25 Reviews:
- Rating/Difficulty based off 100% achievements completion on Normal. Difficulty would be around 60-65 for a normal playthrough but the difficulty of this game is all over the place regardless.
Very long adventure game with a LOT of variety. Given how varied the stages are it's hard to say much other than you might encounter stages with mechanics you don't like at all, though I didn't have this problem.
This game also has an Easy mode (that you can toggle at any time) which heavily nerfs everything. From what I've checked it removes some of the dumbest stuff in the game which makes some segments that were annoying in Normal much more enjoyable. Examples: On the ship avoidance of stage 1 you get better save placement plus it removes the trap at the end of it. The VVVVVV segment of the final stage has the camera follow you, so you don't have to memorize each screen individually. The puzzle segment of the final stage has a very annoying frame perfect button press that gets removed.
However it also removes some content (some bosses have their harder phases cut for example).
Personally I loved this game, I found most stages to be very interesting and some traps were very amusing, haven't been so invested in a fangame for quite a while. Going for 100% was very fun for me, as I liked going back into the stages to explore them more while trying to find the achievements with the hints given. Another thing I liked about 100% is: The EX Patchouli boss. Buffed version from IWBTPrism's final boss which is a destination-like fight. I had a lot of fun with this boss and it is fair most of the time. Also one of the hardest bosses in the game.
That being said the game does have issues. I felt some saves went on for too long, and it also doesn't help that these long saves also have traps sometimes and they feel very unnecessary. The rng on a few bosses felt like it could've been balanced better and I think that having a tell for what attack is coming next could've alleviated this problem a lot since it would give you time to adjust for the attack coming instead of having to guess.
And while it is optional, I also need to mention the worst part of the game: The EX boss Reika is by far the worst. It's filled with annoying voice clips and the final phase is a horrible rng mess where you just need to pray to not get walled.
In short, while I had a blast playing this game it does have a couple issues that lowered my enjoyement of it a bit. I'm Very glad to see this game completed after all these years.
[6] Likes
Very long adventure game with a LOT of variety. Given how varied the stages are it's hard to say much other than you might encounter stages with mechanics you don't like at all, though I didn't have this problem.
This game also has an Easy mode (that you can toggle at any time) which heavily nerfs everything. From what I've checked it removes some of the dumbest stuff in the game which makes some segments that were annoying in Normal much more enjoyable. Examples: On the ship avoidance of stage 1 you get better save placement plus it removes the trap at the end of it. The VVVVVV segment of the final stage has the camera follow you, so you don't have to memorize each screen individually. The puzzle segment of the final stage has a very annoying frame perfect button press that gets removed.
However it also removes some content (some bosses have their harder phases cut for example).
Personally I loved this game, I found most stages to be very interesting and some traps were very amusing, haven't been so invested in a fangame for quite a while. Going for 100% was very fun for me, as I liked going back into the stages to explore them more while trying to find the achievements with the hints given. Another thing I liked about 100% is: The EX Patchouli boss. Buffed version from IWBTPrism's final boss which is a destination-like fight. I had a lot of fun with this boss and it is fair most of the time. Also one of the hardest bosses in the game.
That being said the game does have issues. I felt some saves went on for too long, and it also doesn't help that these long saves also have traps sometimes and they feel very unnecessary. The rng on a few bosses felt like it could've been balanced better and I think that having a tell for what attack is coming next could've alleviated this problem a lot since it would give you time to adjust for the attack coming instead of having to guess.
And while it is optional, I also need to mention the worst part of the game: The EX boss Reika is by far the worst. It's filled with annoying voice clips and the final phase is a horrible rng mess where you just need to pray to not get walled.
In short, while I had a blast playing this game it does have a couple issues that lowered my enjoyement of it a bit. I'm Very glad to see this game completed after all these years.
Rating: 8.9 89
Difficulty: 70 70
Jul 28, 2020
rating based on 100% clear
this is a really long adventure game with a lot of unique ideas in classic dagger style
throughout the game there are achievements you an go for and should you miss some there are hints given that make it a bit easier to find them.
the rng and learning in some of the extra content is a bit harsh imo but overall the maingame is just insanely well made with barely anything i can think of that wasnt fun.
im personally just really glad that dagger finished this insane project and i still have slight hope this isnt maybe the last thing we see from him!
dont feel like going too much into detail with the review since its most fun if you experience this game for yourself which it is definitely worth to do
[4] Likes
this is a really long adventure game with a lot of unique ideas in classic dagger style
throughout the game there are achievements you an go for and should you miss some there are hints given that make it a bit easier to find them.
the rng and learning in some of the extra content is a bit harsh imo but overall the maingame is just insanely well made with barely anything i can think of that wasnt fun.
im personally just really glad that dagger finished this insane project and i still have slight hope this isnt maybe the last thing we see from him!
dont feel like going too much into detail with the review since its most fun if you experience this game for yourself which it is definitely worth to do
Rating: 9.8 98
Difficulty: 73 73
Aug 2, 2020
An outstanding adventure game, long awaited by the community for ages. From the get-go, the production value is top-notch, the option for an English translation really helps make a difference in the experience in comparison to Dagger's past games, where often you would get lost or put a lot of time into understanding a specific mechanic/gimmick, while it sounds like a very small detail it is an aspect that would throw me off, things are easier to get into no matter how unique and different from the norm it may be in this game. Throughout the whole thing, you can really see Dagger's style shine, the way he implements the themes into both his platforming and his bosses will always impress me, some parts better executed or more creative than others. Which ends up going into the topic of it having so much variety that it may not be for everyone, having around 12 stages be this different from each other are sure to bring that up at some point, but I definetly recommend at least giving it a shot.
