I wanna make a Sandwich

Creators: pieceofcheese87, Thenewgeezer

Average Rating
8.5 / 10
Average Difficulty
50.2 / 100
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Adventure (20) Trap (12) Gimmick (13) Medley (1) Boss (16) Secrets (3) Long (11) Story (3) Puzzle (8) educational (1) Fun (1) underrated (1)


  • by ElCochran90
  • by Wolsk
  • by ElCochran90
  • by Wolsk
  • by Bob
  • by Wolsk
  • by Wolsk
  • by Wolsk
  • by Wolsk
  • by Wolsk
  • by Wolfiexe
  • by Wolsk
  • by Wolsk
  • by Wolfiexe
  • by ElCochran90
  • by Bob

Creator's Comments:

Bob [Creator]
Well, after several years I finally finished this game. Have fun! Make sure you let me know if there are any major issues. I did a whole test playthrough before releasing so I really hope everything is ok, but you never know.

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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
May 27, 2019

60 Reviews:

Piece's completed IWKTG. No review or rating previously published simply because I was waiting for this game to be finished, just like IWKTG.

Ok, I have to interrupt this review with something: You can create a final boss for a bud's unfinished fangame but cannot add a second boss to your own unfinished fangame? WHY! The irony and paradox breaks my head and heart.

Anyway, the plot is totally 2015's Piece, but the development is certainly so 2019. Platforming, production value and variety is quite good at many parts. You can tell what is new and what isn't, like two people of differing level-creation skills and different visual styles. Compare the opening world with the golden castle, or the section turning from B&W to Purple & White with the Super Metroid stage. The list goes on. Although this came as uneven for me, I won't deny that it added to the element of surprise regarding "what the hell does the next world will look like?". That's the fun part of it: the uncertaintiy, more than the final outcome.

After Sephalos, Piece ranks #2 in my list of fangame makers that can recreate classic original videogame universes and adapting them to the standard engine so that The Kid becomes a part of said world, incorporating traps, needle, gimmicks, jokes, memes and/or bosses. The FGM blind games, all 4 of them, are collabs to me, but you can sort of see a director behind, the mastermind behind the project. This work proves that. The adventure spirit is exactly the same, the variety is right there in your face to surprise you, and song choices are always the best.

Sorry to be the party pooper, but this is also a trap game. Some are creative and are worth witnessing what happens; many of them are trash, and when placed at the end of a save, it just kills my mood. I appreciate the humor behind every Game Over text, like Geezer did with his original UNFINISHED game; I also appreciate every trap being different for a wonderful comedic showcase (I Wanna Bigger P****); I don't appreciate my effort being thrown to the trash with a flying spike or with a Thwomp making a "UGH!" sound because that got old a long time ago.

Anyway, there is a surreal segment at the middle of the game which experiments with audio and visuals, and it was a nice moment of experimentation. I will always be cherishing those moments. Also, the fact that the game becomes informative about sandwich ingredients is pure gold; sometimes the smallest ideas do the greatest things. There were two instances where I laughed out loud and that's a good thing, because I am a sad (not literally) and boring (maybe true) guy finding difficulty in laughing. A particular 60-second avoidance segment features a meme song which kept me smiling like an idiot for a full minute. Since it was a first-try, I died intentionally to rock back and forth my head while the song was playing and avoiding again. The song is available, as always, in the Music folder. (Note: I just decided to go there and listen to said song, peanutbonus, while I finish my review). Piece is a meme-maker; you can't stop that.

A fun adventure and varied fangame with traps that amuse you, others that frustrate you and bore you, many styles that are uneven and, finally, a final boss that aims at reaching MattinJ's proportions (nice one there Geezer, truly), this comes with my humble personal recommendation. It's the game we expected and kind of deserved after so many years.

P.S. I ate a sandwich during the final boss. Nice night.

