down vertically.
13. 01:08-01:10
If you are too high then try to go to the ground very carefully. This is anti-aiming. You can also run in full speed, and your goal is to get the nearest leg of the Miku. If you are on the right side, then you can stay in the middle of the leg (use this as a reference: If you are on the left side, then approximately on the right side of the leg like on video.
14. 01:10-01:16
This part is not available in the practice normally. The burst on 01:10 is a bit weird, but try to not move when it spreads out and try staying where I mentioned. After that try to jump up without moving to the either side. However, you have to notice the blue fruit. And on 01:12 you have to go to the said direction, because otherwise you are gonna be killed by big black ring of fruits. However, you have to get very carefully and not get a hit by other fruits in your way. This part is really tricky and might be a bit annoying, but once you understand it, it is really enjoyable.
15. 01:16-01:31
This part is also not available for practicing, but your goal is just to read the slow fruit RNG and react accordingly. Sometimes it might get a bit confusing, but try to not panic, since it is not very hard.
16. 01:32-01:38
This is where you get the next practice warp (and also where I first time broke the practice) - I am using the bug strats here. You have similar attack to the 1st verse. RNG + water with a slight explosion in the end. My strat is staying down and not die. Then I drop down out of screen and get back to the middle. This way I do not have to take risks of RNG.
17. 01:38-01:40
Tricky 'Noesis' circle. Just move out by timing of the music. It is kind of precise.
18. 01:40-01:45
Probably hardest RNG in this avoidance. While this attack really fits well, you have to make good reads here to survive.
19. 01:45-01:48
This attack is not available in the practice, but you just have to spam up and not get hit by white fruits. I usually use 2 shift keys to get higher up, however, if you are way too high you might get by big white fruits of the star. Yes, that is possible.
20. 01:48-01:52
This is where you have the next practice warp. My strat is to listen carefully to the music and start going to the left as soon as possible. When I drop down by 1 platform, I jump up and go to the right to dodge the next instagib, and then I drop down in the middle of the lower platform.
21. 01:52-01:56
For the heart I do double jump (timed with the music) and then I get to the middle of the central platform. Then I jump once for the hearts and once for the rings. Might seems scary but it is not as hard, and is fun to perform.
22. 01:56-01:59
This attack where I use bug strats again. After rings go immediately to the lower platform, wait just a little bit and drop down carefully and try to move yourself towards middle just like in a video, and when you are teleported, do few jumps to not be in the fruits. Might seem scary strat, but I found it to be consistent.
23. 01:58-02:04
The best strat is to get back to the center, and then look for the semi-transparent fruit. Jump to that direction, but do not get too much away from the middle, because then you have to change to the opposite direction back (jump though for most cases) and jump in the center. This part is confusing but you do have practice so you can try it out.
There exists funny strat that you can see here:
The issue with this strat is that it is really unclear what kills you outside the screen. This strat is possible since you do not get teleported back to the center (I guess because this is one big screen where you do not have 'bottom'), however, timings are kind of inconsistent. It is funny though, because you have literally no clues what kills you or what not. I also have heard that you can stay in between circles, but I have not tested that strat out. You can mess a bit in the practice, but in the real run it is not very useful.
24. 02:05-02:08
This is where you have the next practice warp. And you have 2 combinations. If you see rhombus before the phase just like in video, you have to hold left and immediately jump to the central left platform. And then jump up, and then fall down to the center.
If you get a square, then it is easier. You can use this as a reference: Just hold left and drop down to the lowest platform on the left and wait there. Then you can go back to the middle.
25. 02:08-02:13
Jump in the center, and then go immediately up, using the right side platforms and then do additional jump on the upper platform just like in the video.
26. 02:13-02:18
For the aiming jump in timing and then go off the platform and make a jump before the central platform. Then adjust yourself to the edge so that big fruits do not kill, and then try to go as soon as possible to the right, going of the platform and then returning back and waiting a bit. This is tricky part to perform, and requires time to get used to, but it is entirely pattern (you do have to aim first thing though), so it is not as bad.
27. 02:18-02:26
While there are a lot of different strategies, I recommend going down under the lowest left platform. It is the best position to stay and then you can easily go the right and do additional hits. But you have to quickly go to the savespot though without waiting too much. Be also careful, because this attack is not available in the practice.
28. 02:27-02:32
The next practice warp, and one of the parts where practice helps a lot. This is timing-based. The strat is to jump to the left after the first laser. After that you have to survive 3 lasers on the left by jumping once every time, and then for the 4th one returning to the center, and for the fifth you jump and prepare for the next attack. Just practice the timings, they are not very hard, but you can easily mess up if you lose the rhythm.
