I wanna be the Name

Creator: ちゃーりー

Average Rating
7.8 / 10
Average Difficulty
59.4 / 100
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Adventure (6) Needle (5) Avoidance (2) Trap (6) Gimmick (4) Boss (5) Maze (1) Cycle (1)


  • by Thenewgeezer
  • by CanusAntonius
  • by CanusAntonius
  • by CanusAntonius
  • by Epic_sax_cake
  • by Epic_sax_cake
  • by CanusAntonius
  • by CanusAntonius
  • by Epic_sax_cake

21 Reviews:

First stage is decent, second stage is a grind, third stage starts with a really annoying jump, then there's a tedious maze with lots of dead ends that send you to penalty mini avoidances (which aren't bad tbf)

Final maze hint because I couldn't find a video and I think I explored every other path until I got to the end: the maze exit is to the right from the starting room, but you have to do a little detour down to get to the right section; if you notice a room to the right of the start that's split into three corridors with the bottom one having a patch of water with spikes, that's where you wanna go

The final boss encapsulates the whole game: good first phase, then a pointless mashing interlude, then a final phase with heavy RNG. I would have liked it much better if the mashing part was removed and the RNG final phase was made more interesting; as it is, I ended up getting consistent at the first phase until I got good RNG at the final phase.

Overall a game that started well but became less enjoyable as I progressed

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Tagged as: Adventure Needle Trap Gimmick Boss Maze Cycle
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Rating: 7.2 72       Difficulty: 60 60
Jan 5, 2023
This game is split into quite a few mini-stages, and there's a decent number of unique gimmicks, but the platforming in this game is very bare bones and that will be most of the content you explore. The worst of it is stage 2, where you have to do the 3 mini-stages once normally, then again with no saves. The final stage is probably the highlight of the game platforming wise but still pretty weak I'd say, especially the maze. The bosses are alright, although rather basic. They were a bit more interesting to me and probably the only part I'd say I really had fun with unfortunately. Not a bad game but I struggled to get into it at all.

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Rating: 5.5 55       Difficulty: 53 53
Oct 26, 2023
best game!

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Rating: 7.1 71       Difficulty: 57 57
Oct 21, 2023
I wanna be the Name is a really entertaining Needleventure game that is split into three arcs. There's a bit of gimmick usage, though not actually applied to the player himself, and occasionally there are traps and bosses. I really liked it, it was a breath of fresh air that I've been needing for a few days now.

The first of these arcs is a hub of stages in which they experiment with spikes in different ways. These gimmicks vary from spikes that inflate and shrink, to spikes that rotate, to even some that move as you hit visible triggers. This was a fun opening to the game that was followed by a pretty simple boss. The second arc involves stages that are multiple screens you have to do with a single save, however they come with a practice warp that gives you a save each screen. It might seem like an intimidating task, but they're actually not that bad and didn't take many attempts to finish.

The final arc involves a large maze that has multiple exits, with only one serving as the real exit. If you take a fake exit, you have to do a 20-second avoidance, and it's actually kind of neat because there are multiple of them. I'd recommend at least taking a few paths on your own, and then maybe consider a YouTube video to find the real one if you get exhausted. After this is the final boss, which was pretty fun though I think the final phase is a bit too RNG heavy and could seemingly wall the player sometimes if you got unlucky, so it's probably my least favorite of the three bosses.

Overall, I think Name is a really good game, and would absolutely recommend it if you like classic style games that are rather spike-centric.

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Tagged as: Adventure Needle Avoidance Trap Gimmick Boss
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Rating: 8.5 85       Difficulty: 55 55
Nov 21, 2022
The ideas in this game are pretty clever and early on they're executed well enough, however the further you get into the game the more it fumbles its execution. Stuff like having to do some stages twice to do both difficulties i wasn't a fan of. The second and third boss were a bit too rng dependent and i really didn't like them for that reason.
The game was still overall pretty fun, especially for its date.

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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 61 61
Jul 10, 2022