Chew 045

Creator: loli_qc

Average Rating
6.0 / 10
Average Difficulty
58.0 / 100
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Needle (2)


  • by Alight
  • by Alight

4 Reviews:

I played this because it was in precision needle FSR. I got to one screen pretty far in and just couldn't get through it. What you have to know about me is that for most of my time playing fangames, I have outright refused to learn how to cancel. I think it's mostly because I just didn't have the discipline for it, and, to me, any game that required one frames wasn't worth playing. When I came back to fangames recently after a year away, I told myself that I would "do fangames right" this time. I would do my best to sincerely appreciate as many aspects of these games as I could, to the best of my abilities, and be myself, rather than be someone that would be admired by other people. I want to love fangames more than anybody else, because they have been the only thing truly constant in my life since I discovered them.

I started playing precision FSR because I wanted to test my open-mindedness and actually learn how to play and enjoy this genre, even if I suspect they'll never be my favorite. So I learned how to numpad cancel. I had previously only used numpad in order to get through K3 Secret 2, and that was years ago at this point. I had completely forgotten how to do it. Over the course of a couple weeks, I actually got pretty decent at numpad cancelling! There's a rhythm to it that once you learn for real, you don't forget. And you know what? They're surprisingly fun! My experience playing fangames has been enriched by opening myself up to numpad cancelling. The screen I got stuck on in this game however, was my first required low-cancel. I couldn't use my little numpad tricks in order to progress. I was stuck with the other kind of cancelling I put off learning. So I bashed my head against the wall for a bit until I ultimately gave up. A week later though, I came back, confident from my recent precision clears that I could get this one jump.

I threw myself at it for 30 minutes. Shift cancelling, as it turns out, is much more difficult to pull off than numpad cancelling. 95% of the time, I wasn't even getting the cancel in the first place. Even when I was, I either didn't cancel at the right height, I wasn't in the correct position, or I screwed up my second jump. I didn't give up though. Even though it's one jump, I DID feel myself getting better at it. Eventually though, I got through, and I popped off as much as I possibly could have at 1:30 in the morning without waking up my family.

I think I understand the appeal of precision needle now. It's a process of making micro-optimizations and improving muscle memory, forcing yourself through jumps that are just barely possible. It's truly a niche experience, but once it has its grips in you, there isn't anything else quite like it. It absolutely tows the line between garbage and genius most of the time, and frankly I can't say I recommend them wholeheartedly unless you're a specific kind of person, but there's absolutely a place for it.

The rest of the game is whatever and probably will be nothing special to anyone else, but for me, as the game that made me learn how to low cancel, I'll be sure to remember it.

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