I wanna play Kiduija

Creator: MattinJ

Average Rating
8.9 / 10
Average Difficulty
36.7 / 100
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Adventure (21) Avoidance (1) Gimmick (9) Boss (11) Story (3) Puzzle (3) Horror (5) metroidvania (3) Shortventure_2018 (5) Beginner_Friednly (1) Dark_Fantasy (1)


  • by ElCochran90
  • by Wolfiexe
  • by Wolfiexe
  • by ElCochran90
  • by Wolfiexe
  • by ElCochran90
  • by ElCochran90

71 Reviews:

Fangame Clear #24

An absolute MUST play, no joke. This is one of the most well-done, varied, and aesthetically crazy fangames ever made and I cannot understate how much I absolutely adore every single corner of this game. The fear mechanic is a VERY good and needed touch especially for some of the bosses, and makes this game a lot more enjoyable from a fundamental standpoint. The atmosphere and art-style is absolutely unmatched, some of the bosses look absolutely devilish while others have some of the most creative mechanics of all time. The platforming never strays from being a solid experience, the gimmicks are thoughtful and well explored, and the entire castle is so daunting and confusing but in the best possible way. My only gripe is that it's hard to understand how to use items, and that the jokes within this game are simply not fitting, but these are very minor grievances and do not dampen the experience whatsoever.

An absolute masterpiece and a must play. Highly recommend.

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Rating: 9.8 98       Difficulty: 25 25
Aug 23, 2023
Просто вау. Технически игра просто великолепно сделана! Пройдя оверлорда, я подумал, что боссы - явно сильная сторона автора, но теперь я в этом уверен. Изумительные сражения с правильной атмосферой. А что еще нужно?! С боссами тупо приятно сражаться, жаль только, что игра сделана в рамках контеста, это, очевидно, делает её сильно короче, чем она могла бы быть.
Сразу заметно, что после оверлорда автор сделал определенные выводы из получившейся игры и улучшил почти все, что у меня там вызвало вопросы. Теперь правда появилась другая странная фигня - полоска страха(грубо говоря hp bar). По началу я подумал, что её наличие будет как-то обыграно, но по-настоящему сложных комнат или боссов просто не оказалось. Тогда зачем было спрашивается вводить эту механику в игру? Смею предположить, что это лишь сырое обкатывание идей, а может автору в рамках контеста просто не хватило времени развить соответствующие идеи. Из сего делаю вывод, что иначе её наличие тут не объяснить.
Уровни короткие и по своей сути не сильно отличаются по стилю от уровней из оверлорда, но это не делает их плохими, правда всё та же полоска хп всё сильно портит, ибо можно просто рашить сквозь все на свете не опасаясь смерти.

Оценка: 9/10
Сложность для новичков 30-40
Сложность для опытных плееров 25-30

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Tagged as: Adventure Gimmick Boss Story Puzzle Horror metroidvania Beginner_Friednly Dark_Fantasy
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Rating: 9.0 90       Difficulty: 25 25
Oct 9, 2022
weegee board?

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Rating: 9.1 91       Difficulty: 38 38
May 6, 2022
I enjoyed it because I like Gore horror.
It was different from normal Kid, but the operation feeling is also very good.

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Tagged as: Adventure Story Horror
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Rating: 10.0 100       Difficulty: 40 40
May 4, 2022

As is usual, my reviews are super long. And delfruit doesn't like spoiler tags on long reviews. So, spoilers for the whole game ahead. Maybe excluding this first paragraph.

This game is fantastic, like all of Mattin's other games. It has quite a couple flaws, and they're flaws that I think don't really exist in Overlord or Knight in shining armor. But, despite its flaws, this game still manages to be an enjoyable experience throughout. I'd consider all of Mattin's games to be must-plays if you're new to fangames. They're all somewhat similar, but still unique enough to feel fresh.


I think at least Knight in shining armor had a much better HP system. The passive health regen in this game meant most platforming sections were trivial if you were just patient, and the spikes not being instakill meant you didn't explicitly NEED to know how to complete some certain sections, you could just wait until your HP regen'd back, and then just kinda fumble through it. Basically the "Oh, I have x HP in this section, I can just not care and I'm gonna win anyway" effect. There were some tricky sections, but they were explicitly tricky because you couldn't just wait for your health to regen back.

