I wanna be the Rotten

Creators: sandsky0, Zero-G

Average Rating
5.9 / 10
Average Difficulty
71.4 / 100
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Needle (7) Avoidance (8) Trap (1) Trigger (1) Taisa (3) Barrage (2) Extra (1)


  • by Zurai
  • by Zurai

14 Reviews:

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Rating: 7.1 71       Difficulty: 72 72
Sep 21, 2020
A really generic (at first) but otherwise excellently produced collaboration by Zero and Sandsky. At first you begin in the typical environment most games begin in: a default tile set alongside Guy Rock (which is a good song, I understand the hate but it's not too bad, really catchy when it doesn't reset) and some basic needle w/ triggers. What follows is a neat looking needle stage with 2 hard screens and a Taisa to end. Overall I enjoyed it quite a bit. Don't judge the game based on the rating above, it's really good and I would definitely recommend it.


Kinda generic at first but definitely ramps up with the stage transition. It's not too bad until said transition so expect a giant difficulty leap if you're not experienced in needle. Nonetheless, after those few screens of the "typical environment," you're greeted with said leap in difficulty as you go from doing gates and diags (unless you got the secret), which is on the third or fourth screen, some floor tiles are near the bottom of the screen to planes, squished diags, and corners. The needle really tests your align knowledge and is moderately difficult. The second screen was a bitch to figure out since I vehemently despise diags, especially squished ones, so I'd recommend working with Jtool/RMJ if you're not sure about how to approach the jump. I'd hate it more if it weren't for the fact that there are no save blockers so the squished diag jump only has to be cleared once. Overall, great platforming. Really enjoyed it besides that second screen in stage 2.

Avoidance: (based on Taisa only, I will update if I can clear the Extra Boss)

Excellent. Fast paced rng along with unique attacks made this one fun 2 hour grind. The Taisa is definitely another source of difficulty in the game since each attack tests something distinct when it comes to the player's avoidance skills (reading w/ distortion in screen, heavy, slow reading, quick reaction time, reading from multiple angles, etc.) Other than the first 30 seconds being a tiny bit gibby with the rng (which I cannot really blame, fast rng will be fast rng), the fight was absolutely perfect in my opinion. Really fun and satisfying to clear.

Overall rating:

This game is a beauty. Although it might not look like it at first, the production takes a giant leap upwards with the transition and doesn't stop climbing up when you reach the boss. Although the 2nd screen of needle and the first 30 seconds of the Taisa irked me a bit, I wholeheartedly enjoyed this magnificent game. I only wish stage 2 was a bit longer. Regardless, I would definitely recommend to anyone looking for a nice boss to play/some short needle to clear. Hope I can run into more games made by these two guys.

My Rating: 8/10
My Difficulty: 68/100

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Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 68 68
Feb 21, 2017
Haven't beaten yet, reached the cool-looking needle area. Level design so far is really fun, I don't mind the fact that it begins with guy rock area tiles, the second area has better graphics and the needle seems to be getting harder. Based on videos/readme file, there are 2 avoidances that look fun. May update the rating but so far the game's worth playing for me.

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Tagged as: Needle Avoidance Trigger
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Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: N/A
Feb 10, 2016
Releasing this just to have it released, created sometime in 2015, old game
(this isn't technically finished, but honestly i'm too lazy to put finishing touches so here it is)


Played it. Not interesting.

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Rating: 1.5 15       Difficulty: N/A
Feb 9, 2016
Tagged as: Needle Avoidance Trap Taisa Barrage Extra
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Rating: 2.5 25       Difficulty: 72 72
Jan 14, 2023