I wanna be the School

Creator: トンコツ

Average Rating
5.5 / 10
Average Difficulty
60.0 / 100
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Adventure (1)


  • by Cosmoing
  • by Cosmoing
  • by Cosmoing
  • by Cosmoing
  • by Cosmoing

1 Review:

Nobody's really asked the question "What if I wanna be the Pharaoh wasn't incredibly cryptic?" before, and there's probably a good reason for that. Nonetheless, turns out the maker's next game answers that question pretty well.

Despite not being cryptic, very little actually makes sense here. The story (yes, there is one, sort of) is actually fully in English, which is nice, but there really isn't enough of it to make sense of anything. You'll just wander around exploring the various areas this game has to offer and pick up collectibles, and eventually you'll probably stumble into the final boss. The journey is really what it's all about, and there's honestly so much to figure out that it's hard to not like it. None of the required content to beat the game is really hard to find either so you probably won't get lost. Probably.

There is also 6 secret items to pick up, although they seem to be completely pointless. They range from incredibly easy to find, to "you will probably have to search the entire game twice to find this". I wouldn't personally recommend trying to find them, mostly because searching everywhere can be a pain after a while, and really there's no reward for this.

If you didn't stop reading the review after the first sentence and started playing the game, then there's not much else I can do to convince you. It's very unique and I enjoyed it.

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Tagged as: Adventure
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Rating: 5.5 55       Difficulty: 60 60
Apr 12, 2021