29. 02:32-02:35
When you jump up for the 5th laser, you have to immediately go the right and then immediately back. It is a hard timing, because if you are slow you will die to either left or right side. From what I noticed if you go as soon as possible to the right and then back, it kind of helps out. From what I understood it is not that star kills you, but other fruits that are in the way when camera moves. Do not do risky movements and you will be fine, but you do have to practice to understand it. It is one of the harder patterns in the game. After that you have to be in the center and jump out twice in the correct timing. The last thing is not very hard, but you really have to be in the middle of the platform otherwise something will hit you.
30. 02:35-02:42
Relatively easy RNG, that turns off as soon as white pattern spawns in. Do the strat I do in the video. If you jump out of the platform you will most likely get a hit. Pattern is easy, but you cannot do too many risky movements. Stay near the middle and try to jump out correctly before fruits get too big. Also in the end do not jump, just stay on the platform.
31. 02:42-02:58
The section is not available in the practice, but it is also one of the kind of easier RNG sections. Be cautious of white fruits that will spawn rings when Miku says 'Sayonara', and then do not forget where colourful fruits where or you will get accidental hit. The rings are easy - just stay in the center. Really cool part that fits before the grand culmination and is also fun to dodge and read.
32. 02:59-03:03
This is where the last practice warp leads you to. The first attack requires quite good reaction - you have to notice where is the semi-tranparent star in the background and not being in its way. You also have to jump. It happens really quick, so if you do not have good or decent reaction, you might struggle a bit. After that there is a pattern, where you have to be in the middle and the jump a bit to the right and then returning back to the ground near the middle.
33. 03:03-03:08
Pure patterns. For the colourful part you have to go the right and go immediately back in the timing. The you have to dodge in the specific manner white rings. It is hard to explain what to do, but you need to jumps along with the music. Practice a bit and try to do as in the video. After that go to the left side of the left leg of Miku, that is the savespot for the next attack.
34. 03:08-03:11
If you stay in the correct savespot like in the video, you can jump up as quick as possible and jump once to the right side where there are no fruits. after that fall down to the left.
35. 03:11-03:13
These rings are gonna go towards you. Make your movement to the left side, and in the end jump to be in the corner.
36. 03:13-03:16
Starting from here you do not have practice. These few last sections are really scary so you need to understand what are you doing in order to survive without bugging the practice. You have to get in the corner and go outside of it in the correct timing like in the video. Also you have to look out for the yellow fruits. Remember if they go counter-clockwise (from the side of the kid it seems as if they go to the down and left) or clockwise (from the side of the kid it seems as if they go up and to the right).
37. 03:16-03:19
There are 2 combinations, and you have to act accordingly to the yellow fruits from the previous attack. In the video the yellow fruits show counter-clockwise movement, so the cross is gonna go down. You have to fall in the beginning, and only then jump, and probably falling a bit again before going up. It is hard to explain, but your goal is to get to the center and not bumping into the cross. Do not be too fast in your actions. Take your time. Important is to make the first movement correctly. I found this option being easier, since I kind of tried to do in the rhythm of the music. If you do not bump immediately into the cross, then you have good chances on survival.
If you have other variant, then you have to go up. But do not spam too much. You probably want to fall down a bit after first jump, but not too much.
I wish author would give possibility to practice this section without breaking practice. I did practice it, and when I understood how it works, it was actually really fun pattern to execute.
38. From 03:19 until the end
Seemingly easy outro. Just try to stay in the middle and not get hit by very slow RNG. After that you have credits that show other avoidances, that I guess where part of Fangame Singing Festivals in the past?
With that I have finished the part about the guide. Now about my overall opinion about aesthetics and gameplay:
I really liked playing this avoidance. It took me around 10 hours, and I really loved to figure out attacks, perform patterns and read RNG. Everything felt very sincere, fitting to the music and fun to dodge. This avoidance seems scary at first, but when you understand how everything works, it is so pleasant to play. Everything is fair and everything depends on you. I managed to first try 'now bow' mode, and honestly it did feel like that it is very consistent. And yeah bow mode with 3 extra lives is really good option to play.
I think my favorite part was the final part along with the slower part before it. It felt really fun to perform, and seemed as if gameplay made really good emphasis on the epic part of the music, along with amazing visuals.
I appreciate the aesthetics in all sections, since everything felt really natural and I did not have any issues, really. I just wish that this avoidance would have been tested better for the bugs, because then I could give it even higher rating.
