I wanna be the Rotten

Creators: sandsky0, Zero-G

Average Rating
5.9 / 10
Average Difficulty
70.9 / 100
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Needle (9) Avoidance (10) Trap (2) Trigger (1) Taisa (5) Barrage (3) Extra (2)


  • by Zurai
  • by NightShark115
  • by Zurai
  • by NightShark115

16 Reviews:

lacking platforming with lame traps, unfun needle that randomly inserts hard jumps and two bossfights of which one is terrible and the other is pretty good

the guy rock stage isn't anything too special. the traps are somewhat unpredictable but that gets boring after a few screens. there's a weird secret area that puts you into a precision needle-ish room with some generic hard jumps (i.e. corners, diamonds, planes, etc). this secret area gives you an item that lets you access the EX boss (which I'll get to later). long story short, this item is actually worth collecting.
the second stage has some generic platforming that's considerably harder than the first stage’s. this stage entirely lacks traps or anything interesting for that matter and is just boring needle with a few notably difficult jumps. there's some weird squished diagonal crap in the middle of this stage and that got quite annoying quite fast.

the taisa fight sucks, frankly. the camera effects are annoying and a lot of the attacks are unfun to read (i.e. the entire infinite jump segment). the bouncing purple orbs attack at the end of the infinite jump segment is almost completely luck. at least the dot hitbox is very very forgiving, as bullets seem to vstring straight through you sometimes.
the EX boss is the only thing worth playing in this game. designed in a way a lot unlike the taisa fight, it only has a somewhat luck-based/unreadable intro, but other than that it really doesn’t suffer from any of the same problems the taisa fight does. this boss is fun and has some fun fast-paced attacks that don't get old almost instantly. there's one bullshit part (the rapidly bouncing orbs), and immediately after that the blue orbs that burst out. they're not really bullshit but just kinda hard to read for whatever
reason. the rest of the fight is pretty fun and skill-based

leaves quite a lot to be desired, game should be like three times longer. not recommended

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Tagged as: Needle Avoidance Trap Taisa Extra
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Rating: 3.9 39       Difficulty: 63 63
Sep 14, 2024
Decent needle game ! Platforming was pleasant overall and visuals are nice.

The game has 2 avoidance fight, one of them is optional which I haven't beaten yet (you unlock it by
getting the secret).

The first avoidance fight tho was challenging for me and took me around an hour (but I got super lucky). The attacks are overall pretty fair and it has a nice difficulty curve. You fight it with a dot-hitbox so most of the RNG is mostly possible I guess.

If you like avoidance and are not the worst needle player, you should definitly play it.

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Tagged as: Needle Avoidance
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Rating: 7.5 75       Difficulty: 70 70
Jul 3, 2016
rating based on first avoidance. have yet to do extra.

I just fluked the absolute FUCK out of this barrage. I spent a single-digit amount of minutes on it and I fluked EVERYTHING past the first camera-funni attack.

Maybe this isn't the best experience to give a good review but I think the barrage felt very fair, fun, and readable for pretty much every attack, except I feel that the shadow balls one could be sussy and I just lucked through it? Can't really judge based on my crazy fluke alone though. Dot hitbox seemed to remove any situations that could have felt unfair through most of it.

As far as the needle goes, I did get the secret. I felt that the needle was stomachable, not particularly amazing for all of it including the secret... except for the screen before the avoidance. That one jumped up the precision and did not feel like it fit with the needle style of the rest of the game. I didn't enjoy it but I also am not really a fan of precision needle and all things considered you can really just look at that one screen as "two squished diagonals and a single-jump diamond". I did all the other needle in one session and then came back and fluked that screen so it could have gone worse. I don't think the needle is bad enough to ruin the game, as the main attraction of the game are the barrages and the barrage felt fantastic. This game does not deserve a 5.7 overall rating I think and I would recommend this to people who can stomach the needle because the avoidance is that good... or so I think at least.

Deaths: 1670
Time: 1:11:49

I will be updating this review later after I do extra and perhaps after clearing the main avoidance again down the line?

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Tagged as: Needle Avoidance Taisa Barrage
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Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 74 74
Oct 6, 2024
Based on 100 % Clear. Very lacking game, needle is meh at the best in first stage and in second stage it's just annoying hard generic needle. I didn't get concept behing putting secret, but beware because without it you can't play EX avoidance

First (main game final) avoidance is pretty dumb-designed Taisa fight with bad awkward attacks and it has issue with second half being harder than first. EX avoidance is kinda better, because pace is more stable and attacks makes more sense, but it still kinda lacking of quality and balance

Overall, tbh can't recommend this game, it's tried to be something decent, but not really achieved that goal

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Rating: 4.7 47       Difficulty: 77 77
Jun 21, 2023
Rating based on 100%.
neat game

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Tagged as: Needle Avoidance
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Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 73 73
Apr 16, 2021