The Darkness Within

Creator: Ythundyth

Average Rating
6.2 / 10
Average Difficulty
75.0 / 100
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Needle (2) L_Game (2) Horror (1)


  • by dijivunda
  • by Ythundyth
  • by Ythundyth

Creator's Comments:

Ythundyth [Creator]
UPDATE: Nerfed version of the third screen removing most of the chain cancels, for most people that aren't into that. I really went overboard on that screen with those. It should be doable without too many cancels now.Link here:

You can still play the old un-nerfed version via the regular download if you like chain cancelling, but it's not a requirement anymore.

L-Needle game that has configurable A-D align, save button and all other controls in the controls menu. Also configurable Music and Volume. Difficulty (All have the same name) doesn't matter, it's there as flavor text. The game is supposed to be designed around a certain theme, and with some production value to match that theme.

First two screens are on the easier side, while the third screen is a big difficulty spike. Good luck.

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Tagged as: Needle L_Game Horror
[2] Likes
Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Apr 26, 2019

4 Reviews:

Not an actual review but I have to say that this game is nothing similar to I wanna L and has absolutely nothing to do with L-needles as a genre. I honestly think that delfruit really needs some new rules considering mindless and silly tagging.

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[6] Likes
Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Apr 28, 2019
Rating is based off of the third screen since you can skip right to it now :P

Thankfully, the third screen is much, much better now, since most of the really stupid jumps (Particularly the water invert and the MTSD jump) have been removed. Its still rather generic and still has some really dumb saves (most notably the one in the top left), but its much more playable, and I had some fun with it.

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Rating: 5.3 53       Difficulty: 75 75
Apr 27, 2019
Not rating difficulty until I'm on screen 3. Also, the game automatically opens up in full screen, so watch out for that.

This is a very visually pleasing game, telling a story through the visuals and atmosphere. The "Kid" breaks out of his cage in a castle-like dungeon, traversing through more unique L-Needle style corridors and towers.

Some of the platforming feels a bit sloppy as you can just skip some saves with easy jumps, but the style feels very refreshing for what it is. None of the saves in the first two screens feel too hard, but they still require some skill and expertise to manage. Jump cancelling/1-framing is also required at some points, but is usually not too punishing as the saves are somewhat short.

I'm actually on the last save of screen 2 because I am choking the last jump, but it made for a hilarious message in my frustration

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Tagged as: Needle L_Game
[2] Likes
Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: N/A
Apr 27, 2019