I wanna be the Boshy

Creator: Solgryn

Average Rating
8.1 / 10
Average Difficulty
66.8 / 100
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199 Reviews:

rating based on Hardon Mode

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Tagged as: Adventure Needle Trap Long Visual_Challenge Different_Engine Clickteam
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Rating: 1.5 15       Difficulty: 75 75
Jan 3, 2024
Rating is based on Totally Average mode.
I wanna be the boshy is the first fangame I've ever played, and at first, I really didn't like it. I died 500 times on the first world and gave up. That was 2 years ago. One hour ago, I just beat the game.
I loved this game so much I'm taking the time to write a whole review of it, because I think more people should at least give it a fair shot.

Everything below is a spoiler!

World 1 - This was a great first world, super fun and not very difficult. It also introduces you to our best friend, Mr. Reasonable Volume Spider.
Boss 1 - Nothing special. Unless you suck like I do you should get past this boss pretty easily. It's not necessarily fun, but it's not atrociously terrible like some other bosses coming up. It is funny to watch my friends struggle on Hell(o) kitty though.
World 2 - This world was super long, and there was a decently noticeable difficulty jump from the last world. There isn't anything that stands out here either.
Miniboss 1 - One of my favorite rooms in the entire game. I LOVE the fight with Kracko, it's not super hard, the music is great, it's really fun, 10/10 would do again.
Miniboss 2 - This miniboss is painfully easy, but I did screw it up a few times with my terrible memory. Shouldn't be a problem for the average player however.
Boss 2 - Ryu wasn't very hard for me because I used the double shot glitch for the majority of this game, if I hadn't than it would've taken me much longer to beat not only this fight, but basically any boss that isn't immune to it.
World 3 - This was easier than world 2 imo, and the platforming was really chill and fun. I did get annoyed by some of the cheetahmen rooms, specifically the "jump rope" one. It just felt like it was pure luck if I got by or not.
Boss 3 - Mario was really annoying for me because I found it hard to mash hard enough at times, and I died to the ending cutscene thing like 3 times.
World 4 - This is where shit started to hit the fan a little bit. The recreation of the Veni Vidi Vici room was so terrible and I'm so glad I played on average instead of hardon or it would've taken me 600 attempts. I was bad at the gravitron in the original VVVVVV, so of course I sucked at it here.
Boss 4 - Biolante was a nice break from this terrible world. The fight wasn't very hard, but I don't really have anything good or bad to say about it. When I got charged for the first time it scared the shit out of me though.
World 5 - This world was all over the place with difficulty. I think I did get a little bit lucky at some points, but it's really inconsistent with the last few rooms being so much harder.
Boss 5 - I don't think there's anything I could say that hasn't been said about the sonic fight. This was probably one of if not the worst rooms in the entire game. I had more fun in the good game design room. It only took 600 attempts, but I am NEVER doing that again. Well, not until I decide to play hard-on, at least.
World 6 - My least favorite world in the entire game! How fun! It took me 650 attempts to get to the first save point. I made the eyeball jump 12 times but kept dying right after. The eyeball jump takes the #1 spot for my least favorite room in the game. It just sucked. Period. The rest wasn't very good or fun either, but the gradius segment wasn't bad.
Boss 6 - This boss was a breath of fresh air, because I absolutely loved this boss. I died another 3 or 4 times after actually killing Skeleton King, but I wasn't even that mad every time. The RNG bullshit is a little bit annoying, but it's manageable. The music was great, had a lot of fun with this boss.
World 7 - I don't really have anything to say about this world. it definitely is random. It's just mid.
Boss 7 - I think I struggled a bit too much with megaman, because I just couldn't dodge the pattern after ring & bomb man for the life of me. After I started to get it, the fight went smooth.
World 8 - Some great music, with some pretty fun platforming. I see why people might not like this world, but I didn't have a problem with it. Unfortunately I was spoiled on the existence of the good game design room, which I didn't find too bad.
Boss 8 - This is where the RNG bullshit gets much worse. The blood killed me so many times because it happened to be in the worst places possible. I even died after killing Shang Tsung once, which was not fun at all.
World 9 - This world was just boring. The mechanic at the end of the world with pushing the blocks was super annoying and janky, and the koopas just killed you for no reason half the time. The fire room was pure luck for me.
Boss 9 - I can't actually give a rating for this one because I skipped it by spamming 1. I had already heard that it was super easy, so I didn't really mind doing this. Call me a wimp if you will, but I just wanted to move on at this point. I knew exactly what was coming up next.
World 10 - The hardest world by far, but it was SO MUCH FUN. I struggled a lot in some rooms, but I still loved the platforming. The feeling I got when I finally passed a hard room and especially when I got to the boss was the best out of any of the 11 (12?) worlds.
Miniboss 3 - I used the cheese strat to jump over Ryu, and I don't really regret it.
Boss 10 - I fluked missingno. I did get some good attacks like splash and tri attack (which I almost choked on), but I got razor leaf twice and no recover on my successful attempt. I can see this boss being an absolute nightmare if you're unlucky though.
World 11 - This world just sucks. It just isn't fun. The stupid snake mechanics were so dumb, it ruined the whole world for me. The rest of it wasn't even hard, but the wavy screen made it so hard to see.
Final tower - I am so thankful I chose average mode, because if I chose hard-on I would still be trying to do this part. I chose not to skip it since I did skip Ryu Hayabusa and Ganon, and having the save points makes it much easier.
Final path - When I started this game, I never thought I'd even see the second world. Yet here I was, and that made the climb feel so much better. The music is on point, and the feeling of getting here in the first place and climbing the final set of stairs is so unique. I'm so glad I kept pushing through this game to get here.
Final boss - Solgryn may have been super annoying with all the RNG attacks, but that doesn't stop it from being my favorite boss in the game. I only had ~750 deaths on him, and half of that was spent in the first phase. Finally learning it and being consistent is such a great feeling, it made me feel amazing at the game. Phase 2 was pure RNG and I hated it. Nothing else to say. Phase 3 was really cool, I love the callbacks to almost all of the bosses in the game, and most didn't overstay their welcome. I had a couple stupid deaths in phase 3, but thankfully got pretty lucky with the blood rng. The car rng however, that was terrible. Also, I died to sonic 2 times when he was about to leave the screen. I'm still mad about it. The double shot glitch screwed me over in the final phase once, and it was pretty devastating to die to that. But I finally got it, and the feeling was insane. I really can't believe I made it.
The credits song was amazing. I really felt like that one in a million. It really made me feel accomplished, and I remembered how much fun I had going through the game. It may have been painful, it may have looked impossible, but I pulled through, and I couldn't be happier with that decision.