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Tagged as: Adventure Trap Gimmick Boss Long
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Rating: 6.1 61       Difficulty: 50 50
Jun 11, 2020
Make a Sandwich is a rare and amazing case of a fangame that got out of dev hell successfully years later. It makes it a little odd to play at times since parts of the game are something like 6 years apart (including, of course, the aged yosniper engine). The water, platforms and ladders all take some getting used to but given the game keeps it reasonable enough, there's not too much to worry about.

Production generally climbs throughout the game, with fancier looking visuals, more effects and generally cleaner execution as time goes on.

Platforming wise, its mostly really good. It does suffer from a couple of really forgettable filler stages but for the most part, the stages have something unique to offer and play off it well without being repetitive.

Boss wise, it's a little all over. Some of them are fairly repetitive and a bit gibby/learny but they all have their own identity so you don't ever feel like you're running into the same fight over and over again, which is interesting given the similarities presented between a couple. The final boss is great and definitely up there as one of the most well executed, fangame-ified bosses.

Overall, if you like adventure games its definitely recommended. Probably not so much for beginners but for those a handful of games in, it'll fit great. If you like Run the Marathon, this feels a lot like that except a bit rougher - which is a great place for a game to be in.

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Tagged as: Adventure Trap
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Rating: 8.7 87       Difficulty: 50 50
Sep 9, 2019
Review updated for the final release version.

Amazing game that I'm really glad to see finally finished after all this time. Piece did an outstanding job as always, and Geezer's final boss was the perfect cherry on top. The LORE is deep, and the platforming and bosses have a ton of variety that you can feel have been developed over many years which gives the whole game a unique feel. It has an immense amount of content that'll keep you going for hours with a few optional secrets that don't add a lot but will make you feel good about yourself probably. There are a few bugs here and there and some strange design choices, but I think a lot of that adds to the charm of this game.

Play it.

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Tagged as: Adventure Gimmick Boss Secrets Long Story Puzzle
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Rating: 9.2 92       Difficulty: 55 55
Oct 28, 2018
Make a Sandwich tells the story of The Kid venturing off to collect a variety of sacred ingredients, each more tasty and nutritious than the last. These are all placed across wacky parts of the world ranging from icy caverns to gothic castles, and features a very compelling story with good worldbuilding and lore to wrap it all together, making for a whimsical adventure you won't soon forget.

Flashy buzzwords aside, it really is a fantastic adventure game. The stage variety is very impressive, making for lots of creative platforming alongside some very fun gimmicks here and there. Some highlights include the little Battletoad segment which felt like a really nice break from standard platforming, and also the missile gimmick near the end. It also maintains a good sense of humour, having some light-hearted moments and a couple of amusing cutscenes and extras.

The bosses are also all very well designed. One thing I particularly liked was that none of them felt overly tanky, and there were always good chances for damage with most of them letting you cut out a cycle by optimizing your shots a bit better. The final boss in particular deserves a special mention, with Geezer doing a great job bringing the story together in a very charming way and showcasing a lot of flair and production value in a fast-paced and very enjoyable finale.

There were a few segments that I got slightly hung up on, but other than a couple of potentially questionable RNG-platforming segments, there weren't really any parts that I can say I didn't enjoy. It's just a great game all around, and you'll even learn a thing or two along the way about the ingredients you collect!

It's great to see it finished after all this time, as it's a great adventure experience all-around. Absolutely worth your time!

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Tagged as: Adventure Gimmick Boss Puzzle educational
[2] Likes
Rating: 9.2 92       Difficulty: 55 55
Aug 29, 2019
Really cute fangame with a lot of charm and variety, the stage gimmicks are all used quite thoroughly which makes each part feel distinct, and there are just so many stages. I was honestly shocked by just how much content this game had and basically all of it was quality. There's lots of bosses as well which feel pretty nice to play, I liked them quite a bit. This is definitely a must play adventure game, it's just so consistently good and even for an experienced player will give you hours of content.

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Rating: 9.0 90       Difficulty: 42 42
Feb 28, 2023