However, be ready to learn a lot here. If you do not like to think too much in avoidances you will probably think that you have bad RNG and bad design, without checking if it is really so.
I am glad that I have played it, because it is definitely one of my favorite avoidances that I have played.
Highly would recommend to anyone who loves pattern avoidances.
For: I wanna be the Accurate
I appreciate this game's idea of using different games as references to the stages. Some games you might recognize like 'I wanna be the Metamorphosis' or 'I wanna be the Permanence' , but others you might see first time like 'I wanna be the Horror Holler 早くやりなよ' or PP's author game 'I wanna be the stunt 2'.
First stage is just your general kind of trap game with very easy boss. It was fine overall - cannot say that something was wow or annoying. It was OK.
Second stage was probably my favorite - it is needle stage and it has tons of different unusual gimmicks. Even boss-fight is pretty fun I would say (although at times it felt as if author buffed boss near the end just for the sake of it), gimmicks fit really well. It might be confusing at first to learn gimmicks, but it is fun to see very unusual ways how to do needle. Especially I did not expect 2nd jump gimmicks or jump cancel gimmicks. It is niche, but I can see that author knows what he is doing. Soundtrack kind of is weird - it kind of fits and not, but maybe I am just too used to Kois game 'enchanted love'. Boss's music is really good and design cool.
Third stage platforming was on paper cool, but execution wise it was pretty meh and at times janky. I could not understand bomb gimmick and why I sometimes died without clear reason. Traps also felt unnecessary hard. I know it was mentioned that it is hardest stage, but it is very vague reasoning. Although I must say that light-blue block gimmick was really cool - something that you have to do just once, without needing to re-do after restarting the screen is a cool gimmick and it makes traps look more cool.
Avoidance is really good. I wish it was a bit harder, but in this state it was still fun. It is light-hearted - you can see old style of avoidance and new blending in, making fun experience. Also 'dead' text in the end was really cool idea, did not expect that!
Final stage was frustrating. I liked concept of horror stage and it had fun moments, even opting out or in jumpscares is really nice touch for those who are sensitive to this kind of stuff. However, the issue I had with this stage was similar to stage 3 - there are cool ideas but execution lacks at best. Unnecessary annoying timings, traps and gimmicks (I did not like that pendulum thing at all...).
Final boss reminds of boss 2, but I liked it less. It has similar concept and you can see that author really likes to buff things near the end. It is very unpredictable boss and you wish to have good RNG more than ever to not have to do weird dodges. For example, that attack where you better stay near the edge of the block gets a bit weird near the end when you have ghost chasing you.
Also I wish the game had credits, the ending was a bit anti-climactic and too unfitting. Or something like true final boss - I do not know.
I know people like the production value and, once again, this game has cool ideas. Stage 2 and avoidance are my favorite. But everything else is mid at best for me.
I wish I liked this game more.
If you wanna try unusual needle in Stage 2 or you just wanna try for few attempts easy avoidance on stage 3, or if you for some reason like bosses in this game in general - you might try it out.
If you hate questionable traps, then maybe avoid it.
All in all I do not think this game is that good. At least it did not work for me.
Would not recommend.
For: I wanna PoPoPo
Needle is pretty basic, and pretty straight-forward. It uses vines in kind of clever way, and there is also water. Not sure what to say more about it.
The avoidance is what most people know this game for. It is pretty known since it was used in 'FSR avoidance', and is considered one of the better easier games there.
While it is true, I cannot say that this avoidance is something for what I could say 'WOW!'.
Sure, it has interesting gimmicks, like the one with 'Sleeping kid', and overal gameplay is very dynamic. But even the stand-still gimmick is very questionable, since you literally have to guess where to stand, and visual cues are not momentarily obvious. I also for some reason thought that there are gonna be more than one 'sleeping' moment. But I was wrong.
Anyway avoidance lacks to have enough personality, I would guess?
You see a lot of aiming, RNG, questionable RNG, but which still seems kind of fair, I guess? You see attacks which get re-used but in different twists. And sometimes you see light blue fruits which literally blend with background.
It is really all over the place.
I have beaten avoidance really quick, and I am not sure if I would genuinely like to recommend it or not.
It did not annoy me, and I kind of liked it, but I am sure there are better games out there.
It is definitely a good avoidance gem from the time though.
Not sure what else to say about it.
It is OK, I guess. Playable if you have around spare 20 minutes of your time.
Would recommend, maybe?
