I wanna Walk Out In The Morning Dew

Creator: GeoGeo222

Average Rating
8.3 / 10
Average Difficulty
84.3 / 100
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Adventure (2) Needle (18) Gimmick (16) Special (1) Long (7) Art (4) SourPls (2) Sideways_Gravity (2) Mine_Sweeper (3) Fangame (1) Ice (4) Bubble_2 (1) Nasrano-like (1)


  • by geogeo222
  • by cryflake
  • by elraimon2000
  • by geogeo222
  • by geogeo222

60 Reviews:

Zero was right about gimmicks after all.


I decided to actually try to play through Morning Dew. To say it was a "strange" experience is under selling it. I Wanna Walk Out In The Morning Dew is, for certain, the absolute most ridiculous fangame I've seen. RIGHT from the very beginning, the game starts hard, albeit, with some pretty chill needle. As the game progresses, you slowly have to do harder and harder platforming, with scattered gimmicks here and there. As soon as you get to Stage 13, or just simply, the Minesweeper area, things become a little bit annoying.

It's not necessarily too hard, but the area has a couple of time consuming segments, and requires a bit of patience. To start, this area almost exclusively uses low-gravity, so you can jump very high. The first main obstacle is a room with a picture in the bottom. The picture has a grid of squares on it, and in the top of the room, there's these 6 boxes, with each one showing a particular square on the picture. Basically, you have to fall into the corresponding tile on the picture and shoot it, doing all 6 in one life. Later on, you have to actually do Minesweeper, although it's not exactly regular Minesweeper, as it has one additional rule: In addition to all the other places where mines can normally go, a mine can also appear on top of ITS own number. It's a small difference, but I'd say it definitely changes how you have to think about the Minesweeper. I simply kept at it until I just got lucky and passed it.

After the Minesweeper stage, you have a few more stages of regular needle, as well as a gimmick or two before you run into the next big obstacle at Stage 18, or the Ice stage, or I guess you could also call it the CBT stage. The best way to describe the gimmick is: "It's ice, but it applies in the air, too". It's quite hard to control at first, primarily because when you start moving, you begin moving very slowly, but when you want to stop moving, you pick up speed very fast, and it's hard to stop yourself safely. Before too long, though, you can learn to overcome it, and eventually pass it. Once you finish that stage, you're just over half-way done with the game. You're doing pretty good so far, but there's still quite a bit to go... and the fun has only just started.

Past the CBT stage, a lot of what you'll see for the next little while is just simple needle stages, with some smaller gimmicks, or other things here and there... and then, once you complete the 23rd stage (Just a simple JTool area where the visuals change colors throughout), You are taken to a very... Unexpected place. You find yourself in sort of like a "Space" area, and you are controlling not the kid, but... A Rocket. The Rocket is, hands down, the most complicated gimmick I have ever played, the hardest gimmick I've ever played, and also, the worst gimmick I've ever played. Basically, there's 3 movement options. If you press up, you'll boost yourself forward the direction you're facing, and pressing left / right rotates which direction you face. The Rocket uses a similar momentum as the Ice area, except instead of being on the regular kid, it's on an almost undefinable object, and it has much more of an impact on your speed. As with the CBT area, the main problem with the Rocket comes from the fact that it is so hard to control, but with the Rocket, the controls are so bad, that I genuinely cannot describe them in true detail. The only way to truly understand how bad the Rocket controls, you have to play it yourself. Stage 24 is a very, very long gauntlet of trials you have to overcome with the Rocket, ranging from shooting apples sideways while having to levy your speed, all the way to having to literally turn all the way upside down to shoot an apple, then turn fully right side up AND survive, all in the same motion. You better get used to this area, because you WILL be here for a while. Finally, after MUCH hardship, you get to the end of Stage 24... and what's waiting for you is the single hardest task in the entire game. Once you leave 24, the screen goes black for quite some time, while this song is kicking in in the background. Shortly after, The game INSTANTLY drops you in to Stage 25, or as most people simply call it: "The race". This is the true test of will, and will almost certainly test your patience to its absolute limits. Basically, there's 2 rooms: The first room is "The race", where there's a giant obstacle course of walls and curves you have to travel through to the end, meanwhile, there's a big apple moving up to block the exit. Simply, you have to go as fast as you possibly can. I try not to think of Morning Dew as an exceptionally difficult game, although I'd have to say, the race is the closest the game comes to a 90. The race is, frankly put, completely fucking insane. If you are worthy enough to overcome the race, and still keep your mind intact, you have yet another challenge ahead of you: Now, you're in a room with this big round thing in the middle, with... Sideways gravity arrows in it. You have to sort of balance yourself out in the right direction so you can slowly move into the arrows. Once the Rocket stages are over, you are almost certainly very relieved to be out of there, and... You earned it.

