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For: I wanna be the Oblique Torment 2
This review contains spoilers for the first 3 sections of oblique torment 2.

Also note that I will not be directly giving it a rating because this review isn't based on the complete game, and I also really don't want to hurt the score. This is a really really well made game in a lot of aspects, and I really hope that the game performs well rating and popularity wise.

Also note that even though my review is going to be a bit negative, this review is intended to provide constructive feedback to help moo moo make more amazing games in the future.

As stated before, I have only completed the first 3 chapters sadly :( idk what happens later in the game but i am basing this review as if the game only was the first 3 sections.

Also note that I had no clue what I would be playing before downloading the game. I just heard it being talked about a bunch and I think I got it mixed up with Ance tournament somehow? It wasn't until I installed the game that I realized it was TORMENT not TOURNAMENT. I also didn't realize it was a sudoku game lol.

I also am going to be keeping track of the amount of times I mention 4 common complaints being generic corridor needle, blind jumps, saves being placed far away from the actual platforming, and waiting for a killer to move up and down. This isn't to be petty, more to illustrate how even though those 4 things seem small, they are issues that plague nearly every section in the game.

Also to clarify, when I say corridor needle i mean boring sections with 64 - 128 pixels of vertical space where the main jumps are diagonals, gates, and almost anything if you only have 64 pixels of vertical space.

Also also far away saves are just a really common example of poor save balancing, MANY of the saves have like really hard / blindish jumps at the end, but its much less subjective to only count the far away saves.

Its a good intro. I could do without the diamond but it sets the tone / difficulty for the game right off the bat. I wish the climb to the diamond wasn't as boring but oh well. The visuals are really unique and I think it works well.

I really liked this area. first save is far from the action and has a blocker for some reason (1)? The eyes are interesting to jump through and the lips are also kinda fun. Even though the jumps are a bit bland I wouldn't consider it corridor needle because the eyes makes it feel unique. I also thought the visuals were amazing.

Mario Kart:
Its decent. Fun gimmick (which actually changes the gameplay :D), however it does have the issue of having sections were you awkwardly wait for some marios to move up and down (1). I wouldn't consider this corridor needle as even though it is in a corridor the cycles feel unique for the most part. Poor toads that died :(

Bad Physics:
Loved this section! It mixed up the gameplay in a creative way and was fun to play.

Yikes. The gimmick (screen rotating 45 degrees and inverting the screen every second or so) doesn't improve the gameplay at all. It just forces you to awkwardly wait until you can actually see the jump. All the jumps are like gates and stuff, they aren't complex enough to disincentive the player from just waiting because they all like less than a second. corridor needle (1). I liked the idea of this section but the really generic needle doesn't mesh with the gimmick at all.

Spongebob boss:
Fun first boss! I have no issues. A bit dizzying but that is kinda the point lol

I didn't like this section i am really sorry :(. Excessive screen shake is fine enough but the platforming isn't very interesting. This section has all 4 common issues: corridor needle (2), boring cycles where something goes up and down (2), blind jumps (its really hard to know what killed you on one of the screen transitions) (1), and saves being placed way too far away (2).

Corridor needle (with rng :D) (3). The visuals are fun though!

I like the visuals! Gameplay wise though.... its corridor needle (4) with cherries going up and down (3). also has some annoying blind jumps (2) in the later parts. I don't remember save balancing being a huge issue.

Loved this section! 0 major complaints as it mixed up the gameplay in a very unique way with fun visuals.

Ufo boss:
Its ok. I am glad you can skip the intro with s and the visuals are fun. Its really annoying that the bullets from the pickle persist if they go off screen preventing you from shooting but oh well. Its also not clear that the pickle doesn't kill you.

I liked parts of this section because the gimmick is a lot of fun. Gameplay wise... Far save / poor save balance (3) Boring cycle (bounce up and down) (4) Corridor needle (5) and Blind jumps (3). I liked the part where the things destroyed the camera, and I liked some of the parts of this section as the camera did impact the gameplay in a unique way.

Shifting Screen:
The gimmick didn't really seem to impact the gameplay sadly. Corridor needle (6) but I don't remember much else about it.

Eye Moon Things:
I liked this section even if the walks were super long. It changed up the gameplay in a fun enough way.

Cat and Man Intermission:
No issues. I am not sure if I fully understand the jokes but it was silly and fun.

