I wanna qowulu 100

Creator: sunlaoqq

Average Rating
7.9 / 10
Average Difficulty
38.0 / 100
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Needle (22) 100_Floor (10) Long (8) x_Floor (2) Maze (9) 100F (4) x_Floors (1) Galaxy_Brain (1) Pathing_Puzzle (1) Love (1)


  • by Vicklleall
  • by sWIfT
  • by ElCochran90

70 Reviews:

This is a really interesting production and take on a needle game.

It's 100 floors jammed into a single winding room. The needle is tame but surprisingly varied, which lends itself well to a playstyle where you're not focusing on the needle itself but all the intertwining paths.

Somehow, in these 100 floors he manages to run a single thread with very few skips (and no substantial ones) to cover the entire map, all the while having a good variety of easy jumps (though many conceptual layouts do repeat, as you'd expect with this many crossing paths) and almost entirely gentle screen transitions. The difficulty lends itself to the pathing too - he manages to keep it from ever getting too complicated (as he's demonstrated he can) and overall its a really chill experience.

The single tileset gets a little stale, as does the music (even though it plays through a playlist of songs, they're all very similar) but since progress is consistent and smooth, it doesn't ever make you feel stuck.

I'd recommend this to new players looking for a long, easier needle game or to anyone who enjoys mazy paths. Its a much better game than qoqoqo origins to serve as an introduction to sunlao's style. If you're an experienced players who wants to play some needle, this probably isn't the game since its not particularly engaging in that regard.

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Tagged as: Needle 100_Floor
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Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 40 40
Apr 30, 2019
This game is great. The needle itself is pretty easy (aside from a few weirdly precise jumps), but the real challenge is situational awareness. You actually have to look ahead (!) and think about where you're going, which is pretty fresh. By the end of the game I felt like I had developed a skill in analyzing interlocking level design to figure out where to go next. Sadly, I feel like this is not a skill I will be using very often.

As an aside, I really like the fact that saves fade out after you use them, such that you never accidentally save at an old save and lose progress, but I wish it had been communicated better. I didn't realize it was a thing before seeing it stated on these delfruit reviews. Also, I think a harder version of this game (not needle-wise, but maze-wise) would benefit from not having saves fade out. This would punish a lack of situational awareness and make things more tricky. That said, the design would need to be a little different. The interlocking in this game is so broad that it's quite easy at any point in the game to lose all your hours of progress by accidentally saving at an old save. In a harder version of this game, interlocking should probably not be that broad. A challenging maze is one thing, but needing to redo hours of progress due to a single mistake is not something many people will enjoy.

But anyway, yeah, surprisingly fun game.

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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 40 40
Aug 10, 2018
Beyond insane pathing. One hundred thousand percent recommended.

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Tagged as: Needle Maze
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Rating: 9.5 95       Difficulty: 40 40
Mar 27, 2024
My second fangame that I cleared, from the perspective of a new player such as I, it's quite enjoyable as the jumps are not incredibly hard (a few jumps here and there are the exception) and the save points are VERY forgiving. Felt like it was going on forever though lol

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Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 39 39
Dec 21, 2023
Very long and confusing fangame where the difficulty solely comes from random difficulty spikes thrown into random sections. The game is unironically 15 difficulty until it decides to throw in an align-required frame perfect jump lol. Bad balancing all around, and the amount of just okay needle did little to throw off the random spikes. Not a fun time.

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Rating: 3.0 30       Difficulty: 30 30
Sep 29, 2023