I Wanna be the RO

Creator: Wolfiexe

Average Rating
9.1 / 10
Average Difficulty
69.7 / 100
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Needle (18) Gimmick (16) Boss (15) Trigger (16) SourPls (1) Rukito-like (3) catJAM (1)


  • by Chyeri
  • by Wolfiexe
  • by Chyeri
  • by Arle17
  • by Wolfiexe
  • by Wolfiexe

Creator's Comments:

Wolfiexe [Creator]
Current version 1.25 (as of 6th Mar 2021)

RO is a trigger needle game featuring a multitude of stages and a couple of bosses! It began primarily as a Rukito-inspired game, but strayed away from that a little as development went on into different ideas, and as it is I'd say it's a weird hybrid of Rukito-style/Vandal/something else. I put a lot of time and effort into refining the game and making it as fun as I could for the style I went for, so hopefully people have a good time with it!

Update note: As of v1.2, the game has a few different difficulty warps! But please note all they do is remove save points. No platforming is changed in any way. There is a ever-so-slightly different clear screen though if you're hunting for some style points.

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Tagged as: Needle Gimmick Boss Trigger
[10] Likes
Rating: N/A       Difficulty: 70 70
Mar 5, 2021

49 Reviews:

Visuals: Very good
Gameplay: Very good
Audio: Didn't play with my headset on, but probably very good

Verdict: Very good

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[16] Likes
Rating: 9.8 98       Difficulty: 70 70
Mar 5, 2021
I Wanna be the RO is a Rukito-like with emphasis on the -like rather than the Rukito. Really, the only Rukito elements you'll find here are the various triggers. In every other way, however, RO differs greatly from Rukito's various experiments - this, perhaps, is for the best. Rukito's genre is one that belongs to the classic era rather than the modern, though not in a disparaging sense. What point is there to further expand on something already perfected before? Funnily enough, I don't know that anyone has ever made a Rukito-like that really reminded me of his own games. They're always far too clean and kind, whereas something like MMM or RZ is anything but clean or kind, but then that is how you can really differentiate between the modern era of fangames and the old. Production value and whatnot, aside, the very feeling of a 2020 fangame versus a 2012 fangame is so completely different as to be essentially two separate things. This comes from the fact that makers in general are just getting better at what they do. As people make better games, others learn from these better games and in term make - wouldn't you know it, better games! We lift each other up every time any one of us makes a great game, whether through inspiration or innovation. As the years go by, we gradually sharpen our swords on the whetstone of Time and come to know more about our weapon, learn more and more how to use it in satisfying and enjoyable ways. I Wanna be the RO, in my humble opinion, shows us just how sharp that blade of ours has come to be.

Though it may be unnecessary to say at this point, Wolfie is perhaps the greatest maker in our community right now, barring a couple who made games personally meaningful to me. No one has their consistency, their adept understanding of what feels good to play, their heart and soul, no one. When you play a Wolfie game, you can feel the genuine love they put into their work, something that separates the good games from the truly brilliant ones. I believe it is truly impossible for them to turn out something uninspired because they simply don't have it in them to do something so insulting as that. Though RO is not their peak (I am unsure of if they've even created their best work by this point in time), it certainly is one of the best things they've ever made.

Now then, on the game itself. RO plays around beautifully with a concept we've all known and loved (or hated) for a long time, triggers. In one of the many differences between the modern and old, however, they are utilized in a fashion that accentuates maneuverability and the satisfaction of any given jump rather than as to merely add a movement or two to the save. This is something that, in recent times, has become more and more popular of a design choice, and one that I believe defines the very positive direction needle design is taking, in terms of the less abstract and more game-y sides of design. Though this is the largest feature of RO, each stage also sets out to meditate on a novel or well-known gimmick and take it to its natural limit, succeeding in every single attempt. My personal favorite stages, though it really doesn't matter which I call my favorites as they're all equally spectacular, would have to be Space, Time, and Mirage - that is, the entire latter-half of the game. Of these, I believe Time is where the trigger aspect of the game is taken to its quality limit, Space the gimmick aspect, and Mirage the overall limit. Time in particular has a standout save to cap off the stage, being a sort of chase where you push back a wall of cherries following you with various triggers in your path. This, I believe, will be the standout save for most people that play this game - and I hope desperately that it inspires every budding maker who plays through RO.

Wolfie also experiments with bosses in RO, succeeding somewhat. Of the two bosses, I enjoyed them both more or less the same amount. I think they're well-designed, enjoyable to fight, and more or less act as ways to give more variety to the game overall; however, I would point to them both as the weakest part of the game, through no fault of Wolfie's. I mean, how could they hope to create a boss fight that matches the astonishingly high heights of their needle quality - on their first go, no less? Nonetheless, I do hope this leads to more bosses from Wolfie as I believe he could create something truly special with more work.

I have little else to say, really. RO should be the template of all future needle games - rather, it should be what controls the direction that needle design takes. I believe whatever direction it leads us will be one well worth following.

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Tagged as: Needle Gimmick Trigger
[4] Likes
Rating: 8.7 87       Difficulty: 70 70
Mar 8, 2021
Fantastic Rukito influenced game, it definitely morphs into it's own thing but the influences are obvious and appreciated from someone who likes that style of needle. The triggers are interesting and there's a lot of really cool gimmicks that enhance the needle. The whole game has this sense of flow which is really cool, the highlight of the experience was probably the gravity flipping water, as that gimmick felt super good to master and play around with. There's even some cute jokes all over the game! Definitely recommended for anyone who enjoys some trigger needle.

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[3] Likes
Rating: 9.7 97       Difficulty: 61 61
Aug 22, 2023
I Wanna be the RO is one of the most enjoyable Needle games that I have played due to how much of a divergence it is from normal trigger-heavy design, and from start to finish manages to stay constantly entertaining and refreshing.

The main design of the game functions around the concept of having player triggers and moving object paths visible, and it carries this gimmick throughout the entirety of the game. I think this actually works perfectly in the mix of a Rukito-inspired work as it helps lean into some of the wacky movements without feeling like a lot of traps. Being able to think about movements consciously I am about to make in trigger needle actually felt incredibly interesting, so I definitely support this style and would love to see more. Alongside this main gimmick are additional ones through the stage, such as vines or gravity flippers, but also a couple of quirky ones, such as gravity flipping water or disappearing blocks. In the end, these things come together to form what I think is Wolfie's best needle design style yet, and something I hope continues down the line.

Outside of the Needle are two separate bosses, which to my knowledge is a first from Wolfie. While they are relatively simple and only have a few attacks, I found them to be rather enjoyable since they still manage to be interesting with what they have, and of course, do not have shamble moments like your more traditional Rukito bosses might (the last one is also quite more dashing than them too). A few other great touches come into play as well, such as how Wolfie manages to create an actual connection between the stages using the MacGuffin strategy, or the inclusion of various Easter eggs to find (hints provided in the Read-Me of course). And lastly, the music is just what you'd expect from a Wolfie game, a rightful catJAM with an especially good song in the first boss that has installed itself immediately into my playlist.

Overall, this is definitely well deserving of all the praise it has received, and I would absolutely recommend it if you want to play some really interesting gimmick needle crafted by a master of the trade.

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Tagged as: Needle Gimmick Boss Trigger catJAM
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Rating: 10.0 100       Difficulty: 70 70
Dec 16, 2022
Wolfi always makes such great needle games!
Predictable movement of obstacles is perfect idea for trigger games I love it <3

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[3] Likes
Rating: 9.5 95       Difficulty: 70 70
Mar 16, 2021