I wanna be the Pendulum

Creator: dagger

Average Rating
8.9 / 10
Average Difficulty
67.3 / 100
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Adventure (7) Needle (1) Avoidance (3) Trap (4) Gimmick (2) Boss (1) Long (4) Puzzle (2) Visual_Challenge (1) Rhythm (1) Undertale (1) Lovelive (1) Destination (1) VVVVVV (1) SourPls (1) domu_game (1) Orbit (1) Yumenikki (1) :tf: (1)


  • by Anonymous
  • by Anonymous
  • by NightShark115
  • by NightShark115
  • by NightShark115
  • by Anonymous
  • by NightShark115
  • by dagger
  • by NightShark115
  • by Anonymous
  • by Anonymous
  • by Anonymous

23 Reviews:

Maybe I just got unlucky doing world 4'o'clock and 3'o'clock first, but this was unbearable. In the mega man section, you cling to walls even when you are on the floor, which leads to some very frustrating maneuvering. The needle trap section with Ricky Martin...the timing for some traps is needlessly tight, and the repeated Rickie Martin punishment rooms that make you lose level progress is only funny the first time. Lost all motivation to play further, hopefully the other levels are better than this. Normally, I enjoy trap and medley, but something felt unrefined in execution.

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Rating: 2.5 25       Difficulty: 50 50
Oct 20, 2020
The amount of content is astonishing, such an amazing game.

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Rating: 9.5 95       Difficulty: 75 75
Sep 22, 2020
outstanding adventure game with so so many ideas, really worth a play

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Rating: 9.5 95       Difficulty: 69 69
Dec 3, 2021
Rating based on normal mode, I did not go for all achievements or the extra content.

Pretty long sized adventure game with 12 stages where every stage is centered around a certain game or gimmick. Every stage features 3 achievements: One that gets unlocked by default after you beat the boss, and two that are hidden somewhere in the stage. If you missed an achievement after you beat an stage it displays an hint where to find that achievement on the achievement menu. The game also has an easy mode for less experienced players which makes the platforming and bosses slightly easier and a normal mode which makes the game harder while also being able to unlock post-game content once you beat the game. If you beat the game on easy mode and you want to play the extra bosses you can actually play them by switching to normal mode on the options menu.

The main gimmick of the game is the clock in the clock tower: It lets you select the stage by moving the hands in the clock, and everytime you advance the clock by one hour it selects the next stage. This makes the game non-linear because you get to choose which stages you want to do first, and if you beat a stage it gets represented by a star under the clock where you change the time.

I was a big fan of every stage except the rhythm stage, with some stages like the Portal, Orbit, the train and Yoshi's Island stages being the coolest stages I've ever played in a fangame. The reason why I find the rhythm stage an exception to this is that I find the stage to be extremely unfitting to the rest of the game, because it forces you to learn a gimmick that has nothing to do with fangames other than dagger liking that particular series and expects you to be good at it from the get go. While it does give you a minigame for every part that shows up in the boss, the score you need to get to beat every minigame is super strict. Thankfully if you already have experience you can just go to the boss of the stage right away, but you'll still need to get good at the stage if you are going for all the achievements. Once you beat all the stages, you get access to the final stage where the game does become linear because there is only one ending. Every screen is a throwback of the stages you've gone through before, but all the screens are new.

I hated 80% of the bosses in this game, because they rely on the player to be lucky instead of requiring extra skill. How it usually goes is that the boss itself is well designed but the waiting time for the next attack to show up is close to non-existant, so the game wants you to beat the previous attack while simultaneously throwing the next attack at you while you are doing the previous one. The worst contenders for me because of this were the ghost in the sewer stage, Poniko and especially the last phase of the final boss which took me over an hour to beat. There are no indications on the Kirby attack so it just picks a random direction to spawn at so there's the chance that it just spawns on the top of your head for no reason. The star attack happens completely at random too and it can interfere with other attacks so if you get stuff like the lasers or the 5 circles you are pretty much done for. It just becomes a big mess to grind and the phase itself lasts over a minute if you consider the time you are shooting the boss. The final boss itself is amazing, but I just disliked the last phase a lot.

After you defeat the final boss the game does not end there: You'll need to escape the tower by backtracking through every screen in the final stage, with the addition of a timer that counts from 15 minutes to 0. Most of the platforming is the same as how you would normally do it, but some of the screens have been altered. It's not that hard and you'll likely do it on your first try, and thank god the Portal screen didn't have it's puzzle reset. It's the perfect mix of tension and frustration that come from the way you have to get to the exit of each screen, so naturally I was a big fan of this part of the stage. After you escape the game finally ends.

If you beat the game on normal mode you get access to some extra bosses, but since I didn't like most of the bosses of the game I did not go for them. They're all buffed bosses that come from dagger's previous games. It's required for 100% but I only hunted down some of the achievements but not all of them.

While I liked most of the content of this game, I don't think normal mode was balanced enough to make the game be fun. All the ideas are there, but the bosses suffered the hardest because of it. Unfortunately you only get to beat the extra bosses on normal mode, but if you don't care about beating them then I'd recommend beating the game on easy mode. The rating I gave the game is only for normal mode, but if I went for easy mode instead I know I would have given the game a way higher rating than this so don't let this be a turndown for you.

Play on easy mode if you want a overall better experience, or play on normal mode if you are in the mood to grind the harder bosses and unlock the post-game content.

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Tagged as: Adventure Needle Avoidance Trap Gimmick Boss Long Puzzle
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Rating: 6.5 65       Difficulty: 70 70
Feb 14, 2021
If you're going to beat the avoidance in-game, I highly recommend to play on original (at least on 10HP), because the easy mode is heavily nerfed, being another galaxy type of level.

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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Aug 2, 2020