Avoidance Collab 4

Creators: Koushi, Gaborro, princeoflight, Redire, Desti, RandomChaos_, Mastermaxify, aNobodi, Razzor, Point, Lilly, Renex

Average Rating
8.8 / 10
Average Difficulty
80.7 / 100
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Avoidance (6) Medley (1) Taisa (1) Collab (5) Practice (1) SourPls (1)


  • by NightShark115

Creator's Comments:

princeoflight612 [Creator]

Mirror(in case the normal link does not work): https://cloud.mail.ru/public/Rs6m/T2eVWgcam

This is the full release of the avoidance tournament boss from Fangame Marathon 2021. Featuring:
-A revamped original fight;
-Lots of items and customization to enhance gameplay;
-5+ side bosses;
-And more!

Version history:

v1.0 - Initial release
v1.01 - Fixed a bug causing some of the items to not work properly in specific situations
v1.02 - Fixed a crash bug on one of the attacks of the Gorilla side boss

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Tagged as: Avoidance Collab
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Aug 1, 2022

14 Reviews:

Paid practice is the worst idea in history fangames. Just let me play what I like for as long as I want.

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[10] Likes
Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Aug 1, 2022
Great idea, but the execution is not the greatest.
Playing through the collab itself with hitcount is fun, but you can enjoy almost any avoidance if you know hitting bullets doesn't really matter. When playing with items it's fun at first, but the economics are so broken it quickly turns into a grind. Steep practice prices don't help that.
The side avoidances are generally a lot of fun, though one of them is both hard and extremely learny and one is more of a meme than anything. However playing those side avoidances also isn't really fun because you only get money for clearing them and can't even go in with items not with hitcount.
The hub just straight up fucking sucks ass for a number of reasons. 1) The achievements are in a separate room like it's a low-effort medley game. 2) The credits span across five room for no reason. 3) The practice room is above the main room and below the credits room so to get there you always have to either fall for an eternity or spam jump, then the practice itself is just a bunch of portals with no information on which one leads to which attack and how much each one costs. 4) In the main room you activate hitcount, seeded RNG and items by shooting buttons and they don't even fucking autosave. 5) The shop is at the bottom of the main room and is activated by jumping. While in the shop you navigate through tiny icons with tiny text telling you what each item or skin or death effect does. Then when you quit out of the shop it autosaves so next time you go somewhere without saving manually you respawn at the shop, jump up to reach any of the avoidance warps AND ACTIVATE THE FUCKING SHOP AGAIN. 6) You can't save inside the avoidance warps like in, say, Musiclock, but the hitbox of the warps is also not obvious and you always walk at a higher speed in the hub so you can't even comfortably save one frame away from entering the warp. 7) There is no explanation on the main mechanics on the game when starting nor in the readme, I only found out there is already one item in the shop when you start after unlocking more items and browsing through the rest of the shop out of interest.
Congrats on release.

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Tagged as: Avoidance Collab
[7] Likes
Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: N/A
Aug 6, 2022
Русский отзыв:
Увы и ах, но данная игра явно не для слабых компьютеров. Лично у меня заценить её не получилось, ибо мой компьютер - то ещё ржавое ведро без нормальной видеокарты.

English review:
Alas and ah, but this game is clearly not for weak computers. Personally, I couldn't check it out, because my computer is still a rusty bucket without a normal graphics card.

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[2] Likes
Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Jul 16, 2023
Rating based on v1.01 any% clear.

So I bought an item for 50k, found out it doubles the active item not my shields, so that wasted some time.

You can stack items like shields in the blue slots.

Also just save your coins and get the regen and double shield items,
otherwise 80+ difficulty annoying extra 15+ hour side adventure grind like me etc...

The cost of items is rough, I was unlocking items faster than I could buy them and it took me hours to unlock each one. Wish there was something that told you how much coins you get after each attempt/death. It is SUPER dumb that the extra avoidances give NO money at all, having to only play the main boss for pennies blows.

Will only be reviewing the main boss because the extra stuff was all annoying to me and gave no money so no point for any% clear.

Koushi: Not bad intro, only the aimed lines part can be a little annoying sometimes and the last part can wall but not often. 7/10

Gab: Has way too much aiming piss lines, very boring and can have white cherries behind the piss line so that's cool, also walls... 5/10

Prince: Up to the drop it's not that bad, but then the drop comes...
Between the gibs and the new gimmicks pushed to a difficulty it really did not need,
it's the first real "gate" in the avoidance and I would always take at least 1 hit.
Most annoying/grindy of the main boss by far. 4/10

Redire: Perfect design wise. Never had any problems, always readable and fair.
The BG glow on the line bullets does lag on my potato laptop but yeah that's on me 9/10

Desti: A little gibby but really not that bad, it's mostly fast sightread barrage, which I enjoyed.
The square and triangle falling rain attack lagged on my potato but whatever 9/10

Randy: :^)

Max: Just like Redire's, perfect design wise, only its harder but always readable and fair. Also no lag 9/10

Alice: Cube is awesome and fun, but the other part not so much.
Lags to like 10 fps when the cube goes away for like 5 sec till the white BG cherries go away.
Has a lot going on after the lag like gibs and funny reading attacks so not a fan 6/10

Razzor: Lots of gibs but mostly sightread stuff, the pattern madness at the end was annoying 7/10

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Tagged as: Avoidance Collab SourPls
[2] Likes
Rating: 8.6 86       Difficulty: 72 72
Aug 1, 2022
The amount effort put into this is astronomical, and almost all of that cosmic production value, polishing the game, making the game more accessible to everyone by adding items, extra content, practice mode, and just leading the project in general was done by a single person, taking a year of his life on it.

Avoidance Collab 4 is obviously more than just a tournament avoidance game now, and it's probably the last time we will see something like that, so, please, play this game. I hope a year of prince's hard work will pay off.

Rating based on any% (aka clearing main avoidance with items)

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Tagged as: Avoidance Collab
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Rating: 9.7 97       Difficulty: 70 70
Aug 1, 2022