I Dun Wanna be Anything 2

Creator: Zanto

Average Rating
9.1 / 10
Average Difficulty
74.1 / 100
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Adventure (12) Gimmick (7) Boss (4) Secrets (2) Long (10) Story (2) Puzzle (1) Items (1) metroidvania (3)


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  • by zanto
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  • by Xplayerlol
  • by Xplayerlol
  • by Xplayerlol
  • by Xplayerlol
  • by Xplayerlol
  • by Xplayerlol
  • by Xplayerlol
  • by Xplayerlol
  • by Xplayerlol
  • by Xplayerlol
  • by Xplayerlol
  • by Xplayerlol
  • by Xplayerlol
  • by Xplayerlol

Creator's Comments:

zanto [Creator]
I had a lot of fun making this metroidvania. Unlike the prequel, I hope the player has a good time with this one.

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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Feb 2, 2016

37 Reviews:

For as much as people complained about the honey mechanic, I think it really sticks together and makes for some sweet platforming

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Rating: 10.0 100       Difficulty: 75 75
Aug 25, 2015
Rating is based on Any%.
A very long metroidvania with a ton of content. It was pretty fun game that feels like an official Nintendo game. It was really cool to go through and my only gripe is the constant autoscrolls that appear in the game. Besides that, it was a fun journey.

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Tagged as: Adventure Gimmick Boss Secrets Long Story
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Rating: 9.0 90       Difficulty: 76 76
Jan 31, 2023
*This review is based on my blind playthrough on hard mode. For reference, it took about 88 hours and I had exactly 21700 deaths upon completion. I decided to use the metroid map over not having any map about halfway into the playthrough. I do not profess to be good at fangames, but I do think i'm an above average gamer when it comes to 2D platformers.*

Was a lot of fun. All the gimmicks, the mapping, the guns, the complexity & the metroidvania adventure feel combined with a lot of exploration and boss battles made for a great fangame to have played as my first fangame before anything else(even the original).

Its hard for me to thoroughly explain the upsides, but I remember some major gripes I did have with the game. There were some levels that were certainly not my favorite in comparison to others, but that is besides the point. My most major complaint with the game is that there are a lot of times where you cannot go backwards, and for a metroidvania, that means you have to replay some very difficult areas multiple times to acquire hidden items at any given time. I think I went through abyssal hive failing to find certain things about 6 times, and mountain pass + the other area has no teleporter inbetween for a VERY long time, and so i had to go through both 3-4 times. This can happen in nearly area so I would consider it a significant flaw in the metroidvania design.

Besides difficulty spikes here and there, bosses tended to have one major attack that was way harder to avoid than others, which facilitated acquiring power ups to fight certain bosses with crazy patterns somewhere 3-5 attacks into it. I am still not 100% sure if I exactly approved of that design in the end. The final boss made me get nearly every power up to avoid a certain attack he does..

I did in fact complete the optional area, I actually thought it was a fair amount easier than some levels early on into the game, but that could be me having adjusted to the fangame environment a little more. One other unfortunate aspect is some optional content behind a certain door doesnt exist, but the door was, so it was a major disappointment to finally be able to walk up to it and find out you cant go through it. As far as i'm aware, the game will not be patched anymore, so i figure the game would be better off without the door at all.

One thing I definitely enjoy was the inclusion of genuine challenges and light trolls over the usually heavy needle based games or troll games. This game felt like a much more polished game, and would include new ideas and enemies all the time, and progression of your powers really made you feel like you were getting stronger.

If there was one thing I really enjoyed about playing this fangame, it was learning where all the assets came from(either from zanto himself or asking others). I didn't know many of the assets so finding out about games I never knew about was really an interesting experience. It is one of the upsides of the fangame type of game as a whole, and it really shined here. If there was one thing I would have liked included, it would have been the ending credits to credit the game enemies came from.

Overall, this was a very enjoyable experience. I am glad I spent the time and effort to beat it.