I understand why so many people criticize the game for things like the engine being terrible, most of the trolls and RNG being completely unfair, and I really get that. I tried to look past it, but I completely agree in most scenarios. However, I haven't had a problem with this game's engine, I actually liked it better than the original IWBTG. I think it's more about personal choice.
While I enjoyed it and thought this game was incredible, I don't think it's for everyone. There are a lot of problems which can turn people away. They didn't bother me, but if you don't like it, it's understandable. If you're thinking about playing the game for the first time, I can't recommend it enough. Even if you don't want to stick with it, just give it a try. You may enjoy it much more than you think.

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Rating: 9.0 90       Difficulty: 65 65
Sep 30, 2023
Русский отзыв:
Прошёл данную игру на 3-х сложностях, включая все секреты/секретные миры, кроме одного секретного босса "Читамен", ибо это мусор, имхо.

Классика восходящего жанра... моя первая игра... но так или иначе - разбор будет по полной программе.

Внимание! Для новых игроков - дальше возможны "спойлеры":

Мне нравится:
• обучение
• 1 мир и 1 босс
• 2 мир
• 4 мир и 4 босс
• 5 мир (кроме глупых ездящих шипов на предпоследнем экране)
• 6 мир (кроме "Градиус")
• 7 мир
• 9 босс
• 11 мир и финальная башня
• 12 мир
• 1 секретный мир (Мир Марио)
• Секретный босс "Каппа"

Среднее удовольствие:
• 2 босс (он хорош, но атака с Сагатом - мусор, ибо предыдущая атака перед ним мешает начать сразу в него стрелять, из-за чего часто можно не успеть его убить)
• 3 мир (музыка хороша, но не люблю атаку Читаменов, её довольно неприятно и тонко проходить)
• 3 босс (Молотки... нестабильная атака для меня)
• "Градиус" (хоть и сделан неплохо, но я не особо любитель космических шутеров)
• 6 босс (временами рандом во 2 и 3 атаках обескураживает меня)
• 7 босс (хоть и заучиваемая, но всё равно есть довольно тонкая атака посреди босса)
• 8 мир (езда на платформе немного раздражает)
• 8 босс (кровь... ещё БОЛЬШЕ рандомной крови!)
• 9 мир (немного раздражает механика управления с чёрным ящиком)
• 10 мир (интересный мир, но местами есть неприятный перебор по сложности)
• 10 босс (в целом вроде даже интересный босс, но пару атак мне не нравятся, да и рандом иногда заставляет потеть.)
• Финальный босс (на лёгкой сложности: при переходе со 2 на 3 стадию может пустить атаку из-за которой ты не сможешь подняться наверх (недотест?). На обычной сложности: телепорты в 1 стадии, если не повезёт он может просто телепортироваться на платформу к игроку, увернуться от этого практически невозможно, поскольку хитбокс босса большой и он убивает сразу как появляется + ещё круги снарядов выпускает... (недотест х2?!))
• 2 секретный мир "Justin TV" (Если знать, что нужно делать - вполне неплохо, хоть и короткий. Однако если в первый раз играть, то как минимум странный и непонятный.)
• 3 секретный мир "Покемон" (Здесь есть пара неприятных прыжков)
• 4 секретный мир "W.o.W." (Сделано красиво спору нет, но есть момент, где навстречу к игроку бегут с рандомной скоростью какие то чудики (?) и их нужно перепрыгивать, однако экран не скроллится, а переключается на следующий, из-за этого не видно рядом ли они там бегут или ещё далеко, что есть немножко бред.)