The very next area is a bit of a weird one. Not too hard, although it's a bit long, and it has a pretty tricky gimmick. Not too bad of an area, but not a personal favorite. After Stage 26, 27 starts you off with some simple needle. At this point, the needle itself is starting to get pretty hard, and in particular, I actually disliked the needle in this stage a bit. After you complete 2 rooms of Needle, as if just to make fun of you postmortem, you are now at ANOTHER Rocket room. This time, you don't have to do any theoretical physics... No no, this time, instead of navigating through tight gaps, or racing against a giant "Fuck you" apple, you have a force-field around you. You're in a pretty big room, and there's apples bouncing around everywhere. It's hard to really describe, but simply, anytime an apple enters your field, you have a "combo meter" that builds up slowly. As an apple is in your ring and your combo is building, that apple will fade out, until it completely disappears, and offers no more benefit. You have to get a score of 3000, using only the apples in the room, and your "abilities" with the Rocket. Up until this point in the game, I was mostly fine. Sure, some things were torture (Stage 25 is one I like to look back at for that), but once I hit this mini-game, things got much worse, very fast. In the most recent version of the game, the mini-game is buffed, and made significantly harder. I've already described in great detail how I think that it's a bit rude, as well as just annoying that something like this could be buffed, but oh well. I strongly recommend doing the mini-game on an older version, like 1.2, since it's not completely luck-based there.

Once you complete Stage 27, it seems like you've overcome almost everything there could be, but if only you knew what was to come later... Stages 28 and 29 are fairly unremarkable. They're just needle stages with some weird things here and there. Stage 30 is another very interesting stage, featuring a gimmick called "Fence jumping", although I think it's fair to just also call the gimmick "Minecraft". Basically, when you press up or down, you get bigger or smaller, and depending on your current size, difference fences will be solid. You have to precariously jump from fence to fence, moving back and forth between the background and foreground. It's overall a pretty fun stage, but definitely a hard one for sure. Stage 31 is a pretty mediocre needle area, and at the end, there's this weird memory mini-game that's basically Simon Says, but with a rotating cube.

Once you pass Stage 31, you end up in... 32. This is it. This is basically the very last trial. To start out, there's 5 rooms you have to go through where there's random spikes flying really fast, sort of like another popular game with fast flying spikes. It's just funny luck-grind to go up the 5 rooms, and then, you come to a room with a big stack of blocks. You have to carefully, slowly, and painstakingly push each individual block over one a time, every block, over to the right, until eventually, you have a big staircase, and you can jump to a vine, and proceed. Then, you come to the final obstacle: You have the Ice momentum from Stage 18, and there's these 6 water blocks bobbing up and down. You have to very carefully, and with immense precision, climb up all of these blocks of water, until you make it to the top, where you have to do ONE FINAL hard, scary jump. You've probably been thinking to yourself, "Man, this is a long save", but that's because it is. The entirety of this area is ONLY ONE, SINGLE save. You die once, you start all the way at the bottom. Assuming you played this save absolutely, 100% optimally, I would wager this save STILL takes at least 6, 7 minutes in a winning attempt. This stage can only be described truly as "The Getting Over It of fangames", because that's what it truly feels like.

Once you complete Stage 32, you can relax. You can just take a deep breath. You're not done yet, but you're very, very close. You have 2 more stages left: The first stage uses a gimmick called "Line Kid". You're a perfectly straight vertical bar that can rotate by pressing up or down. (Don't worry though, it's not as bad as Rocket, and actually, I'd say it's kind of similar to Rocket, except you're actually controlling something like the kid as opposed to a tank) Then, Once you complete Stage 33, the very final stage is 2 fairly hard rooms of needle. Once you beat this area... Congratulations. You have finally, after all of your hard work and effort, cleared Morning Dew.

