I Wanna Get Cultured 2

Creators: Pieceofcheese87, Paragusrants, Klazen108

Average Rating
9.1 / 10
Average Difficulty
71.8 / 100
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Adventure (5) Needle (8) Avoidance (8) Gimmick (7) Medley (25) Boss (10) Long (11) Story (4) Meme (4) Collab (3) SourPls (1) Sideways_Gravity (1)


  • by AlextheTroller
  • by AriesAn
  • by Paragus
  • by AlextheTroller
  • by AthgieninOr98a
  • by AlextheTroller
  • by AlextheTroller
  • by Person4566

Creator's Comments:

Bob [Creator]
Current Version: 1.5

“I Wanna Get Cultured 2” is the sequel to the well known medley fangame from the western community.
Over 2 years in the making, Culture 2 builds upon the success of the original by massively expanding the game concept, dramaticaly increasing the production value, and an increase in challenge.

The development team led by Pieceofcheese, Paragusrants, and Klazen have scoured the western fangame community and recruited some of the most talented game makers to come together for this massive new production.

Culture 2 is a full length medley fangame that features the following:

* 50+ fangame references of games from the global community
* Real full length boss encounters!
* Dozens of rooms of unique guest content from the western fangame community makers!
* Dozens of optional rooms featuring a variety of content!
* Tons of secrets to discover and unlockables including outfits, death effects, saves, and more!
* Achievement System!
* Robust in-game menu system to keep track of your progress and discoveries!
* Multiple unlockable game modes including a revamped Bifficult hard mode, Gimmick Mode, and more!
* Multiple Endings!
* An epic tale of the ages that continues where the original game left off that is sure to touch your heart!

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[20] Likes
Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Sep 6, 2016

105 Reviews:

In my eyes this was an amazing game with one substantial flaw (which I'll get to). Production value is great, with a very full featured (especially in the world of fangames) menu system, customization options and effects as well as a simple and amusing enough story.

The stages themselves are very good and the general game flow and difficulty curve felt great. Screen picks seemed very fitting and the team definitely did a good job of using the medley license to smooth out some rough edges, which was great to see. There's tons of variety in gimmicks - most of which were quite interesting - and despite the sheer amount of different mechanics in the game, they seemed well tested and few issues arose.

There's a ton of content and getting back and forth between things is mostly pretty easy (the hub could've been better designed and more compact, imo, but that's a small thing) to allow you to mix it up if you're feeling burnt out or stuck.

The part that really hurt it for me was the (required) bosses and unfortunately for the most part this felt like it got worse as the game went on. Obviously much of this is personal preference but I felt like for the most part the boss encounters felt a bit dragged out and too long. This wasn't entirely related to duration, as boss 1 and 5 felt to best to me and they weren't particularly shorter but the other ones felt like they had phases which were just thrown in to toss random crap at the player (and yea, to some extent thats the tradition of medley game bosses) and I felt like that hurt the experience. I found the optional bosses to be more coherent encounters and would've much preferred that style in the game proper. I think as a warning to those who are not big fans of long bosses, the story bosses tended to not be very enjoyable.

Going over a few design decisions related to that as well:
Boss 2 - I know the Solgryn mechanic is well known but I feel like a lifebar similar to in the final encounter could go a long way to smoothing it out. Pertaining to the above point - the potion tossing frog thing (no idea if its a reference to something) felt like a total waste.
Boss 4 - This felt like a prime example of just random crap happening. Individually the phases were fine but it felt disjointing.
Final Boss - Besides feeling *way* too long which is of course just an opinion, I felt there was a lot of questionable design decisions here and note that they all came near the end of a phase. Phase 2 second biff sequence - the transition to the falling phase felt really awkward because the expectation is undoubtedly that the player would be using their double jumps to position themselves around the projectiles and between spikes and while the last drop between spikes is not hard by any means, the fact that suddenly you don't have a double jump being a sudden change of rules that the player is unknowing of leaves a bad taste when you do die to it purely because you expected it to be there. Plus the sudden change in horizontal speed. Phase 3 second biff phase, the pentagram lasers felt like an instagib that the player definitely could've been given some notice about.

In summary, I'd say 10/10 platforming experience, 7/10 boss experience with tons of bonus stuff on the side to keep the game great. Best area I think is probably Klazen's guest stage, worst imo was the unknown world challenge which unfortunately was probably the longest of them too. Definitely a tremendous effort and a great result, easily recommendable to anyone despite those issues because in the end there's such an impressive swathe of content that everyone will find something to enjoy about it. Edit with 1.5 polishing off a few of the lingering issues.

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Tagged as: Adventure Medley
[6] Likes
Rating: 9.0 90       Difficulty: 73 73
Sep 15, 2016
Засовывать нидл вставки в босса это плохая идея. Особенно если они на время. ОСОБЕННО ЕСЛИ ИХ ДВЕ ЗА ЧЕКПОИНТ.

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[5] Likes
Rating: 9.5 95       Difficulty: 70 70
Jun 22, 2018
I am now a part of a meme. Shoutouts to paragusrants ☜-(•◡•)/

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[5] Likes
Rating: 8.5 85       Difficulty: 68 68
Sep 7, 2016
You can play as a freaking chair!!! 10/10

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[5] Likes
Rating: 10.0 100       Difficulty: 65 65
Sep 4, 2016
Rated R for retarded

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[5] Likes
Rating: 9.9 99       Difficulty: 65 65
Sep 3, 2016