Full Fangame List

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GameDifficulty   Rating   # of Ratings
I Wanna 1116 45.4 8.1 32
19000 19.7 3.4 13
I wanna be the 3x3 16.9 1.9 8
I wanna a lot of Spike 44.0 4.5 38
A Minimal Adventure 37.4 7.5 48
I wanna add one to the clear list 44.7 5.6 8
I Wanna Anomaly 82.8 7.9 10
Another Bad Barrage 2 44.7 7.4 14
I Wanna Appreciate the Wolf's Enthusiasm 63.5 8.1 37
Avoidance Collab 4 80.7 8.8 14
Back in the 90's 19.1 3.0 15
I Wanna be a Good Guy 41.2 5.4 15
I wanna be in my safe space 48.3 7.1 18
I wanna be TOUGH BOY 17.4 6.0 23
I wanna be the Beginner hololive 50.0 3.8 5
I wanna belong to DDLC 80.0 8.1 8
I Wanna be the BHG (共同開発) 50.4 7.1 29
Big Coat 19.2 6.2 35
I wanna be the Blue coin mania saucer fulfill 48.8 6.1 7
I Wanna Bonfire 46.4 7.6 24
I wanna break the Series Z 2 Remake 80.6 7.3 23
I wanna Burnmind 54.7 8.9 71
I wanna be the Burst 42.0 6.8 43
C7osure 65.2 7.2 9
I wanna call me it. 69.6 8.0 45
I Wanna Call The Hound 80.0 7.7 11
I wanna challenge the Tower! 49.0 4.3 4
I wanna be the Chargrilled dish of resurrection 81.7 8.2 4
I wanna Chaton 59.0 7.7 24
Chile Game 68.9 4.4 13
Chill Needle 2 58.0 8.9 56
Chippy 53.3 9.4 14
Chungo's Gauntlet 31.5 9.2 68
I Wanna Classico 45.9 7.0 23
I wanna Count 0 83.9 8.7 26
I wanna crazy boy EZ 48.0 0.7 5
Crimson Needle 3 89.1 9.2 104
I wanna be the Crimson Sun 73.3 6.7 12
I Wanna Cute Jump! 71.9 8.5 9
Cyaegha 64.5 5.9 6
Cyber Thunder Cider 72.6 9.2 46
I Wanna Dance With Circles Of Death 73.8 8.0 19
I wanna be the dancer 70.0 5.0 4
I wanna Dancing Cat Says 66.5 6.3 4
I wanna DBG 53.3 7.9 11
I Wanna Decimate The Purple Taisa 2 82.6 8.2 11
I Wanna Defeat the Discord Makers Kela Side 3 56.6 6.8 5
I Wanna Defeat The Four Horsemen Of Hardcore Gaming 72.0 7.7 10
I Wanna Defeat The Robot 71.9 8.5 15
Designer L's Wacky Randventure! 58.1 7.4 70
I Wanna Destroy the Maelstrom 67.2 8.0 27
I wanna do it when mom isn't home 43.0 6.9 3
Domu 61.2 9.0 87
I Wanna Drop The Bomb 47.4 7.3 18
I wanna eat the worm 52.3 8.1 16
I Wanna Eclipse 57.1 9.0 70
I wanna Elecspike 84.4 6.8 15
I Wanna Enter the Авганиста 1.666 14.0 1.7 4
I Wanna Escape Into My Mind 49.9 9.2 65
I wanna escape the Gothic Castle 57.9 8.1 44
I wanna escape the Hell 64.8 6.5 8
Everhood Colonel 71.5 8.6 18
I wanna be the Fafnir 91.5 6.7 7
I wanna be the FC 36.5 7.3 17
I Wanna Feed Your Escapism 2 63.0 8.4 42
Float. 56.8 8.7 35
I Wanna Be The Forsenbaj 36.1 5.2 8
I Wanna Be The Forsenbaj 2 47.2 7.9 17
Full Techno Jackass 54.9 8.8 42
I wanna gachiGASM 31.8 2.6 7
I wanna gain the ability 57.4 8.9 16
I Wanna Be The Gamer With You 52.5 3.8 3
I Wanna Be The GBC 76.2 8.6 36
Gemilous Needle 3 69.1 5.7 8
I Wanna Get Cultured 2 71.7 9.1 104
I wanna get Rekt 65.0 9.1 56
I Wanna Get The Baile del Troleo 56.8 8.0 9
I Wanna Get The Perfume 66.6 7.7 33
I wanna Giripossible 16.2 4.6 27
I Wanna Give Chatran a Present! 40.4 7.6 15
I Wanna Go For Another Ride 46.8 7.3 30
I wanna go the Jungle Adventure 64.4 8.8 52
I wanna go the Ocean Wetventure 62.0 8.8 43
I wanna go the Trap Way 3 47.1 8.3 27
I Wanna Go To The Otherside 61.7 7.2 23
I wanna goes on the Endless Dreams 70.3 8.6 4
I Wanna Good Night Bad Luck 50.8 6.6 9
I Wanna GOODRAGE 64.4 6.9 14
Goofy Ahh Sounds 39.5 6.8 12
Happy Birthday King 43.5 6.9 6
I wanna have a accident 33.3 3.1 4
I wanna Helltake 52.2 8.4 48
Humble Abode 69.5 7.9 26
I Wanna Hurry 41.4 7.4 9
