Not Another VVVVVV Game

Creator: arzztt

Average Rating
9.1 / 10
Average Difficulty
53.0 / 100
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Adventure (16) Needle (19) Gimmick (16) VVVVVV (16) SourPls (2)


  • by ElCochran90
  • by sWIfT
  • by Anonymous
  • by Wolfiexe
  • by ElCochran90
  • by Wolfiexe
  • by Wolfiexe
  • by choco1260
  • by luk
  • by Anonymous

Creator's Comments:

arzztt [Creator]
It's a needleventure game I made based around the VVVVVV kid gimmick included in Not Another Needle Engine.
If that sounds like fun then I would recommend playing it, if you're not into game changing gimmicks then you may want to pass on this.

Edit: Maybe I shouldn't have been so worried ( •ᴗ•)

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Tagged as: Adventure Needle Gimmick VVVVVV
[9] Likes
Rating: N/A       Difficulty: 55 55
Jan 11, 2019

76 Reviews:

Rather simple Title Screen. Keeping in the style of Arzztt's previous fangame, NAVG'S logo is drawn in rather sloppy handwriting, with a simple solid color background behind. It really nails the aesthetic of VVVVVV, although I don't remember V6 having a HungryTag in it.

Overall, its a good title screen that serves its purpose and what it needs to do, but before I give my rating I do need to bring up something.

According to the Tags, this game falls under the "domu_game" genre, however I disagree on that stance.

The thing that makes a domu_game a domu_game is if it has a similar style to Domu, which this game clearly does not. Domu never had a gravity flipping stage, or a stage with a moving stars effect. There isn't even a domu_titlescreen, as it isn't grey or say "Domu".

Title Screen Rating: 7.0/10
-its not a domu_game or a domu_titlescreen but its still pretty good

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[20] Likes
Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Jan 11, 2019
I don't really have much to say that hasn't been said already, just play it, it's really amazing.

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Tagged as: Adventure Needle Gimmick VVVVVV
[4] Likes
Rating: 9.5 95       Difficulty: 55 55
Jan 11, 2019
Starting 2019 off with a bang, Arzztt really delivers with this game. Mixing gimmicks in very creative ways and with a design that always surprises you with its clean and interesting movements. As usual, the visuals inspired from V6 and the music used from it are just impeccable, everything just fits in so well here. I'm usually not one to be a huge fan of VVVVVV segments in fangames, for they always felt like something was off, be it difficulty-wise or just the platforming itself, but this one really nails it in the best way. Even those who aren't super into the gimmick or the theme should check this out, great game from an incredible new maker. I honestly can't wait to see more stuff from him.

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[3] Likes
Rating: 9.6 96       Difficulty: 60 60
Jan 11, 2019
A new favorite.

Dethroning Kill the Guy, Boshy, the drastically underrated Diverse, and Marathon itself regarding the VVVVVV gimmick (QUT sucks), arzztt delivered this new fangaming piece of Western legend to the community exactly one day before my birthday, perpetually crowning himself as the king of this subgenre, if it could be considered as such. Considerable needle skill is required (shockingly much less than in Chill Needle 2, which is underrated in difficulty), but following Cavanagh's original vision from beginning to end and incorporating the standard fangame engine to the formula, he creates an intensely exciting and mostly inventive adventure game for the kid with brief comedy instances for lighting up your weekend. You're guaranteed at least two hours of creative level design.

There is no difficulty curve intended; rather, it is constant since the beginning, incorporating different gimmicks in each of the stages. It is quite messy, but doesn't harm gameplay significantly, although it is puzzling that the last stage had, in my opinion, some of the easiest screens of the entire game. However it is the spirit that counts, and it was greatly achieved here.

Grudges? Well, yes, since no game is perfect (maybe). The first one is the aforementioned diffiulty curve. The second one is that the volume is awfully designed, and I don't use this word lightly. Music can barely be heard, and sound effects are loud. 40% of VVVVVV's experience was its soundtrack, which is faithfully used here, no remixes. In order to appreciate the music, I had to raise the volume too much, and whenever I tried a "secret" (remember that if you look for secrets, arzztt hates you), my eyes would be shockingly pierced to the point of pain. The red and blue coins, which are implemented greatly for variety and fair challenge, sounded too loud also, as well as shooting. This harms the ENTIRE game. All the way through it. Finally, there are screens in stage 2 of questionable difficulty, and I have to highlight the Tax Break screen. REVIEW EDIT REQUESTED BY ARZZTT: A corner is actually not required before the ending of a long save in that screen. However, I saw no other way to pull off the jump due to the screenwrap. This corner, suspiciously, does not have the ussual response others do, so I was led to believe I was actually doing it the right way. That screen took more than 10% of my deaths, but well, that's on me.

Despite this being a good game, I do think that arzztt surpassed himself more recently with Chill Needle 2, which is amazing, and paradoxically, even if it is not entirely a VVVVVV game, it does contain the best VVVVVV fangame experience you will ever have. Yes, this game is a revolution in that department, but it is also the foundation, and Chill Needle 2 took it to another level using the same structure of featuring 3 stages for then combining them into one unforgettable challenge.

Note also that we have a contender for the best creator of Clear Screens ever, and since you won the Run the Simulation race, I sincerely hope you saved your fabricated triumph screen for your next game, because if you do use it for your next game, I will also laugh forever. Hard.

P.S. Also, unlike Chill Needle 2, this game doesn't insult you if you look for secrets.

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Tagged as: Adventure Needle Gimmick VVVVVV
[2] Likes
Rating: 6.8 68       Difficulty: 60 60
Aug 24, 2019
Judging by the title screen, this one seems like a troll game. But if you try it out, it actually has brilliant level design and gameplay. Would recommend.
clear time: 3:59:58
total deaths: 2126

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Rating: 10.0 100       Difficulty: 59 59
Jul 11, 2023