8 Reviews:
That corner triple plane tho. It's the hardest save only because it's the second jump, otherwise it'd be just trivial. Other saves have no real noteworthy qualities, expect that the last one is just funny.
Tagged as: L_Game
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Rating: N/A
Difficulty: 88 88
Sep 24, 2017
quite difficult non-standard L-game. non-standard as in, less intricate and complex as most L-games are. there is no real required tech knowledge or anything of that sort, as long as you can cancel and/or 1f you can beat this game. the hardest save by far is the triple upward plane corner (save 4) and save 6 because it's the longest save in the game - essentially being like 5 bad jumps in a row. save 4's main difficulty (the triple plane concoction) is preluded by a double downward water plane. it’s just a small stutter and an otherwise trivial jump. the main complaint with this jump is that it “breaks up the pace” of the save, directly making the jump after it much harder. however, I disagree with tuhkakuppi on this, as I think this gives your brain time to rest, therefore making the hard jump easier, not harder. the rest of the saves tho are either quite easy or standardly difficult
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Rating: 4.8 48
Difficulty: 82 82
Nov 1, 2024
If the game won't run for you, it's likely the filename got corrupted. Just change the "・exe" to ".exe" in the filename to fix this.
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Rating: N/A
Difficulty: N/A
Aug 13, 2021