I wanna be Anime

Creator: Sudnep

Average Rating
8.0 / 10
Average Difficulty
55.3 / 100
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Adventure (12) Needle (10) Avoidance (11) Trap (5) Gimmick (4) Boss (7) Secrets (2) Destination (2) Extra (1) Mashing (1)


  • by MannyG2011
  • by MannyG2011
  • by MannyG2011
  • by MannyG2011
  • by Sudnep
  • by Xplayerlol

32 Reviews:

Extremely fun game with 3 separate stages with vastly different gameplay. The bosses of these stages are also all quite fun! Would absolutely recommend.

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Rating: 8.6 86       Difficulty: 46 46
Oct 12, 2023
The game is by far one of the most obnoxiously designed fangames I have played, with 2 of the 3 bosses being absolutely atrocious. Cthuga is the worst interpretation of a Destination fight I have seen, with attacks sometimes disappearing after the attack ends and sometimes not doing so, an inconsistency that is crucial to not happen at all. Especially at the end of the fight, the boss is completely dead and yet the screen is just littered with cherries still even though you proved in most of the fight this wouldn't be the case. My bigger issue though comes in replacement of the "white phase", in which you have at timed mashing segment, which I find to be absolutely garbage and physically painful to my hand. Finally, you have once again another mashing segment, this time not timed luckily, but with infinite jump which is the worst combination possible.

The middle boss, L L, is also something I found to be absolutely terrible. You once again are encouraged to mash heavily to do damage, which comes as a big focus in the middle of the fight once the girl appears. She has such an obnoxious amount of health, and you have cherries following you for half her life, that mashing is the only feasible way to even survive. And of course later after her you return again to the main boss which you can just mash again.

The avoidance isn't so much of a pain, besides an unskippable intro each time it was easily the best of the 3, not because it was amazing but simply for not being garbage like those were. Most of the platforming is also some of the most generic 32-pixel stuff possible, the tech stage with triggers felt like an extreme lack of creativity. Out of the rest of the stuff in the game, most of the Black/White Spike gimmick was fine, the remixes of stuff like Frogger was nice, and the colored needle screens were okay.

Besides those parts though, I do not believe this game has held up at all, and truthfully probably not even in its own time either. The bosses are a mixture of mediocre to atrocious, with nothing really being interesting or enjoyable at all. Simple design decisions to include mashing segments when the creator has parts that do not include them makes it seem like the game was intentionally made unenjoyable at all, so I would not recommend anyone to play this at all these days.

Also the death sound is terrible too and led me to just muting the game entirely after a bit.

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Tagged as: Adventure Needle Avoidance Trap Gimmick Boss Destination Mashing
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Rating: 3.5 35       Difficulty: 60 60
Dec 28, 2021
Cool game with 3 stages. They are all very different, the left one is trigger heavy, the middle one iis multiple minigames and the right one is focused on swap spikes. For the bosses, it depends, the right one is extremely good, the left is decent but the middle one is a pain.
The game has also some secrets that are supposed to unlock some extra but I heard extra is unfinished.

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Rating: 8.3 83       Difficulty: 55 55
Dec 4, 2020
The game is divided into 3 sections, plus 3 additional bosses are opened, if you played in the extra stage.
The section on the left is a needle with triggers, perhaps the most difficult part of the game.The avoidance here is very simple and interesting, the only drawback is somewhat delayed, as for me.
The second stage, which in the middle presents mini-games, with ideas taken from games of the past, is very cool, I really liked it.But the boss is annoying at this stage, I won't spoiler, but I didn't like him.
Stage 3, which on the right offers needle change and when activated at a certain point, is also a solid and powerful stage.The boss here is probably the most difficult in the game, with several phases.The boss is good and never gets bored.
Extra mode appears during the passage of the entire game, here you need to look for timings to advance and play with slowing down and stopping time to find a way between apples, quite painstakingly and observantly.
The final avoidance is very good, but apparently not done to the end, because for the last 30 seconds you just stand there and nothing happens.
I repeat, as in the first passage, the only thing that annoys here is the sound of death, I turned it off during the first passage, now I didn't die so much, and therefore it was insignificant
I edited the rating of the game from 7.0 and raised it significantly, because I really liked it.

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Rating: 8.5 85       Difficulty: 57 57
May 6, 2020
An adventure game really great, the stages are beautiful and the bosses are fun.
Would recommend.

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Tagged as: Adventure Needle Avoidance Trap
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Rating: 9.0 90       Difficulty: 66 66
Mar 26, 2017