Geo, to some degree, I think you're a bit of an asshole for some of the design choices you made through Morning Dew. The fact that you buffed a Rocket room, and just many other particular things along the way, it boggles my mind. But even so, I can confidently say that Morning Dew is, for sure, one of the most incredible experiences I have had with a fangame, and there are definitely MANY enjoyable things in the game. Towards the end of the game, I was very emotional and ready to be done, although most of that came from just being so mad at the Rocket mini-game. Finishing this game felt like cleansing my soul, and I shed more tears over it than I think I ever have. All in all, it's hard for me to say whether I can recommend Morning Dew to someone. I would say that, if you want the most enjoyable experience, find a way to completely skip Stages 24, 25, and 27. All of the Rocket areas are very, very gruesomely difficult, and not at all like the rest of the game. Otherwise... This game made a grown man cry for almost an hour straight. I recommend it.

P.S. This game's entire soundtrack slaps super hard. I recommend listening to some of it.

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Tagged as: Sideways_Gravity Ice Bubble_2
[23] Likes
Rating: 8.2 82       Difficulty: 87 87
May 12, 2020
(Note: This will be a highly sentimental review, a lot of which won't concretely tell you why you should play this game, but instead why this game means the world to me. This is also a fantastically long review, and for that I have no apologies. Read if you like, ignore if you want)

My mother passed away at the beginning of this year. I was lost and had no idea what to do, no direction, nothing. I wanted more than anything to run away from this life, to be anywhere but here, anyone but myself, to go back in time to a place where I felt better, where I had my mother and was okay. In that way, I suppose I did anything I could to re-kindle the good old days in my heart and mind. I hadn't touched fangames for four years for various reasons, but I spent a lot of my younger years being apart of this community. I made a lot of great memories and had a lot of fun, but one day I just dropped it and didn't return for a long time. That is, until some time in February or March. I don't know what compelled me, but I found myself looking around delfruit, seeing if this community was still alive. Eventually, I found the discord channel and learned that the fangaming community was more than just alive, it was thriving. Doing better than perhaps it ever has. I asked about to figure out what I missed, and I learned about a couple games, none coming up more than... Crimson Needle 3.

Yeah, it's not that poetic. This wasn't the first game I played to welcome myself back into fangames. The first game I played was actually I Wanna be the Vandal, and that was the first game I cleared as well. Incredible game, for sure, one of the best ever made, but that's not what I'm here to discuss. I'm here to talk about Morning Dew. I didn't know anything about it, that it was hyped or who was making it or that it was even going to exist. I just saw it here one day and downloaded it, not knowing what was in store for me. I didn't play for long, though. I got stuck on the screen with moving jump refreshers and moving water and then gave it up. A little bit of time passes and I start watching streams of it, I start hearing discussion about the game, and this one phrase comes up often: "artistic vision." A great deal has been said about that, so I won't defend at length its implementation here, but I'll say that this is what made me want to come back to Morning Dew, all this hub-bub surrounding it. So, I started it up again, and thus began my long, long journey towards today.

It was a slow and difficult peregrination, one that I often felt was too much for me. I would hit stages and think "how will I ever clear this," and then leave the game alone for a few weeks. I would always come back to it, though. Whether it was the minesweeper stage, the ice physics stage, the rocket stage, or fence-jumping, something always made me want to come back no matter how long I hadn't played Morning Dew for. And no matter what, I would always overcome whatever obstacle held me back. It would take forever, I would become hopeless and think that this was it for me, but I would always get through to the next stage. I found myself beating screens that I would never have been able to tackle just months before, clearing whole stages that would have taken me hours and hours in just one hour.

Throughout all my time playing Morning Dew, there was a common thought in my head. Morning Dew feels like a real, living world, a foreign place that has no care for you, wanting not to do you harm nor help you explore its many different lands. There is no malice or kindness here, merely a distinct disregard for you. Despite that, Morning Dew is a vibrant and lively game, one that is totally unique. It has its inspirations, sure, but they feel fresh and special here. There is, genuinely, nothing like Morning Dew, nothing at all that reaches the same heights, nothing that matches its originality. I loved exploring this alien world more than anything I've ever done in games. I didn't mind that there was no welcoming aspect, that Morning Dew would just as soon see me never touch it than play through it dozens of times. I didn't mind because that made it feel honest, not like a game but instead a step into the mind of a creator.