The difficulty of the whole thing is a bit weird to really pinpoint, you can choose what stage you want to do in whatever order and depending on the stage you have a few ways to make certain segments easier on you, as well as not being required to do all of it. And so, comes the last stage, probably the only part that bothered me for how hard it is for its' own good, feeling like it went on for too long, some rooms being more precise than it felt it should've been. The bosses were generally the hard part of their respective stages, but even as the quality and difficulty greatly vary between them I still thoroughly enjoyed every one of them, the last one was certainly an unexpected ending to the game, but the checkpoints really helped make it more of a solid experience and balance out the learniness a bit, specially in case you're not familiar with the game it comes from.
Overall, there's an overwhelming amount of content in just one package, and while I loved all of it I can definetly see it not fitting certain people's tastes, but regardless at least some of it is sure to be a hit. I highly recommend most of Dagger's games, not only for how nostalgic they may feel to me but some of them hold up very well to this day, and while this game shows a lot of differences from the previous works a lot of his charm remains, which I greatly appreciate. Everything felt so fun and worth my time, I suggest you try it out in case you haven't as, personally, a fantastic contender for the title of Fangame of the Year, and I hope to see more games in the future that can truly stand up to it.
Thank you very much for making the game and for all the time and effort put into it, Dagger.
The difficulty of the whole thing is a bit weird to really pinpoint, you can choose what stage you want to do in whatever order and depending on the stage you have a few ways to make certain segments easier on you, as well as not being required to do all of it. And so, comes the last stage, probably the only part that bothered me for how hard it is for its' own good, feeling like it went on for too long, some rooms being more precise than it felt it should've been. The bosses were generally the hard part of their respective stages, but even as the quality and difficulty greatly vary between them I still thoroughly enjoyed every one of them, the last one was certainly an unexpected ending to the game, but the checkpoints really helped make it more of a solid experience and balance out the learniness a bit, specially in case you're not familiar with the game it comes from.
Overall, there's an overwhelming amount of content in just one package, and while I loved all of it I can definetly see it not fitting certain people's tastes, but regardless at least some of it is sure to be a hit. I highly recommend most of Dagger's games, not only for how nostalgic they may feel to me but some of them hold up very well to this day, and while this game shows a lot of differences from the previous works a lot of his charm remains, which I greatly appreciate. Everything felt so fun and worth my time, I suggest you try it out in case you haven't as, personally, a fantastic contender for the title of Fangame of the Year, and I hope to see more games in the future that can truly stand up to it.
Thank you very much for making the game and for all the time and effort put into it, Dagger.
Tagged as: Adventure
[3] Likes
Rating: 9.7 97
Difficulty: 68 68
Jul 26, 2020
Without a doubt, one of the if not the best adventure game I've ever seen or played. Right of the bat the game has very high production value, and in general just looks very nice, but there's plenty of games that present themselves rather well that I don't like, so let's get straight to it. As far as adventure game gameplay goes, Pendulum is nearly unrivaled. Across 12 stages, plus an additional final stage, you are thrown a vast array and incredible gimmicks and mechanics, each making a stage feels completely distinct from it's neighbors. You can tackle them in any order, which may be valuable as they range in difficulty quite a bit. The game is just so fun to play though, I found many traps hilarious, and I was just having a great time in basically every stage. If there was a weak point, it's certainly the Yume Nikki stage, but it's still pretty good, and as far as favorite go, Fatal Frame, Orbit, Yoshi's Island, DKC2, and Rhythm Heaven are some of the best things I've experienced in a fangame, and to top all of this off, a brilliant final stage, with one of the most genius final bosses I've seen in a fangame. I can't recommend this game enough, it even has an easy mode if it's too tough for you. Just absolutely phenomenal, and cements Dagger as one of favorite makers ever.
[2] Likes
Rating: 10.0 100
Difficulty: 61 61
Jun 20, 2023
Maybe I just got unlucky doing world 4'o'clock and 3'o'clock first, but this was unbearable. In the mega man section, you cling to walls even when you are on the floor, which leads to some very frustrating maneuvering. The needle trap section with Ricky Martin...the timing for some traps is needlessly tight, and the repeated Rickie Martin punishment rooms that make you lose level progress is only funny the first time. Lost all motivation to play further, hopefully the other levels are better than this. Normally, I enjoy trap and medley, but something felt unrefined in execution.
[2] Likes
Rating: 2.5 25
Difficulty: 50 50
Oct 20, 2020