Абсолютно не нравится:
• 3 минибосс в 9-м мире (В это просто отвратительно играть! Благо хоть в игре существуют персонажи с БОЛЬШИМИ ПУЛЯМИ...)
• 5 босс (Не босс, а летающее издевательство + ракеты, взрывающиеся на пол платформы! Причём ещё и 1 атака у него в буквальном смысле может быть на удачу, ибо после колец он может начать 2-й цикл прямиком влетая в игрока, не давая шанса на уклонения от него.)
• Секретный босс "Читамен" (Единственная вещь, которую я не то чтобы даже не могу пройти, я её даже и не хочу проходить, бессмысленно тратить на него своё время. Поскольку атаки, начиная с глупых собак, ломающие платформу, и до самого конца этого босса, как по сложности, так и по рандому - полнейший и бредовейший перебор, который временами может быть даже невозможным. Да и босс больше походит на спам разного рода бредятины из соответствующей игры.)

English review:
I passed this game on 3 difficulties, including all secrets / secret worlds, except for one secret boss "Cheetahmen", because it's garbage, imho.

Classics of the rising genre... my first game... but one way or another - the analysis will be in full.

Attention! For new players - further "spoilers" are possible:

I like:
• training
• 1 world and 1 boss
• 2 world
• 4 world and 4 boss
• 5 world (except stupid driving spikes on the penultimate screen)
• 6 world (except "Gradius")
• 7 world
• 9 boss
• 11 world and final tower
• 12 world
• 1 secret world (Mario's World)
• Secret boss "Kappa"

Average pleasure:
• 2 boss (he's good, but an attack with a Sagat is garbage, because the previous attack in front of him prevents you from shooting at him right away, which is why you can often not have time to kill him)
• 3 world (the music is good, but I don't like the attack of the Cheetahmens it's quite unpleasant and subtle to pass)
• 3 boss (Hammers... unstable attack for me)
• "Gradius" (although made well, but I'm not really a fan of space shooters)
• 6 boss (sometimes randomness in 2 and 3 attacks discourages me)
• 7 boss (although memorized, but still there is a rather subtle attack in the middle of the boss)
• 8 world (riding on the platform is a little annoying)
• 8 boss (blood... even MORE random blood!)
• 9 world (a little annoying control mechanics with a black box)
• 10 world (an interesting world, but in some places there is an unpleasant overkill in complexity)
• 10 boss (in general, it seems even a nice boss, but I don't like a couple of attacks, and random sometimes makes me sweat.)
• The final boss (on easy difficulty: when moving from stage 2 to stage 3, he can launch an attack because of which you will not be able to climb up (testing?). On the usual difficulty: teleports in stage 1, if you is unlucky, he can simply teleport to the platform to the player, it is almost impossible to dodge this, since the boss's hitbox is large and he kills as soon as he appears + releases two rounds of projectiles ... (testing x2?!))
• 2 secret world of "Justin TV" (If knowing what to do is quite good, albeit short. However, if you play for the first time, then at least strange and incomprehensible.)
• 3 secret world "Pokemon" (There are a couple of unpleasant jumps here)
• 4 secret world "W.O.W." (Done beautifully, no doubt, but there is a moment where some freaks (?) are running towards the player at random speed and they need to jump over, but the screen will not scroll, and switches to the next one, because of this it is not visible whether they are running nearby or still far away, which is a little nonsense.)

Absolutely don't like it:
• 3rd miniboss in the 9th world (It's just disgusting to play! Fortunately, at least in the game there are characters with BIG BULLETS ...)
• 5 boss (Not a boss, but a flying mockery + rockets exploding on the half of the platform! Moreover, he can literally have 1 attack for luck, because after the rings he can start the 2nd cycle flying straight into the player, without giving a chance to evade him.)
• Secret boss "Cheetahmen" (The only thing I can't even pass, I don't even want to pass it, it's pointless to waste my time on him. Since the attacks, starting with stupid dogs, breaking the platform, and up to the very end of this boss, both in complexity and randomness, are a complete and delusional overkill, which at times may even be impossible. And the boss is more like spam of all sorts of nonsense from the corresponding game.)

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Rating: 7.5 75       Difficulty: 60 60
Jul 18, 2023
I love this game! but... Sonic... I hate Sonic...

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Rating: 9.5 95       Difficulty: N/A
Jun 19, 2023
Absolutely horrid. I actually have to leave a text review just to properly express how much I hated the experience.

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Rating: 2.0 20       Difficulty: 80 80
May 7, 2023