To step into the mind of another human is something that only art allows. That form of pure escapism that allows you to live within the thoughts and emotion of another is totally unique to art. When I listen to my favorite song, I step into another world and everything that hurts simply ceases to exist. Fangames, though a lot of fun, rarely capture my attention in such a way. They do allow me to blow off steam, but almost never do they take my mind off what ails me. In fact, most games in general don't do this, not for long. It is a truly special occasion that I am fully enraptured by a game for hours on end, that I can go an entire day without once remembering why it is I want to escape. Morning Dew did this for me.

I don't believe you should run away from your problems forever, but that people create these little escapes means the world to me. This game wasn't just created for me, no. I imagine the only one he made the game for was himself; yet, this utterly personal game managed to hit me in a way that no other game has. Somehow, MorningDew feels like a deeply private conversation between some other person and I about nothing at all. I'm sure you've had one of those talks, one that manages to be both personal and yet totally general, lasting for hours and going on into the night. Perhaps you're discussing your life and all that's happened, but it doesn't feel like you're complaining or trying to blow off steam, but that it's just a mere discussion of your and their life. These discussions exist outside of life, outside of time and all that ages you, but you can still see into it and remember what hurts without being affected.

It is a bit contradictory to describe the game as such, I'll admit. How can a world feel foreign and as if it doesn't care for you, but then feel like the sort of conversation that you only have a couple times in your life? Truth is, I don't really know. I don't know how to rationalize these two beliefs, but I stand by both of them. I feel as if they are both the truth whether or not they go against each other.

In short, I love this game. I think it is perfect in every way. The soundtrack, the visuals, the gameplay, the very way in which it is laid out, there is not a thing wrong with Morning Dew. If you think you want to play it, go for it, and if you don't want to, feel free to completely ignore this game. I don't think everyone should play it because it's not for everyone and that's okay. This journey was special to me and I don't think anyone else will experience it in just the way I did and I don't care about that because it was MY journey. I am glad I was able to get some escape from my life with Morning Dew. It didn't make my problems go away, nor did it give me new insight into them, but it allowed me a break from them, and that's all I asked for.

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Tagged as: Needle Gimmick Long
[22] Likes
Rating: 10.0 100       Difficulty: 88 88
Oct 14, 2020
I'm mostly basing this rating on the level design. This game has a lot of good concepts, but I feel like the creator always takes these concepts to the extreme. I understand you were going for a difficult game, but I don't think the whole game should retain the level of intensity you take these gimmicks to. All the timed segments must be done to perfection, with little to no mistakes being made, and combined with a gimmick, made it frustrating at times. I would have liked to enjoy it more, but unfortunately as the game progressed there were more and more little things I didn't care for. I do think though that this is the most creative game I've seen in a long time, and I enjoy the artistic approach you took on it.

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[15] Likes
Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 88 88
May 18, 2020
Game with incredibly cool concepts, generally really good artistic vision, and an immaculate soundtrack, largely tainted by who the maker was. Used to love it, but now I can't say I want anything to do with it anymore.

Really disappointing that things had to be this way.

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[14] Likes
Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
May 15, 2020
so, this game was interesting, but i have some stuff to say about it.

Needle at all is good, i really liked the needle screen, like, most of the game is really fun. But this game is way to far from being a good game.

there's a few screens that are literally a piece of shit, like: most of cbt stage, rocket kid race save, getting over it last screen, slow bullet last screen, etc...

And yeah, like, that's not so many stuff considering that the game is really long and it has a lot of fun stuff, but when you play those screens you just want to stop playing and never open the game again. basically i mean that the bad screens are really really bad, and it destroy the game.

And speaking about bad saves i want to mention rocket kid race and getting over it last screen:

so, getting over it last screen is one of the most boring screens i have played in fangames. And rocket kid race is the second worst thing i have played in fangames. (i dont mean this in difficulty stuff.

I liked some gimmicks, but the bad stuff in this game is just so fucking bad that it cannot be fixed.

so, in my opinion, this game is a proof that original stuff isnt the same than good stuff.

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Tagged as: Adventure Needle Gimmick
[12] Likes
Rating: 3.1 31       Difficulty: 78 78
Nov 24, 2021