I really want to say corridor needle but I won't. Its fun and the visuals are super creative :D

Dark Zoomed Cycles:
I liked this section. However.. Corridor Needle (7) Blind jumps (4) The moving spikes made the gameplay pretty interesting :D

This section wasn't very fun. Its extremely long, poor jump balancing and like a million blind jumps save issues (4) and blind jumps (5). Isn't corridor needle but very corridor needle core. with fun diagonals and wacky gates.

Michael Jackson Boss:
Yikes. I have a lot of issues with this fight, why can't you skip the intro ;-; you could on the ufo and this one is also super long.... The enemies it summons have way too small hitboxes the bullets just go through them. ;-; idk.

Oke! So that was the first 3 areas. I might not play any more sadly, and while the highs were really fun, some of the lows really impacted the overall experience.

Of the 14 main gameplay sections that weren't bosses (sorry if I miscounted / missed some)
3/14 of them had boring cycle issues,
4/14 of them had major save issues,
5/14 of them had issues with blind jumps,
7/14 of them were corridor needle focused.

I really wish there was more in the game to make the actual gameplay more unique. When half of the sections I played can be boiled down to corridor needle with fun visuals, that is a big issue lol. Blind jumps being prevalent make the experience a bit frustrating. I really wish more was done with cycles as well. I think the mario one had some interesting parts cycle wise, but having 3 of the few cycle based sections have the "awkward wait for something that moves up and down" issue, it doesn't help the corridor needle feel of the game. Save issues are more me not liking to walk lol, it could be me being lazy.

On to the positives:

I like how every section is short and sweet. Even if the difficulty is all over the place, it is super fun to see what will happen in the next section as they all feel pretty different from each other. The amount of super impressive visual effects is staggering, the game excels in creating fun wacky environments (even if at times they hurt a bit). The effort put into the little things, like the transition into going to space or the pick the cute friend section is something I love as well.

This game wasn't for me, but I am positive those who enjoy these sort of games will love this! Excited to see more from moo moo.

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[6] Likes
Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Jul 24, 2024
For: wooden hell
While nothing was offensive, it was still pretty unenjoyable needle. Jumps are awkward all around with a lot of uncomfortable 16px gaps and v-string moments sometimes. Pretty lacking overall

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Rating: 4.2 42       Difficulty: 62 62
Jul 24, 2024
For: I wanna be the Consonance
[1] Like
Rating: 7.5 75       Difficulty: 71 71
Jul 24, 2024
For: I wanna be the Boshy
As a game this is piece of art, as a IWBTG Fangame this is piece of shit

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Tagged as: Adventure Long
[1] Like
Rating: 2.3 23       Difficulty: 73 73
Jul 24, 2024
For: I wanna tomo the Dati away
Tagged as: Needle FTFA-like tomodati-like
[1] Like
Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Jul 24, 2024
For: i wanna be the Ferocity
Tagged as: Avoidance
[0] Likes
Rating: 6.8 68       Difficulty: 62 62
Jul 24, 2024
For: I wanna Veah
This is peak of modern avoidances for me. Some of the most clever and unique attacks i've ever seen, that leaves stuff like Magician Operation far behind honestly, and with that in mind this avoidance still remains conceptually pretty straight and concise without having unnecessary instagibs, fleeting and pointless sections or dumb visual challenges. This avoidance is one of kind and easily one of my favourites, i love almost every attack here and music is perfectly delivered

My only grips is maybe that this avoidance is hard to play blindly, since many attacks have deep strategical element and until you figured mystery of attack it will be hard to making progress. Also, okay vine attack is definitely the weakest link. But other than that - it's just that good

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[2] Likes
Rating: 9.8 98       Difficulty: 71 71
Jul 24, 2024
For: I wanna follow the faded memories
Tagged as: Needle
[0] Likes
Rating: 7.2 72       Difficulty: 61 61
Jul 24, 2024
For: I wanna be the 速射
Holy **** I almost went to sleep

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Tagged as: Avoidance
[0] Likes
Rating: 0.5 5       Difficulty: 12 12
Jul 24, 2024
For: I wanna be the ORE TUEEEEE!!!
Best 2 minutes of my life

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Tagged as: Needle Boss
[0] Likes
Rating: 4.0 40       Difficulty: 27 27
Jul 24, 2024
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