Panasonic Bluray

Creator: KittyGame

Average Rating
8.7 / 10
Average Difficulty
52.6 / 100
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Adventure (23) Needle (22) Avoidance (18) Gimmick (18) Boss (14) Story (4) x_Floor (9) x_Floors (1) Art (1) Quiz (2) Beginner_Friendly (1) HHGregg (5) Council_approved (2) needleventure (2) production_value (1)


  • by KittyGame
  • by KittyGame
  • by KittyGame
  • by KittyGame
  • by KittyGame

Creator's Comments:

KittyGame [Creator]
Version 1.05A with Yoshi Fart SFX by dono (has debug on):

GMS1.4 Source Code:

Message me on Discord if you have question about anything and everything regarding this game. 6527kg

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Tagged as: Adventure Needle Avoidance Gimmick Boss HHGregg
[3] Likes
Rating: N/A       Difficulty: 55 55
Feb 9, 2021

74 Reviews:

Raged at 47 but cool and unique game

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Rating: 9.0 90       Difficulty: N/A
Feb 10, 2021
All in all this is a wonderful adventure game. It starts off pretty easy but kicks up in difficulty a lot in the later half of the game. I enjoyed pretty much all of the needle, it flowed well and wasn't really too frustrating minus a jump or two. Boss fights were fairly interesting and had a lot of variety, and I enjoyed most of them. The story is fairly simple, but it was a nice touch.

The only things I really disliked were some of the attacks in the final boss, but it wasn't anything too bad. The floor 40 boss also kinda sucked because rather than being a quiz it really just boils down to a memory game A lot of people are mentioning the floor 60 boss being too difficult, but I personally didn't find it too bad, and even then it'll be getting a nerf in the day one patch.

All in all I would definitely recommend playing this game if you're in the mood for a nice, chill adventure game.

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Tagged as: HHGregg
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Rating: 9.0 90       Difficulty: 60 60
Feb 9, 2021
After the nerfs to floor 60 I can now say, good game.

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Rating: 8.5 85       Difficulty: 55 55
Feb 9, 2021
(review as of release version)

Panasonic Bluray is an adventure game structured as an x_floor game, with 8 stages consisting of 9 platforming screens and a boss. Aside from the change in visuals and theme between stages, each of them brings up a few unique and simple gimmicks introduced in the first half and then combined in the second half to create varied yet never overwhelming platforming. The needle wrought together around this gimmick concoction is great and complementary to it, getting easier around new and unfamiliar gimmicks while ramping up on the simpler and familiar ones to create a difficulty curve that feels very smooth (with the exception of the 40s that make for an abrupt minor difficulty spike). The bosses for the most part constitute of 2 "layers" of attacks, with one major attack out of a big pool happening on an interval, complemented by either an ongoing passive attack or a small minor attack that ties the major ones together. All of the bosses without exception have been a joy to play, and all felt extremely fair and appropriate in difficulty.

Unfortunately, there were a couple of downsides that I feel are worth mentioning: While I have not docked points for it since I was informed it would be patched soon, the avoidance represents the biggest difficulty spike in the game with attacks that involve extremely fast moving projectiles and can feel like a lucky unfair grind. Another, smaller issue I had was the quiz, that for the most part devolved into a guess-and-then-memorize-the-answer task. I would recommend that you look past these and continue, as the rest of the content is well worth it.

Overall a great adventure game on the easy side with comfortable needle & bosses and a huge amount of care and production. Would definitely recommend.

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Tagged as: Adventure
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Rating: 8.6 86       Difficulty: 55 55
Feb 9, 2021
Tagged as: Needle Beginner_Friendly needleventure production_value
[1] Like
Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 61 61
Sep 7, 2023