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Rating: 8.6 86       Difficulty: N/A
Jul 11, 2017
Rating based on version 1.0.
Really long and really fun game. Follows the first IDWBA's storyline, expanding it and solidifying it, taking itself fairly more seriously than its prequel (Although it still keeps a fair share of humor, specially in the ending). There are lots of differences from this game to its prequel, the vast majority of them being for the better.
The first main difference is the lack of traps. There is an annoying enemy that goes by the name of "Kamikaze" that works like a trap at some points, but he's exclusive of very few areas, isn't overused and hardly is unfairly placed (It's rare to see one of those near the end of saves, and usually it's possible to react to their sudden appearances and avoid them in time). This makes the platforming much more enjoyable, as your time will be spent on figuring out how to deal with each gimmick and each puzzle, rather than on remembering where is every single trap on the save you are at.
Another big difference is that now the Kid has an attributes system. You can raise your attack power, or your 'guts'. Your attack power determines how much damage your bullets deliver to your enemies, and increasing it becomes really useful as you progress through the game and the bosses get harder and tougher. Your guts are an RNG thing that, when triggered, grants the Kid a short period of invulnerability that you can use to skip some segments, or to save yourself from tight situations. The 'guts' have a low chance of being triggered each time an attack hits the Kid, and raising this attribute will increase the player's chance of triggering them. Also, your reset key is blocked while this ability is triggered, which is really useful, after all you wouldn't want to reset out of panic when the game is giving you a second chance. To upgrade these attributes, you need to find specific upgrade items that can be found scattered through the huge amounts of platforming screens. These items include attack and guts upgrades and coins that you can use at the Trading Corner.
There are multiple weapons that you can find through the game. Some of them are required to progress, while some are optional and only useful to help you with specific situations. Some enemies and bosses are weak against a specific weapon, and some weapons have different effects at specific objects (Breakable blocks, fire/ice totems, water and others).
The Trading Corner is also a lot more useful than in the first game. In the first game, most items you find in the trading corner are collectibles without much relevance for the gameplay, but here, you can exchange your coins for set unknown prizes that include attribute upgrades, weapon(s) that can't be obtained normally, extra ammunition for this/these weapon(s) and probably more.
The stages are all connected through specific paths, with lots of room for exploring. To ensure that the player can be transported quickly to distant locations, there are multiple teleporters scattered through the game. The stages have numerous themes, including a swamp, a tower, an underwater temple, a beehive and many others. The visuals are impressive (In a good way) and the musics are nice and fitting. To ensure that the player can't access areas that are probably too hard for him at the moment, some stages have specific requirements that the player needs to meet in order to unlock them, like amounts of Power Capsules (Usually found at the very end of an area) in order to measure how far you are into the game or specific weapons that you'll probably need to use inside the stage too.
Another huge difference from the original are the bosses. The bosses in this game use a set pattern, which makes the player focus more on learning the fight instead of focusing on getting lucky. They are usually quite creative, forcing the player to adapt to entirely different styles of fight. There are some exceptions, like the dragon, which is basically all about finding safe spots while you either, take forever to kill him with normal bullets, or kill him within 5 hits with ice bullets, and the spider, which is a huge RNG festival that would probably fit better in the prequel, but most bosses are fun and really creative, or at least decent.
The main issue I have with this game regards its open world nature. In a game where you can basically go wherever you want to (Kinda), you'd expect to know where exactly you want to go, so that you can spend your time exploring the areas, rather than, uh, finding them. It took me forever to find some specific areas because they were hidden at places where I'd expect to find a secret item, not a stage. Even better than that, the Lost Manor (An annoying stage consisting of a maze of warps) has two correct paths, each of them leading to a different stage. How is anyone supposed to find out that the Lost Manor leads to two different stages? You have to explore every corner and hope for it to be a new area, instead of a secret coin or upgrade, otherwise you'll have wasted a fair share of your time just redoing a part of a stage you've already played until you reach the next teleporter. Even better than that, the path to the last stages is blocked by a weird kind of barrier and there's no real way to know when you unlocked it, specially because there's no way to know that that's the path to the last stages until you enter it. There's a reason for maps and hints to exist in video games, and that reason is usually to show the player where can he go and where should he go, so that the optional paths can honor their name and BE optional, and so that the player KNOWS that they are optional.
The vast majority of the gimmicks is greatly improved. The platforming still has a lot of variety, and there are still plenty of gimmicks, but I can only recall two annoying gimmicks: The honey gimmick, which slows down the player and makes him jump lower (It's used in an interesting way, but makes the platforming way too slow), and the invisible/fake block maze thing (The save with shiny green blocks where you can't step at the visible blocks, although they can still block your way horizontally, and the blocks you can step at are invisible until you get REALLY close to them). The rest of them is quite interesting and fun to use.
The only real complaint I have about this game is the lack of a system that allows the player to know what is optional and what is required, which is a pretty basic feature in games with extra content. I really liked the platforming, the bosses and the style of the game overall. Would recommend.

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Tagged as: Adventure Gimmick Long Puzzle
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Rating: 8.8 88       Difficulty: 75 75
Apr 20, 2016
A massive metroidvania fangame adventure that pushes fangames to a new level of production and content. The game features a free-roam world with points points of fast travel to navigate, complete with powerups, hidden secrets, and backtracking. Expect to spend the better part of 30+ hours on your first time through the game, with the potential to go much higher if you take the time hunting down the game's massive amounts of secrets and upgrades.

Each of the games areas usually has a theme, some of them are very creative and others are downright devious in their nature. The platforming gets brutual at times, but pales in comparison to the bosses. The bosses in this game are tough, some of them are pretty learn heavy. Expect to spend a fair amount of time trying to figure them out. The good part is that the non-linear nature of the game combined with fast travel points means that often times you can take a break from fighting a given boss and go explore elsewhere. Finding more power ups can make a big difference in the bosses as doing more damage leads to faster kills, which means not having to learn later phases of the fights.

Overall, the game is remarkable achievement in terms of pushing the limits of what we have come to expect from fangames. It is not an easy fangame, but for those who are good enough to play it, you will find a robustly challenging and lengthy fangame that every veteran player should experience.

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Tagged as: Adventure Boss Long
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Rating: 9.5 95       Difficulty: 75 75
Jul 30, 2015