Seventh V

Creator: voraciousreader

Average Rating
7.2 / 10
Average Difficulty
67.5 / 100
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Needle (2) Avoidance (3) Gimmick (2) Puzzle (1) VVVVVV (1) Gravity (1) Cycle (1)


  • by voraciousreader
  • by voraciousreader
  • by voraciousreader
  • by voraciousreader
  • by voraciousreader
  • by voraciousreader

Creator's Comments:

voraciousreader [Creator]
Version 1.2 changelog
-Miscellaneous nerfs in almost every stage
-Added sound effect, changed sprite in Viridian stage
-Darker backgrounds in several stages
-Remade saves in multiple stages
-Removed multiple skips in several stages
-Removed unnecessary vflips in Venetian stage, final stage

A spiritual successor to I Wanna Step Outside the Needle, Seventh V consists of several gravity themed stages, each with a mini-avoidance at the end. Enjoy!

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Tagged as: Needle Avoidance Gimmick Puzzle VVVVVV Gravity Cycle
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: 65 65
Apr 12, 2023

5 Reviews:

A needle game highly focused around gravity flipping. It's probably voraciousreader's most ambitious and creative production yet by a good margin. Unfortunately, at least for me, it was also the least fun by the same margin.

It has a lot of good parts, but unfortunately is countered by a sizable amount of bad parts throughout.

Production wise, its mostly good. I found the some of the tilesets (especially the red tileset and the initial tileset) quite busy and hard to look at, but not necessarily problematically so. I'd tend to think dimmer backgrounds and better contrast would've helped here. Music was chill and fit well enough to the game, and sound production did what it needed to do, with audio cues for most important actions (though I'd certainly recommend fixing the renex engine vine sound, its just awful).

The bosses were a nice pacebreaker, but weren't without their flaws. The pink one in both segments felt quite non-interactive, where few things really threaten you but you don't necessarily have a play if they do. Typically though, they did well in utilizing the stage gimmick in a way to make a short avoidance around, but 30 seconds is a long time for a single attack and the fact that none of them were actually 30 seconds tends to just feel bad for the player with no advantage, as every avoidance would continue for a little bit afterwards (not just killers not despawning, but attacks continuing, and frequently would have a 'finishing attack' that happens well after). Just kind of feel bad moments for the players that has no reason to be there - just actually show the correct timer - and unfortunately is not the only instance of this in the game.

The platforming is the bulk of the game, and unfortunately, its a mixed bag. It probably should've been a warning sign when the game starts off with a terrible, tedious and overused first save that there were going to be issues, but nonetheless. Every stage had its high points - some more than others, but most of them had way too many low points to not generally feel bothersome along the way. I appreciate the creativity and really exploring the gimmicks, which it did a lot of, but much of it was not in a fun or engaging way. A huge problem is the game is much harder than advertised (feels like a typical case of maker blindness where they get used their own gimmicks and don't fully realize the difficulty, but that's just speculation), but much of the difficulty comes in bad ways. Firstly, gravity gimmicks I find tend to benefit from having big open spaces - this game has very little of these, but rather has lots of short, precise saves in small tight areas. Because of the precision, even as you're getting used to the gimmick, most segments end up having a very specific set of inputs (which the game leans heavily on complicated inputs) that it feels like you're just learning a pattern each time rather than really just playing with it. There's also just a ton of segments where it feels like extra obstacles are thrown in to use up all the space, making it feel even further cramped and sluggish to progress through. Toggle spikes or the flip blocks and such that are setup to force additional, uninteresting actions is an example of this, or random invisible bullet blockers in the stage with shooting so the player just gets screwed for no reason. All these questionable design decisions really just pile up to dampen the experience and are just feel bad moments for the player.

Ultimately, its playable, but its way more frustrating than it had any right to be. If you like gravity gimmicks, there's definitely a lot of creativity to be found. Ultimately, I'd hope that the ambition and the creativity shown here goes through a bit more filtering to make for better gameplay in the future.

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Tagged as: Needle Avoidance Gimmick
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Rating: 6.4 64       Difficulty: 70 70
Apr 15, 2023
Review based on ver 1.2

It's really an odd one because I cannot but being impressed at the efforts and at all gimmicks, but it suffers from a very rough level design. Overall, there are a lot of places where it's too hard/tight for its own and if some stages are more bearable than some others (shoot stage and vkid stages), some becomes more frustrating than fun (green/blue/orange blocks) which is sad considering the creativity behind. The avoidance were either very whatever or unfun, the last one is particularly not enjoyable.

I originally dropped the game when I tried it in ver 1.1 (mainly because of green/blue/orange stage), I don't know how much it was changed but I firmly believe that it would still have beneficit from being easier/more lenient in a lot of places because it clearly had the potential to be one of the greatest needle from the past few years.

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Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 70 70
Apr 24, 2024
Great game involving lots of gravity flipping, each stage having its own different way to go about the concept.

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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: 65 65
Apr 12, 2023
Tagged as: Avoidance
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Apr 12, 2023