97 Reviews:
This is pretty much the same thing as the first one. Great beginner needle practice. Interesting nonlinear layout that makes you need to think about routing. Very short. Not much else to say. These should've just been one game honestly.
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Rating: 7.0 70
Difficulty: 20 20
Aug 19, 2019
The game do almost everything the same as the first game, however game is now pink, which actually fits it better, in my opnion. The only mentionable thing is what already ElCochran90 said. In this game you should better track what are you doing to not start going in cycles, which makes difficulty slightly higher, however needle difficulty is still the same, and it doesn't include anything new. Also, I liked how this game connects with the previous one, since the idea of connected rooms at the end is the same in both games (also last screen, which has form of some kind of tear or water drop, is the same in both games, which connects pretty well together). Slightly better than first game and would still recommend.
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Rating: 6.8 68
Difficulty: 25 25
Jul 26, 2019
Similar to the first one, great low-difficulty needle game.
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Rating: 7.5 75
Difficulty: 20 20
Jun 6, 2019