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On a big journey to clear all A-rated fangames on Geezer's List
I like to be positive, I love fangames!
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I changed for the better. After being hurt by others, and after hurting others, I learnt what love and what forgiveness are, and I want to spread happiness in the world.
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233 Reviews
For: I Wanna Be The GBC
For: Neo Needle Buffet
Before I get into that, I would recommend to change the gravity flip settings if you want to play that area for whatever reason, because the default makes it not very fun to play and it's much more bearable with either of the other 2 settings.
The unlock area is a cute concept, and while it comes as fast as it goes, I always appreciate stuff like this, but I won't factor it into the rating personally, but they paths to unlock the stages are nice appetizers for the buffet, which you can consume in any order you like.
Vierandice's area is by far the easiest and honestly features needle that is smooth, if a little bland for the game's average presentation. In a game like this, your stage, if it has not many gimmicks, will kind of not stand out. That being said, The atmosphere is very nice, and the needle is quite fun by my tastes and the main standout is it's atmosphere.
Vierandice: 7.5/10 55/100
Near's area is not to my liking. I'm sorry. I didn't enjoy it because it's more bland than Vier's area, and it is not visually interesting, being just celeste sprites without doing anything related to celeste itself. The only positive I can highlight is that the death sound mirrors the theme of the stage. Celeste can offer a lot to do, and your needle doesnt need to be particularly innovative to be good, but c'mon, the theme was handed on a silver platter.
Near: 4.5/10 60/100
Synthasmagoria's area uses your falling speed in many creative ways, I love the atmosphere and theming of it, it is quite excellent. It is definitely made with a specific vision in mind and as such I have to appreciate it. The way everything gets smaller is particulary fascinating. Incredibly well designed.
Synthasmagoria: 9.5/10 65-70/100
Randomchaos's area is... well, it exists. It's needle. It's pretty nice I guess. I really don't have anything to say about it, I enjoyed it, but I just don't remember playing it that much.
Randomchaos: 6.5/10 70/100
Bummerman's area is my least favorite in the game and it's no wonder why looking at how the layouts look, how it plays and just feels. It feels like a save with a fun movement at all is the exception, and I don't want to stay here too long, every save has a slew of issues that I could write endlessly about but I'm not going to bother. I would just recommend skipping.
Bummerman: 3/10 75/100
Gab's area has such a fascinating gimmick. The gimmick itself is used in so many ways that strain your brain in the good way at least for me. The timed segments forced you to be quite creative, and I like that. The stage could easily have suffered from a lot of issues, but the general design and the way everything is laid out makes the stage extremely fun to engage in and I am a huge fan of the last save particularly, it is such a fine balance and the surprise at the end is very fun and shows me that the person who made this had tons of fun with it.
Gab: 9.5/10 70-75/100
Roaka's area is the absolute standout. It's not even close, this is my favorite area in the game and I recommend it to anyone who enjoys silly cycles at all. It's such a genuine love letter to games like noesis and charr. The unique usage of water, the vibe of the area, its all such a blast. Every save is so unique, so fun, and I find it very cozy to play through at my skill level too, so it's incredibly welcome. If I had a hundred games with quality like this stage, I would be happy forever.
Roaka: 10/10 75-80/100
Kiyoshi's area is also another standout, though for my tastes it is my second favorite. That being said, I love it just as much, as it's movements are captivating, satisfying and will leave you wondering how something was designed like it with seemingly such good care. It is, in my opinion, by far the hardest area in the game, so be wary.
Kiyoshi: 10/10 80-85/100
In conclusion, I greatly recommend this game. It has 10/10 needle in places, and seeing as you do not need to beat all stages to clear it and only 6 as of the update, it is much more approachable. If you're only here to beat the 6, please still stop by Roaka and Kiyoshi's area, they are great and you will not regret playing them if you're in the mood to challenge yourself.
The average I came to from the 6 best was 8.8~/10, but given as Roaka and Kiyoshi's areas are particularly worth playing, I will bump it up to 9. The experience of 100%, however, is more along the lines of 7/10 and 82/100, so be warned.
For: Soulless Hard Mode
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