News Page

Wannabe of the Month - April 2016

Introducing the real Wannabe of the Month... Wolsk!

A great variety streamer on The Wannabes, Wolsk's stream is the spice of life. With silly Steam games galore, Wolsk's entertaining chat and stream will keep you hooked for hours (he even has scheduled days like Throwback Thursday and Wiki Roulette Friday). On top of that, his fangame skill is sure to impress - all while making sure you are sedated with CatBags and hand-drawn FrankerFaceZ. In fact, you've probably already seen some of his emotes, such as the infamous WolskSellout ... you really should follow him.
So what are you waiting for? now!


-Klazen108, on Apr 2, 2016

Wannabe of the Month - April 2016

This month's featured streamer is ... the ever-famous Kamilia!

Kamilia's desire to produce quality content for the wiki has vastly outdone the Western community's attempts at making anything nearly half as good. Kamilia is known for being involved in the production of the most popular, most liked, and most fun game series known as "Kill the Kamilia" ... 1, 2, and 3! Arguably the best fangame player to ever grace I wanna be the guy games, this multi-talented individual has earned himself a spot on the Wannabe of the Month. In fact, to honor such a tremendous achievement for an incredible player and producer, the following 12 months of this award will go to Kamilia without any contest, effective immediately. You can find him over at, so give him some love!


Yes this is an April fools joke, real WotM coming tomorrow

-Klazen108, on Apr 1, 2016

Wannabe of the Month - March 2016

March's featured streamer is Chronogear!

Quite literally the newest member of the Wannabes, ChronoGear is the March Wannabe of the Month! A MGS lover at heart, Chrono ascended into the spotlight with his widely-viewed YouTube Playthroughs. One thing lead to another, and now he is a fantastic streamer on Twitch with the ever-expanding Wannabes team! He enjoys casual playthroughs of all sorts of fangames, and the occasional RPG or indie game! With great commentary, a welcoming stream, and seriously good looks, is the place to be!


-Klazen108, on Mar 2, 2016

Wannabe of the Month - February 2016 (And More??)

What happens when you double the max bullet count? ... You get TenShots! ...
Bad puns aside, TenShotsTV has earned himself the February Wannabe of the Month! Ten is no stranger to I Wanna Be The Guy and its fangames - he originally had the Glitchless World Record in the original IWBTG! He has also speedran a variety of fangames such as Galaxy, Find My Destiny, and NANG! Throughout this month, Tenshots is working on his own project he has dubbed the "tenKid tour," where he attempts to beat a whole slew of difficult fangames! Come give him some friendly fangame encouragement at!


We've also got another announcement, so read on below!

Every game must have a creator, right? If you're a creator of a game on del-fruit, you can request to be given special "creator" status on the reviews of that game. Each request is hand-spun and placed on a velvet pillow before being given to a moderator for approval or denial. If you are approved as the "verified" creator of a game, you will receive a special "creator" tag on your review of your game, put at the top of the review list, and given a special review color. This is to give you, as a creator, a chance to preview or talk about your game to any potential new players! How do you start this approval process? You can kick it off by reporting a game and mentioning it in the report. Be warned that abusing this feature will lead to account termination - claiming ownership of other people's games is bad manners folks! Also we would like to add that at this time, a game can only be linked to one creator - if you're part of a collaboration, we encourage you to pick one representative creator from your group to maintain the page.

In addition to the creator buff, we're also adding in a version checker for creators to use on their games that are currently listed on del-fruit! Using a fancy, magic-laced program (or for those of you who understand magic, our JSON-based REST API), creators will be allowed to update the version number (and other attributes) that will be reflected on del-fruit, as a way of keeping all of your fans up-to-date on the latest and greatest version of your game. Detailed instructions are available when editing creator comments for any games you own, so you can check there or ask an admin for more details. Of course, you will still need to update your download link on the wiki - we can't control that!

-Klazen108, on Feb 1, 2016

Wannabe of the Month - January 2016

Twitch Plays Guy Games? Slot Machines? Unfinished memes? This can only point to our newest Wannabe of the Month - TheNewGeezer! Known as Geezer throughout the community, he has earned his reputation through his ever-popular fangames like Kill The Guy and Not Another Needle Game! In addition to his fangames, his side-projects have also provided entertainment to his own chat and the community at large, such as his Twitch Plays Guy Games project, where the chat controls the Kid as they try to jump over obstacles! There is also Geezer's slot machines, where the chat tries to score big, or trying. He keeps a live fangame clear count at the top of his stream, and is extremely skilled as a fangame player, so be sure to drop by and give Geezer some love!


-Klazen108, on Jan 1, 2016