I think non-instakill spikes are fine, but only if you don't have passive HP regen. That way, you still have to learn sections if they're pretty long or require some specific tricks to get past, and choking at the end is much less of a threat. That, and the game is more accessible for noobier players (like me), which I consider a benefit.

Knight in shining armor also had much better enemy placement and AI. I particularly remember the frog-like creature that shot out globs of poison and the crow enemy as being especially infuriating. For some godforsaken reason, the frog creature's tiny, almost invisible poison particles hurt you. And they hurt a lot. And it's entirely RNG. And the big glob splits into a lot of new tiny particles, which are also determined by RNG. This enemy is actually just awful, and the game would genuinely be better if it was actually just entirely cut, and replaced with something else. Or at the very least made less annoying.

The crow is... meh. It follows you around, and it's pretty annoying to get rid of. Just not a very good enemy. Should probably have less HP, if I'm being honest.

The love key boss is also just not very interesting. My personal main gripe with it is how the indicator for the blood pillars appearing after a dash attack is VERY invisible, it being a tiny pool of blood on the ground, blending in extremely well with the *bloody red floor*. The bouncing blood balls attack is also just kind of boring to dodge, but that's just standard for "bouncing ball" attacks like that.

The lasers at the top of the big machine fight are also not very good. Sometimes they'll just screw you over (idk if i'm allowed to swear here) by having a combination like OXX, XXO, which is not technically impossible to dodge, but you have to jump *inbetween* the lasers to dodge it, which requires some precise timing. I got this more than a couple times.

The miku part in the final boss was kinda rough, her just randomly deciding to shoot a big bullet *directly into my face* sometimes, but it wasn't that bad. The avoidance was entirely free, and the needle and apple sections were also kinda free.

This one's more subjective than the other ones, but the very first boss has some missed potential, honestly. The teleports in the middle of the room could very well have been taken advantage of for a couple attacks. For example, maybe it could've had an attack where one half of the arena is taken over by a massive laser with some 5 seconds for preparation, and then the boss's head could try its best to drive you into that side of the arena. The best way to dodge this, would be to shoot the teleport thing and then you could easily go to the other side. There could've also been some more teleports around, for some more interesting ways to dodge things by teleporting.


Despite my bitching up there, I really really enjoy this game, and it would be a crime to rate it any lower than an 8. Most everything in this game is well-polished. A lot of platforming sections were fun, a lot of enemy placements felt coherent and took some effort to get past (well, without just brainlessly abusing the HP regen mechanic), and most of the bosses were really fun to fight.

In particular, I really liked the neck monster fight and the final boss. The final boss, honestly, adds an entire point to my rating by itself. I love these types of "different playstyle" bosses, wherein you have to do different types of things to progress, rather than just dodge attacks. All of the particular mini-sections weren't hard at all, though, and I'd even call them free, but the miku section requires at least some luck to not get murdered. Most of the normal final boss attacks are pretty good, though not as good as the 4 mini-sections. It also isn't a big difficulty spike, as a lot of beginner-novice difficulty games' final bosses are. Most bosses took me about 3-5 tries, and this boss took me around 10 or so.

The neck monster fight is just solid, and quite a blast. Not much else to say.


It's hard for a fangame to really captivate me. I have pretty high standards for gameplay, and production value is almost a must for a fangame to make me want to finish it. With that said, I can pretty firmly say I love this game, and all of Mattin's other games. They all have their own flaws, along with things I disagree with, as all games do, and they're not exactly built equal, but they are consistently very good and enjoyable.

I will acknowledge though, as a guy who's been playing Super Metroid since he was literally four years old, along with a lot of Castlevania games in recent years, I do have a bit of bias for the Metroidvania genre, and some horror aspects. So that has probably skewed my perception of the game. Everyone has their preferences, and mine happened to line up with this game, so I ended up enjoying it more, but that does not detract from the fact this game is still well-polished.

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Tagged as: Adventure Boss metroidvania
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Rating: 8.7 87       Difficulty: 35 35
Apr 6, 2022