I wanna jump the Shark 2

Creator: Shark3143

Average Rating
8.3 / 10
Average Difficulty
60.8 / 100
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Adventure (10) Needle (3) Avoidance (7) Gimmick (7) Boss (6) Mashing (1)


  • by Xplayerlol
  • by Shark3143
  • by NightShark115
  • by Xplayerlol
  • by TeaPawncha

26 Reviews:

Really fun needle game made of 3 stages having a different gimmick, each including a miniboss and a boss. I really liked the stages and the boss overall even if I found some saves in the third stage annoying. The final boss (true final boss i guess as you need to collect coins through the stages to unlock it) was very fun even if it felt a bit grindy.

I would definitely recommend this game even if it might be hard for newer player especially near the end.

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Rating: 9.0 90       Difficulty: 60 60
Aug 13, 2017
The creators of this game feel like they went over it with a fine shark-tooth comb. Editting out and building up aesthetic and balancing difficulty. A few bosses hit the lack luster radar on my end, but were visually spot on regardless. This game has required extra and its highly recommended you get it. Extra in this game is some of the best extra I've ever had the pleasure of playing. It includes 1 stage filled with meduim level jumps and medium level length saves a perfect fit for most players to feel good running through. The last bosses are (normal and extra) are both incredibly high production value and great send offs for whichever path you choose to end at. As far as feeling accomplished once beaten this is probably it. Its rough around the edges giving you a normal fangame grit but refined enough to keep you wanting more till the end.

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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 60 60
Jan 19, 2017
collecting secrets for the sake of opening the finale is fucking trash, but overall the game is fun and interesting

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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 65 65
Mar 18, 2024
Super fun game, there's a combination of solid needle and solid bosses which make this a very enjoyable experience from start to finish, for the most part. The needle stages are pretty basic as far as needle goes, but there's the occasional moving object or unique obstacle which adds a little bit of flavor, and there's not really any annoying or uncomfortable jumps. The bosses are pretty neat as well, they kinda take a backseat to the needle in terms of difficulty, as they are all short and simple, but the two major exceptions are the last two bosses. The pre-final boss is kinda annoying, easily the weakest part of the game for me, but I like the final avoidance, it's got some fun attacks and is satisfying to play. Overall this game is pretty good, definite recommendation.

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Rating: 9.3 93       Difficulty: 55 55
Apr 1, 2023
Jump the Shark 2 is a Needleventure game in which I find myself on the crossroads of bothing liking and disliking, it's really hard to say. I only have one expectation when playing a game, that it will be fun, and having to mash bosses to the point that it's physically painful sure isn't fun. That being said, I think it's a problem you can overlook if you don't have hand issues like me, so I can't hate the game too much.

I will mention that I think the Needle aspect of it was kind of disappointing, the first stage was alright, but it kind of just dips from there. You got a stage full of conveyors which I never think is good for needle, you got one with awkward cycles, and then you just have an old-school style stage at the end. I would also say in this time period the gimmick tag pretty much means nothing, there are jump refreshers, conveyors, and enemies that can shoot, but nothing that you would actually call a "real gimmick" these days.

The bosses were mostly fun, outside of the fact that they're incredibly mash-heavy. They're mostly simple and usually won't take long, though the final 2 bosses can be a bit of a pain. I'm kind of not a fan though of how many fights there are where you can only deal damage while jumping, that added on to mashing is a terrible combination. The final avoidance is also cool, though I don't see the reason of including the starting avoidance at the end, just let it end on the platform earlier on a climatic note.

Overall, if you have carpal tunnel or other hand issues, stay the hell away from this one. But if you don't, it's kind of fun.

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Tagged as: Adventure Needle Avoidance Boss Mashing
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Rating: 6.8 68       Difficulty: 60 60
Sep 4, 2022