News Page

-sunbla, on Feb 28, 2018

Not Another Needle Contest

-sunbla, on Feb 28, 2018

Shortventure Results & BlueFruit Announcement

Hello Del-Fruiters,

Yesterday brought the results of Aronax's Shortventure Contest! If you missed it, entrants were given one month to develop a short adventure game from scratch, and boy were the results great! Congratulations to the top three contestants:

  • MattinJ with I Wanna Be The Knight In Shining Armor
  • Zanto & Sephalos with I Wanna Grow Up
  • Erik with I Wanna End My Growth!

The detailed results are available on the IWC Forums, so head over there for the breakdown.

In more somber news, on November 1st 2017, Likewana closed down the famous Fangame Wiki after seven years of continuous operation. We are honored by his dedication to the cause for all these years, and respect his decision to step away and focus on his other priorities. After having it be a part of our daily life for so long, it's hard to believe it's really gone!

In light of these events, the IWC Development Team has joined forces to create a Fangame submission and management system of our own: BlueFruit! Creators can register an account on Blue and submit new games, update their older games, and remove them if they find fit. If you'd like to learn more about the project, or ask questions, visit the Post on the IWC Forums or contact us on Discord!

-Klazen108, on Nov 11, 2017

October Shortventure Contest!

Hello Del-Fruiters,

This month, a special fangame creation contest has been announced! Aronax is hosting a "shortventure" contest, in which participants have exactly 1 month to create a 10 - 30 minute fangame that would be considered "adventure." Category winners will receive a shout out here on Del-Fruit, and the overall winner gets a $50 prize! The deadline is November 1st, and the games will be rated and released within a week or two afterwards. The theme of the contest is “Growth”, which can be interpreted in many ways, and should inspire a lot of cool fangames. All skill levels are welcome; if you haven’t made or finished a fangame, this is a perfect opportunity to do so!

You can check out all the details on the I Wanna Community Forums. Good luck to all participants! We look forward to some crazy, creative, and fun fangames!

-Klazen108, on Oct 3, 2017

Fangame Summer Feast 2017!

Couldn't get enough of fangame marathon? You're in for a real treat ...

This weekend, starting at 2AM Friday GMT, don't miss the Chinese Fangame Community's Fangame Summer Feast 2017, hosted by Fasf (who you might know as Mlsao_sf). In the same vein as the Fangame Marathon, Summer Feast is a multi-day event dedicated to running fangames by a variety of players. You'll see fangames that were included in our own marathon (including a Butterfly encore by Bootstrap himself!) and you'll find tons of new ones too - and maybe some inspiration for a new speedrun! You can check out the full schedule here, and make sure you bookmark the Bilibili stream!

-Klazen108, on Jul 24, 2017