155 Reviews:
Yes, I approve. Level design is very decent, the difficulty curve is not a curve (it is a perfectly suitable linear function) and although bosses are far from surprising, the experience is worth it, culminating in a very subtle medley experience inviting people to dive further into a world they are yet to discover! There is high replay value for those that want to increase their confidence in making progress faster and the optional harder routes and other hidden routes add to replayability. I certainly recommend this as a first fangame.
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Rating: 6.0 60
Difficulty: 30 30
Sep 10, 2018
This game is good, and definitely beginner friendly. It's unfortunate that the bosses on floors 80 and 100 didn't have as much effort put into them as the rest, but the platforming is solid from start to finish and the final area is pretty awesome.
[1] Like
Rating: 8.0 80
Difficulty: 10 10
Jan 31, 2017
While I agree with Paragus on it being easy enough for beginners, I still wouldn't underestimate the last two bosses and some of the last floors.
Tagged as: x_Floor
[1] Like
Rating: 8.0 80
Difficulty: 30 30
Feb 9, 2015
It is a beginner game but the final boss is not very good..... it ruin for me ;_;
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Rating: 6.5 65
Difficulty: 25 25
Apr 29, 2024