For: I wanna be released
Consider this review as a spoiler to the gimmick of the game, so be aware of that.
To explain what is going on, it is worth noting that oldest reviews for this game were based on old versions of the game.
I cannot find v1.3 of the game right now, but checking v1.2 I did notice that there are significant differences that are gonna make experience in v1.4 better.
But to start with - what is this game about? Author of this game wrote this in the file called: 'Reason of making this game.txt' :
'Q. Why you made this game?
A. These days,I saw some bad reviews of IWBTG fangames.
"IWBTG is garbage!!" "These games are not good. holy sh*t!!"
While seeing these review,I came to think "What is an unplayable
game? How we feel so?". This thought let me make this game.
So...if you feel"This game is bad!!",you are right. Sorry...'
From what I understood this was author's 2nd work ever made.
This game is needle having puzzle elements. If you played this game on any version before v1.3 then good luck figuring out what to do. The author gives you one cryptic message in the first room of the game 'G B G R G B G R', which basically tells you the order of the rooms that you have to arrive to.
Later on (seemingly v1.3) author added file called 'Answer(Before you give up).txt', that basically gave away the correct and fastest route for the game:
'A-B-C-D -> Green On
E-F-G-H-I-J-K-L-M-N -> Blue On
P-Q-A-I -> Green Off
M-F-B -> Red On
H-E -> Green On
X-P-S-V -> Blue Off
J-W -> Green Off
S-T-N-X-A -> Red Off'
HOWEVER, this is still not it. When I started the game I noticed that I was going in circles in the very start. And here comes the feature from v1.4 (or maybe v1.3, but I doubt that): 'Portal sprite'. If you look closely to the sprite, you will see that on some rooms the sprite is gonna have special effects on it and on others no. The special effects basically mean that you can be teleported to several rooms, depending from RNG. There are usually 2 or 3 possible outcomes. This is very important to note, because you might be teleported to completely different colour and you will waste your time. So if you want to be efficient, then you have to restart if you get teleported to the wrong room.
If you are efficient enough, you will skip some of the rooms, and some of them I have not even seen at all in other people playthroughs (such as rooms Y and Z), but they supposedly exist. The thing is that you have to turn on colours, and those colours will affect where you get. What is even more confusing is the fact that some rooms might have different features depending what colours you have. For example, the hardest room (in my opinion) is the room 'X', and you have to do it at least twice. The first time it always teleports you to the room 'P' (at least for me), the second time it was teleporting randomly. Not sure if it was RNG or colour selection but it did happen.
And I knew it only because I played on the latest release, which was published on 31st of December, 2024, but added on DF only on 8th of February, 2025.
So be ready to have consistent strats on rooms. Some of the rooms do require that. Most of them are not that bad, having just some generic jumps. Very few might be harder than the rest and for those I am gonna give some notes (only those obligatory to the intended route): 'C' - do the bottom path, it is easier ; 'H' - awkward jump that you have to do 3 times ; 'J' - ledge is harder than it seems but it is also the only hard thing on the screen so it is not as bad ; 'L' - I was told that you have to do 2F jump here. It is very awkward. Luckily with good align you can go off 2nd time, so you have to do the weird jump once ; 'N' - ledge jump - be ready to repeat it, since there are 3 possible random teleports, one of which teleports you to the room with the wrong colour ; 'X' - the hardest screen in the game, in which you have to do a lot of diagonal jumps and you have to do this screen at least 2 times ; 'S' - the first jump is kind of hard but the rest is easy ; 'V' - you have to do 1 downwards water plane. Everything else is reasonable and not worth mentioning.
I liked the concept and the fact that game shows you what colours are turned on is pretty cool. Also I appreciate author updating the game and making it more and more accessible. It is definitely not as bad as it was when it was released.
I am not sure what are the odds for random teleports, but replaying the same rooms was quite annoying, and I can just imagine how confusing is this game in the old versions.
I liked some layouts and ideas here, and the concept itself was interesting as I have said before. However, execution is lacking at the best. Playing this game blind is not really worth it. If you play on the latest version (I believe you can also shoot on portal to check or light bulb in the bottom corner) and you know what to do, then you can try, but the gameplay itself won't provide you much. The harder rooms are still noticeable and a bit ruin the flow. If game was even easier, probably it would have been worth trying to figure out the exit from this kind of escape room. But in the current state of the game it is a bit too much. I know there is an easy version, but I have not played it.
It is not the worst thing ever, as it is already stated in other recent reviews, but also it could have been made better. I appreciate this early work of author though.
Anyway, would not really recommend.
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