I want 60.1 8.3 55
Ice Reign 24.1 5.6 11
if(I wanna be the GOD){with(†耐久神you†){instance_destroy()} 神デスver 86.4 9.4 22
if(I wanna get the good luck){with(kakki){destroy! kill! genocide!}}柿デスver 87.8 9.4 16
II wwaannnnaa SShhaakkee 37.9 1.3 16
I wanna Isekai Ojisan 80.0 1.8 8
I wanna join the AA 75.1 8.2 14
I wanna be the Jumble 47.3 6.0 7
I Wanna Kick It Out 67.5 4.3 12
I wanna kill the 2sweepor 55.7 7.0 28
I wanna kill the 3sweepor 57.4 8.7 50
I Wanna Kill The BLB 2: Nemesis Tamatou 46.4 8.1 25
I wanna kill the Guy 47.2 9.2 140
I wanna kill the Kamilia 2 WARPED 86.6 7.2 24
I wanna kill the Kermit 75.1 7.5 30
I wanna kill the Kermit 2 71.1 8.5 61
I wanna kill the Weston Douglas Jones 41.7 6.3 19
I wanna be the Kingdom Easy 31.0 3.4 2
I wanna be the Kirwy 51.3 5.2 20
I wanna know the everlasting stories 86.3 8.3 14
I Wanna Leave The Devil's Den 65.7 5.6 4
I Wanna Leave This Hell 63.9 9.0 20
I Wanna Look Inside 57.4 8.3 31
Love Her Madly 50.6 6.8 11
I Wanna Mafijas 55.5 7.7 21
Mage of Violet 75.2 8.7 7
Magicrash Ice 34.0 6.2 7
I Wanna Make Some Noise 53.7 7.1 11
I Wanna Maker 38.3 9.6 104
I Wanna Marenol 61.9 9.0 13
Menacing Taisa 75.3 8.4 14
I wanna merry bad end 45.2 8.5 18
I Wanna Be The Mindweaver 59.7 5.8 8
I wanna be the Mirrorball Airride 56.0 6.1 12
Money 61.7 7.3 10
Monmouth Has Frozen Over And So Have I 57.0 9.2 13
Muri Exhibition 85.0 6.2 7
I wanna be the NCE3 30.6 5.6 15
I wanna Nevermind 37.5 7.8 15
Not Another VVVVVV Game 53.1 9.2 74
I Wanna OMAKENO Stroke 62.7 7.5 17
I Wanna OMAKENO Stroke+ 75.0 5.0 3
I Wanna OMAKENO Stroke+ K Ver 99.0 6.0 3
I wanna be the One,two,three 41.0 6.2 11
I wanna Orion 58.2 7.6 46
I wanna be the Pendulum 67.3 8.9 23
I wanna be the Phantom Needle IV 72.4 8.2 25
I Wanna Pointillism 73.1 9.2 33
I wanna Prank 32.8 7.0 6
I wanna Psyched Fevereiro 83.5 6.0 8
I wanna be the Red&Blue 36.4 6.0 6
I wanna be the revival 81.6 6.1 9
I Wanna RNR Monsta 70.6 6.2 15
I Wanna be the RO 69.9 9.1 48
I wanna be the Rockman 46.8 7.6 9
I wanna be the S 78.8 6.1 21
I Wanna Save My Boy 69.5 9.4 54
I Wanna Save the Ship 51.6 9.2 46
I wanna say NO to literature 67.3 8.5 4
I wanna be the Scenario 59.5 8.8 20
I Wanna See The Rhinogobius 66.3 6.7 5
I wanna see the まゆむしチャンネル 96.8 9.6 26
Shiz Nits 49.8 8.4 16
Simple Hentai 33.7 5.2 36
I wanna skibidi bop bop bop bop yes yes yes skibidi bip skibidi bop skibidi w w w 31.4 6.5 16
I wanna Slay Mega Kid demo 53.2 5.5 16
Sorry We Missed You 37.6 6.8 9
I Wanna Steel Edge 48.9 7.1 18
I wanna stop the MELTDOWN 64.5 8.4 107
I wanna be the Story 52.0 1.0 5
I Wanna Stress 30.1 7.4 14
I wanna summon Koishi Komeiji 55.6 9.0 20
I Wanna Take A Little Trip 54.2 8.6 22
I wanna Tear it 76.9 8.2 78
I wanna be the tetoro 64.0 7.6 6
The Dumbass Museum N/A 8.2 8
the universe 58.5 6.9 14
I wanna Toto Needle 55.0 4.0 2
I Wanna Travel the Night 44.1 8.5 33
I wanna be the Ultimate hero 47.7 7.8 13
I wanna be the V 69.7 8.0 26
I Wanna be the Vandal 71.5 9.3 121
VoRoVo 67.5 8.7 14
VoVoVo 59.0 9.4 66
I wanna Walk Out In The Morning Dew 84.3 8.3 59
I wanna Xanadu 60.3 8.2 7
I wanna be the YAO 30.4 4.0 7
I wanna be the Yes Cancel 43.7 5.4 24
You give me butterflies, and I take them away 57.2 7.7 22
Yuletide Derange 61.1 8.1 11
~(=^¥⨎Ö¥^)⨎Õ 45.9 7.4 30
I wanna Ъ 62.5 4.7 13
アイワナ制作のいいネタが思いつかなかったから作ったアイワナ 52.8 6.9 12
I wanna be the 超ワンパターンな針ゲー 38.8 2.0 7
I wanna 麒麟 1.2 3.2 13
I wanna ツ 48.3 1.0 3